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Ark (G1)

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The name or term "Ark" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Ark (disambiguation).
The name or term "Autobot Headquarters" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Autobot Headquarters (disambiguation).
Hurry up and get on, will ya? The flood's starting.

The Ark is the name given to the Autobot spaceship that, in many universes, originally carried the Autobot and Decepticon armies to Earth.

The Ark is a Vanguard-class Deep Space Interceptor. It has five decks and houses a full crew complement of 300 Transformers (although it can be flown by only a handful if necessary). Its environment is fully automated and self-sufficient. For engines, it features 4 Hyperfuel Intake Accelerators.

It is armed with 16 particle-combustion cannons (port), 16 laser emitters (starboard), a primary starfield missile launcher, and an Overshock sonic battery.



Marvel Comics continuity

Marvel The Transformers comics

Events from the UK-only comic stories are in italics.
The comic version of the ship tends to have a more squared-off look to it and is frequently (though not always) shown as being a metallic silver. It has a main computer designated Aunty and a number of ancillary shuttlecraft.
The Ark as it first appeared in the Marvel Comics.

The Ark was "the last of the great arks." Raiders of the Last Ark It is also referred to as the most powerful starship in Cybertron's history, and control of it was considered a huge tactical advantage.

It was launched to clear a path for the wandering planet Cybertron through an asteroid field. When this was done and her reserves depleted, the Decepticons attacked and boarded her. Hoping to end the threat of Megatron forever, Optimus Prime purposely crashed the ship into the passing planet Earth. The Ark crashed into Mount St. Hilary, a volcano located a small distance outside of what would one day become Portland, Oregon. The Transformers

After the crash, some of the Ark's systems still functioned, and when they detected the Decepticon Shockwave making planetfall, the ship revived five of her Autobot crew and rebuilt them into the Dinobots. Upon the disappearance of these warriors in their attempt to destroy Shockwave, the Ark shut itself down. Repeat Performance!

At no point in the comics does it explain why it rebuilt the Dinobots based on the dominant organic life, and yet it could only assimilate mechanical life in 1984.

Four million years later, Mount St. Hilary erupted, jarring the ship back to life. It revived and, unable to distinguish Autobot from Decepticon or to detect organic life (clearly it had suffered additional malfunctions since creating the Dinobots), it revived both sides to transform into the machines it perceived as the planet's dominant lifeforms.

The Ark became the Autobots' main base of operations on Earth. The Transformers

The Ark during the Matrix Quest.

The Ark constructed five new Transformer bodies. Wheeljack installed within them the minds of five Autobot warriors, which were encoded in crystals before the Autobots left Cybertron. Rock and Roll-Out!

During Grimlock's first term as Autobot leader, he had the ship repaired Used Autobots and returned to space. Child's Play The Ark served as a base of operations of sorts for the various search parties during the Matrix quest. Matrix Quest The Creation Matrix was eventually found by Thunderwing, but it had been corrupted by evil and began controlling Thunderwing's actions. Thunderwing was granted access to the Ark while aboard a shuttle stolen from Grimlock's search party. Once aboard, the corrupted Creation Matrix fought the Autobots through his vessel, Thunderwing, who was beating everyone up until Nightbeat harpooned him with the shuttle and opened the cargo bay doors. The shuttle, Thunderwing, and the Creation Matrix were ejected into space. All Fall Down

The Ark as it appeared late in the original Marvel run.

The Ark hung around near Earth for a time, until it was abandoned in orbit when Primus teleported all nearby Transformers back to Cybertron to face Unicron. Out of Time! It was recovered by the Dinobots and flown to Cybertron to engage Unicron. The Void! Grimlock, being the master of tactics that he is, physically rammed Unicron with the powerfully armed starship, which was then abandoned and crashed on Cybertron. On the Edge of Extinction! It was recovered this time by Shockwave and Starscream, who repaired it and took it to Earth to conquer that planet with it. Still Life! This plan was foiled by Galvatron, Megatron and Ratchet crashing the party. Their battle caused the ship to crash to Earth again, this time into the Canadian wilderness. A Savage Circle

Crew of the Ark
Aunty, their computer system
Inter-Autobot radio
Ratchet's repair bay
The Ark's altar

The Ark's original crew in the comics included all of the 1984 Autobots, the Dinobots, Red Alert (in the UK), the recorded mental engrams of most of the other 1985 Autobot cars, and Toaster.

The crew of the Ark consisted of:

Generation 2

Hasbro fueled their G2 neon rampage by draining the Ark of all its color for their own purposes.

The Ark was recovered and repaired by Megatron, Realignments who attempted to take it back to Cybertron and conquer that planet with it. This was foiled by Fortress Maximus and Spike Witwicky, who sacrificed their lives to cause an anti-matter explosion that finally destroyed the great ship. All or Nothing!


Classics continues from the Marvel US series, and does not include the UK stories or any subsequently published stories.
Since it crashed 15 years ago, it's rounded itself off and grown another rocket port.

Megatron took command of the Ark, but apparently kept it (with Ratchet on ice, and Shockwave's head in a jar) as his new headquarters on Earth. The ship played host to the visiting Decepticons led by Bug Bite, and a subsequent battle between the Decepticons as well as a party of invading Autobots, who destroyed its computers. Games of Deception

Regeneration One

In the realm of Zero Space, someone witnessed the Ark crashing on Earth in the planet's prehistoric era and its second crash in the planet's twentieth century. Counterpoint During the second crash, Galvatron was thrown from the ship and wound up buried in the ice of Yukon in stasis lock after a battle with Fortress Maximus. Loose Ends, Part 5 To save his spark following the crash, Shockwave willingly wired himself into the Ark. Natural Selection, Part Two

For two years after the crash, Spike and Fortress Maximus kept the Ark isolated until Spike called it quits in 1994 so as to live a normal life. Soon after, someone either very greedy or very bored or both managed to enter the Ark. Subsequent events are unclear but they managed to reactivate Megatron. Loose Ends, Part 3 Using the Ark as his main base in an attempt to get Optimus Prime's attention, Loose Ends, Part 2 Megatron exploited his mental connection with Ratchet to reactivate the Ark, reprogramming Aunty and reviving the Underbase casualties as lobotomized zombies to serve him. Using the Ark, Megatron devastated Earth turning the planet into a wasteland. Loose Ends, Part 3

Kup considered the Ark being left on Earth one of the many loose ends leftover from the Great War and took a squad of Wreckers to Earth to tie it up. When they arrived over the devastated Earth, Megatron took advantage of their shock to shoot them down. Loose Ends, Part 1

When the Wreckers met up with Spike, now Circuit Smasher, the human informed them of how the Autobots abandoning the Ark had allowed Megatron to unleash hell on Earth. Leadfoot called foul on the story as despite Megatron's tactical skills, the Decepticon leader lacked the engineering and medical knowledge necessary to reboot and reprogram the Ark as well as to reanimate the corpses. Blackrock pegged the Ark as the reason Megatron kept his hold on Earth with its onboard systems being able to resist any human incursion. When Megatron baited the Wreckers to Washington, D.C., Springer thought the Ark would be relatively unguarded and thus open to assault. Loose Ends, Part 3

Under the command of Roadbuster, a human/Wrecker force made ready to attack the Ark, though Circuit Smasher insisted that the Ark was to be destroyed, not hijacked by the Autobots as a ticket back to Cybertron. As the warriors made their way to the entrance, the Ark ejected Guardian units. Loose Ends, Part 4 The Guardians did not register Circuit Smasher as a threat, however, and he was able to enter the ship, managing to overload Aunty and stop her from carrying out Megatron's order of nuking the Earth into nothing. Loose Ends, Part 5

Despite being lobotomized, Starscream managed to regain control of his body seconds before an orbital bombardment destroyed his fellows and made for the Ark. Sunstreaker and Roadbuster did a perimeter sweep but lamented that their lack of manpower made it possible for someone to sneak in. Starscream did just that and was glimpsed by a revived Galvatron. Natural Selection, Part One Galvatron threw his former lieutenant against the wall and demanded to know what made him return to the Ark. Unable to speak, Starscream lead the time-lost Decepticon to Shockwave. Natural Selection, Part Two Realizing the Ark was still air-worthy, Galvatron began its launching sequence. Natural Selection, Part Three All this was revealed to be an elaborate scheme by Shockwave himself who had removed some of Starscream's neural inhibitors so that the Seeker would come to him and be the pilot for the Ark. So intertwined was Shockwave with the warship that he now identified himself as being the Ark with the Ark being him. Natural Selection, Part Five Having decided to stay on Earth, Natural Selection, Part Two Optimus Prime made his way to the Ark to destroy it and arrived just in time to see it take off glimpsing Galvatron on the bridge and mistaking him for Megatron. Natural Selection, Part Five

Optimus contacted Ultra Magnus to warn him about the Ark's approach to Cybertron. En route, Galvatron reflected that in this timeline, he would rule Cybertron. Destiny, Part One As the Ark came within orbit of Cybertron, Starscream and Shockwave staged a mutiny to get Galvatron off the ship and tried to kill him using the asteroid cutters that had saved Cybertron so long ago but were forced to abort when the Ark risked being detected by Cybertron's orbital defences. Destiny, Part Three The two Decepticons soon became infected with a conscience and returned to Cybertron to attack Bludgeon's Warworld, providing the killing blow. Destiny, Part Five

The two took the Ark to a nearby asteroid belt to recover their strength but Shockwave insisted that Starscream take the ship elsewhere lest they be detected by the Autobots. Before Starscream could take any action, the remnant of the Underbase within him surged to life when it detected Jhiaxus. The War to End All Wars, Part 1 The Underbase then possessed Starscream and took full control of the Ark to confront Jhiaxus as it provided exposition to Shockwave. The War to End All Wars, Part 2

The Underbase piloted the Ark directly into Jhiaxus' fleet by simply turning the minds of his soldiers elsewhere before it landed the craft and separated Shockwave from it. The War to End All Wars, Part 3 The Underbase and Shockwave left the Ark to attack the Hub Network. Despite being separated from the ship, Shockwave was able to exert remote control over it and used it to sever several connections between planets. After it had absorbed Jhiaxus, the Underbase left Starscream to die in the Hub's collapse (dick) before Shockwave rescued him, surprising himself with the emotional act, and brought him back to the Ark. The War to End All Wars, Part 4

The two set course back for Cybertron but found the planet had been taken over by the Dark Matrix entity with the population being converted into shadow-leeches. Detecting Ravage, Shockwave used the Ark's lights to distract the leeches while Starscream rescued their comrade. King of Shadows

Ask Vector Prime

The Steelhaven was disassembled so its parts could be used to repair the Ark. Whatever remained was destroyed to keep it out of human hands. Ask Vector Prime

Transformers '84

No instructions?

Though supposedly built to clear a path through a nearby asteroid belt, Project: Ark was, at its core, an elaborate trap by Optimus Prime to try and remove Megatron from Cybertron. It was Prime's hope that with so many of the finest Autobots aboard the Ark, that Decepticon High Command would personally attack, whereupon Optimus would crash the warship on some alien world, and by removing Megatron from the equation it would leave the Autobots on Cybertron with a fighting chance against whatever remained of the Decepticon army. Before Prime departed for the Ark, he ordered Punch to ensure that their ship never be found, no matter what. '84 #0

The Ark included a mind bank, which stored the copied engrams of several other Autobots: Grapple, Skids, Hoist, Smokescreen, Skids, and a spark containment module which kept their life forces in magnetic containment. Just before the vessel's launch, Ratchet had the minds of the five Dynobots downloaded into the bank and their sparks added to the containment system. When Megatron's forces attacked the Ark, Optimus put his suicide maneuver into play and sent both the Autobots and their Decepticon attackers crashing into Earth, which knocked them all offline. Secrets & Lies #2


The crash left the Ark's AUNTIE supercomputer online but badly damaged; Secrets & Lies #3 shortly after the Ark's crash, the network detected Shockwave's arrival and reactivated the five Dinobots with dinosaur alternate modes to take him on. Secrets & Lies #2 However, AUNTIE proved unable to distinguish friend from foe, and when a berserk Grimlock returned to the Ark, AUNTIE retaliated by downloading five copied engrams into sparkless bodies to create emotionless warriors, who subsequently engaged the Decepticon Coneheads. When Grimlock proved able to take down the ship's arsenal of Guardian droids, AUNTIE retaliated by bringing Megatron online. Secrets & Lies #3

Seeing that their leader was under another's control and channeling antimatter, the Coneheads fled the area while Grimlock managed to stumble back inside the Ark and disabled AUNTIE. Returning to the Nemesis, the Coneheads called Straxus for rescue, a request he agreed to grant if they forgot the Ark's location and backed him as Decepticon leader, an offer they readily agreed to. Secrets & Lies #4

Some four million years later, in 1017, the Autobot scout ship Mantlo picked up a lead on the Ark. After passing through six other star systems, the Mantlo arrived on Earth. Its crew, the brothers Fastlane and Cloudraker were unaware, however, that they had been followed by Wingspan's Decepticons. When the Decepticon ship picked up the Ark, Counterpunch swiftly executed Wingspan, sending the Decepticons after his fellow Autobots with a vengeful fury. The resulting battle ended in an Autobot victory but left Cloudraker critically wounded, prompting Fastlane to return his brother to the Mantlo for medical attention. Obeying his Prime's last command, Counterpunch reluctantly fired at the ship's cockpit, crashing it and preventing the brothers from finding the Ark. '84 #0

Generation 1 continuity family

The Transformers cartoon

The Autobot ship in the Generation 1 cartoon is never actually named. Fans have generally called it the Ark, however, borrowing the name from its comics counterpart. In appearance, the ship tends to have a more rounded, ovoid look to it and is a golden yellow color. It has a main computer designated Teletraan I.
The Ark's launch. An unseen bumper sticker reads: "Primus is my copilot".

Other ships, pretty much identical to the Ark, are seen taking refugees from Cybertron on a history tape. Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 2 It is suspected that the settlers of known Autobot colonies such as Paradron were among these.

The Ark was launched under the command of Optimus Prime to search for fuel, but ran afoul of two colliding asteroids. Then the Decepticon ship attacked, and the Decepticons under Megatron boarded it. Out of control, the Ark crashed to Earth, smashing into a volcano in what would eventually become a desert. The exact location is unknown, but closely resembled the American southwest. There it rested until a volcanic eruption four million years later reactivated it and its inhabitants. More than Meets the Eye, Part 1

In the second issue of the Fight! Super Robot Lifeform Transformers manga, the Autobot Headquarters is said to be located in Arizona. The manga acted as a supplement to the television series. Whether this pertains to the English version of the show is debatable.

Crew of the Ark
Autobot roll call-panning shot stitched-MTMTE1.jpg

The Ark's crew consisted of all the 1984 Autobots. A vehicle resembling Grapple's alt mode and called "Hauler" is also seen shortly after the Autobots revived on Earth and may represent another crew member. Some or all of the 1985 Autobots may also have been crewmembers.

The original crew of the Ark consisted of:

A number of Autobots introduced later in the series (Perceptor, Red Alert, etc.) came down with Cybertonium depletion Desertion of the Dinobots, Part 1 indicating they have been away from Cybertron just as long as the known members of the original Ark crew. This may indicate they were also part of the Ark crew behind the scenes and perhaps not initially repaired by Teletraan I.
Autobot Headquarters
They're working hard to remove all the rocks that aren't part of the background matte.

After coming back online, the Decepticons immediately departed. However, the Autobots remained in their crashed ship, which served as their base of operations: Autobot Headquarters.

The ship was severely damaged by the crash and its subsequent entombment; massive rocks were visible inside the ship (whether they penetrated the hull on impact or were formed there later is unclear), and broken and damaged consoles are frequently seen in the background. The ship never flew again. The Autobots seemed to be preparing to re-launch it after the crash of the Decepticon space cruiser, More than Meets the Eye, Part 3 but months later, both the Autobots and the ship remained on Earth. Transport to Oblivion

Over time, the Autobots modified and expanded their base. An elevator provided passage to upper levels within the volcano, Enter the Nightbird and a retractable door sealed off the volcano's crater. Dinobot Island, Part 2 Early on, a small module serving as Ratchet's medical center sat near the main entrance, More than Meets the Eye, Part 1 but was later removed. Explorations by Sideswipe and Brawn revealed a system of caves beyond the ship's walls. The caves revealed a treasure trove of dinosaur bones, which became the inspiration for the Dinobots. S.O.S. Dinobots The base's nerve center was the supercomputer Teletraan I.

The base's geographic location proved a liability on at least two occasions, when Decepticon-induced calamities caused the volcano to become active again. During the first of these eruptions, several Autobots were blasted out of the cone and into the troposphere, requiring Skyfire to come to their rescue. Ironhide managed to bring the eruption to a halt by shooting down some rocks. No, really. The Ultimate Doom, Part 2 The system of caves beneath the base also allowed the Constructicons to enter the base from below, in an attempt to destroy Teletraan I. Heavy Metal War Laserbeak was known to use the volcano's crater as an entry/exit point when on spying missions. Divide and Conquer

Autobot Headquarters remained in use in 2005, though it appears to have been supplanted by Autobot City as the Autobots' primary operations center. During Megatron's massive assault on Autobot City in 2005, Autobot Headquarters fell under assault by Menasor and Bruticus. Transformers: The Animated Movie

Jealous of the better mountain headquarters, Matt Trakker sends in Trypticon.

By 2006, the base had been equipped with a large number of retractable cannons built into the mountainside. They were not enough to save it from destruction at the hands of the giant Decepticon Trypticon, however. A squad of Autobots led by Warpath made a stand against the oncoming Titan, but were brushed aside. Warpath ordered Teletraan I to activate the automated defenses, but the barrage of cannonfire gave Trypticon only momentary pause. He smashed the guns, then blasted the entire mountain to rubble. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 5

The distinction between the ship and the headquarters is unclear. The presence of damaged equipment in the base (presumably, damaged when the ship crashed) implies that the Ark and Autobot Headquarters are one and the same. However, the Autobots are consistently shown entering or exiting directly out of their headquarters through a ground-level hatchway below the ship. Further, the Ark rests at a high angle from the horizontal, while the inside of Autobot Headquarters is shown with everything upright and normal. While artificial gravity (which the Transformers definitely have) could explain the latter, another explanation might be that Autobot Headquarters is actually a series of remodeled caves within the volcano, adjacent to the ship.

Generations Selects Special Comic

As the Ark flew away from Cybertron, Optimus consulted the Covenant of Primus for inspiration, reading out a passage to the bridge crew. Super Megatron comic 2

Beast Wars cartoon continuity

Beast Wars cartoon

Wait a minute...that's not engine exhaust! The Ark is on fire!

According to Optimus Primal, the Ark was built using "die-cast" construction, a lost art by the era of the Maximals and Predacons.

As recounted by Blackarachnia, the Ark was launched under the command of Optimus Prime, carrying a group of the Autobots' "finest heroes". One of the two known copies of the Covenant of Primus was carried aboard. During the voyage, the Ark came under attack by the Nemesis, the flagship of the Decepticon fleet. The chaos of the fighting sent the out of control Ark falling into Earth's gravity well, crashing into a semi-active volcano, with the Transformers aboard being sent into emergency stasis lock.

Though Megatron had ostensibly come to prehistoric Earth to look for a massive cache of energon to fuel his war against the Maximal Imperium, he was in reality following instructions recorded by the original Megatron on the Golden Disk from the Voyager space probe. Once on Earth, he tracked down the Ark and carved a tunnel to the ship's cavern. Faced with the sheer enormity of the task ahead of him though, he found himself unable to go through with it. Resealing the tunnel, Megatron decided that the original Megatron's plan would serve as a last-chance gamble should he ever be backed into a corner with little hope of escape. Such a situation came to pass while he was a prisoner aboard Ravage's transwarp cruiser, and he convinced the former Decepticon to free him by revealing his plan. The Agenda (Part 2)

"She may have flaws, but she has teeth."

After failing to destroy the Axalon, Megatron traveled to the crash site, where he forced Blackarachnia to deactivate the security systems of Teletraan I and allow him access to the Ark's bridge. Indulging in a Shakespearian monologue as he walked the halls, Megatron made his way to the resting place of Optimus Prime and enacted his namesake's directive by firing directly upon the Prime's helm, creating a timestorm. The Agenda (Part III) The Maximals were able to repair the damage done to Optimus Prime, saving his spark and thus preserving the future. Doing so however had cost them the Axalon and the Ark's own defences, forcing them to inhabit the ship and safeguard it from future Predacon attacks. Optimal Situation

In saving Optimus Prime, Optimus Primal had absorbed his ancestor's spark into his own frame, the power boost mutating his body into a stronger form. Seeking to replicate the process, Megatron broke into the Ark and did the same with his own ancestor, emerging with a mighty draconic beast mode. He was betrayed by Tarantulas however who set the Ark to self-destruct, a sequence that Blackarachnia only just managed to abort. Master Blaster

After securing the Nemesis, Megatron made for the Ark to try and destroy it. The Maximals attempted to enact Operation Eternity to save the Ark only to discover that the engines had been idle for too long along with the ship lacking sufficient energon. Instead Rhinox made use of a shuttle housed in the Ark, ramming it into the coning tower of the Nemesis, disabling the Decepticon ship and defeating Megatron. The shuttle was subsequently appropriated by the Maximals to return to their time, while the Ark and its sleeping passengers remained in the volcano. Nemesis Part 2

2006 IDW Beast Wars continuity

"Tough little ship."

Razorbeast and his small, temporally displaced group traveled to the Maximal encampment in the volcano in order to obtain tools to repair the transwarp signal booster which they hoped to find in the wreckage of Ravage's transwarp cruiser. Not willing to risk taking something that might be noticed missing from the Axalon's shell, they instead took what they need from the Ark. The Gathering issue 3

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

The Ark was Vanguard-class Deep Space Interceptor. Transformers: The Ultimate Guide Originally commissioned by Optimus Prime, when he planed for the Autobots to leave Cybertron, its construction continued after this plan was abandoned. Despite the escalation of war, Prime insisted that only the finest material and equipment be used. Though Prime had planed for the Ark to be used in locating energon on other planets and aiding those worlds threatened by the Decepticons, the ship was boarded by the crew of the Nemesis on its maiden voyage, causing it to crash on Earth, with both groups remaining dormant for more than four million years. Following their reactivation, the crashed ship became the Autobots base.More Than Meets The Eye The Ark was destroyed in 2004 while Ratchet and Brawn countered a Decepticon attack headed by Starscream and Bruticus. Night of the Combaticons

There is some question as to the Ark's appearance in the Dreamwave Generation One continuity, as it is never shown in totality in an actual comic story. Pictures are seen in the final issue of their More than Meets the Eye guide, and there it is drawn to look mostly like the cartoon model (though oddly missing the rear "spoiler"). However, the DK Transformers Ultimate Guide, whose main focus was Dreamwave's continuity, gives a cutaway diagram of the Ark drawn in the Marvel Comics style instead, only colored yellow-gold as in the cartoon.

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

GIJoevsTF2 Ark.jpg

The Ark crashed on Earth at some point in the past, leaving the Autobots and Decepticons inside it deactivated. Eventually, the craft was found by the arms trafficker Destro, who passed the information on to the terrorist organization Cobra. Cobra then broke into the Ark, hauled away its dormant passengers, and covered up their tracks so nobody else would discover the ship. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers issue 1 Unbeknownst to the humans, their break-in caused the Ark's computer, Teletran-One, to be reactivated. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers issue 4 Unfortunately for Cobra, one of their own defected to G.I. Joe and told them all about their findings. The United States government subsequently dug up the Ark, dismantled it, and brought the pieces to Roswell for study. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers issue 2

Following the defeat of Cobra and the Decepticons, the government helped the Autobots construct a new Ark with which to return to Cybertron. G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers issue 6

2005 IDW continuity

Continuing the tradition of horrible things happening to every ship named Ark.

6.2 million meta-cycles prior to 2007, the first legendary vessel to be designated as the Ark was launched from Cybertron under the command of Nova Prime. Its stated mission was to plot a safe passage from the Cybertronian Quadrant of the galaxy through the Benzuli Expanse, though its true mission was Expansion. Spotlight: Optimus Prime Spotlight: Galvatron The first ship and namesake of its class, the Ark was designed by the cruelest engineers of Nova Prime's C.A.D.R.E., being the most powerful class of warship that they'd ever built. The Nothing Man

This Ark appears in the flashbacks to look a bit like a merging of the older cartoon and Marvel Comics designs.

Known passengers on this first Ark include:

Dai Atlas was meant to be part of the crew, but lost his place after defying Nova Prime. Primus: All Good Things Tailgate was supposed to rinse out the Ark's coolant chutes before it took off, but fell down a hole and wasn't missed. How to Say Goodbye and Mean It Cybertronian Homesick Blues Rung was also meant to be on board, but the Senate recalled him just before take-off. Speak, Memory: Part 1

Twenty-thousand astro-cycles out, the Ark disappeared when Galvatron intentionally piloted it directly into the anomaly within the Benzuli Expanse under the orders of Nova Prime. The anomaly turned out to be a gateway to a region known as the Dead Universe, which instantly killed most of the crew as they crossed through. Spotlight: Galvatron Dark Dawn

Tell no-one that it's Snap-Tite.

The Cybertronians back home, not knowing the truth of the Ark's purpose nor fate, honored it by naming numerous ships after it, each distinguished by a number following the title. Among them were the Ark-7, Ark-12, Ark-17, Ark-19, Ark-27, and Ark-32. The original Ark, retroactively given the designation Ark-1, and its crew were granted a memorial in the form of the Ark-1 Memorial Grounds. Chaos Theory Part 2 The Autobot Rung had a model of the Ark-1 on his desk. Bullets

Over the eras following its loss, rumor, myth, and legend sprang up around the ship, obscuring the few existing facts surrounding its fate. In the present day, the fate of the first Ark was one of the "big three" mysteries that Nightbeat liked to dig into in his free time. He eventually got a lead on possible remains of the ship, but it turned out to be a trap specifically set to draw him in. On Gorlam Prime he found wreckage of the correct type and age to come from the ship, and far beneath the surface, he discovered a vast inter-dimensional portal. Before he could dig into the mystery even more, he was overtaken by a strange group of Transformers who captured him and messed with his head, eventually erasing his memory of being there at all. Spotlight: Nightbeat

While Nova Prime's plans for the Expansion failed, the Ark-1 remained in the Dead Universe alongside the wreckage of starships from other universes. Galvatron floated past it when he returned to the strange dimension and met D-Void. Heart of Darkness #2

Ask Vector Prime

In Primax 085.0 Eta, the Autobots defeated the Decepticons not long after reawakening on Earth and returned to Cybertron aboard a refueled and repaired Ark to regain control of their homeworld. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/30

Transformers vs. G.I. Joe

Millions of years ago, the Ark crash-landed on an island near Scotland. Humans began to venerate the cavernous ship and its frozen inhabitants as a holy place, and by medieval times a group of Cobra druid-priests worked to protect the "island of the gods" from outsiders. Laird Mac Cullen travelled to the Ark's resting place—the "cave of the old gods"—accompanied by his friends and mute brother to consult the druids for news of Viking raids.

The Scotsmen travelled into the sacred grotto, warned not to disturb the resting gods within. The young brother discovered an Energon cube and used it to reactivate a Sky Spy probe. The probe, unable to find machinery, scanned the young boy and exchanged information with him, allowing it to reactivate and partially reconfigure a small Decepticon. The Scotsmen killed the Decepticon and took its parts, fleeing the island after the local druids realized they had desecrated the holy place. After learning the secrets of firearms from the probe, the youngest Mac Cullen returned to the island, drove off the druids, and built Castle Destro over the ruins of the Ark, occasionally consulting the ship's old databanks for information. Stick To Your Guns

Beast Wars: Uprising

Some time after the reactivation of the Ark on Earth in 1984, the Transformers' reactivation date became the basis of a new calendar year system, Stellar Cycle of the Ark (SCA). Micro-Aggressions

Of Masters and Mayhem

The Ark Project was undertaken in absolute secrecy, being a representation of the Autobots' hope that the Great War might one day end and Cybertron be able to recover.

Using Spin-Out's head and its still active transponder, Toxitron managed to breach the factory where the Ark's engine array was being built only for a mighty punch from Jetfire to send him into one of the incomplete engines, the toxic Decepticon's sludge devouring it. Seeing that the battle could not be won, Jetfire ordered the facility scuttled. The Toxic Transformer

Bumblebee graphic novels

After being repaired, Bumblebee tested out his vehicle mode in the countryside by the Ark. When he entered the ship, his good mood was dampened when Optimus Prime benched him for a while longer. Win If You Dare

Star Trek vs. Transformers


The Ark left Cybertron four million years ago to shoot down asteroids, and subsequently crashed on Earth after it was pursued and boarded by the Decepticons. What happened to the Ark in the interim is unknown, but when the Autobots later departed Earth to flee World War III, they did so aboard Fortress Maximus.

While mind-melded with Optimus Prime, Spock glimpsed his memories of the Ark. Prime's Directive, Part Two



Fleeing overwhelming Decepticon odds, Optimus Prime's Autobots took the life-giving AllSpark aboard the Ark during their exodus. Ghosts of Cybertron Part 4 Their timing proved fortuitous, as the world-destroyer Gozer arrived on Cybertron shortly after their departure and swiftly destroyed the planet. With nowhere else to go, the Autobots spent a thousand years aimlessly drifting through space before Autobot scientist Ectronymous Diamatron picked up a Cybertronian signal on Earth, Ghosts of Cybertron Part 1 taking a shuttle to investigate. Ghosts of Cybertron Part 5

In the meantime, the Ark hid itself behind the dark side of Earth's moon until Ectronymous—now calling himself "Ectotron"—called to request Optimus Prime's assistance. Ghosts of Cybertron Part 3 After capturing Megatron's ghostly Decepticons, Prime returned to the Ark in the hopes that he could one day rehabilitate his foes, while Ectotron struck out on his own in search of other Cybertronian ghosts. Ghosts of Cybertron Part 5

Transformers vs. The Terminator


The ship that brought the Cybertronians to Earth, the Ark crashed into Mount St. Hilary millions of years prior to the rise of humanity. In 1984, the volcano's eruption rebooted the Ark. Enemy of My Enemy Part One Reactivated first, the Decepticons executed the prone Autobots and waged a devastating war on Earth, wiping out humanity. Enemy of My Enemy Part Two To avert this chain of events, the AI Skynet sent a lone T-800 unit back to the 20th century so it could avert the threat. While the T-800 arrived too late to stop the Ark's reactivation, it managed to breach the starship and prepared to terminate the reactivated Decepticons. Enemy of My Enemy Part One

Though the single unit lacked the destructive capability to destroy all the Decepticons, its interference, along with that of its companion Sarah Connor, led to the Autobots surviving in the new timeline. Faced with their foes' reanimation, the Decepticons took their leave from the ship and scouted the area, finding the Ark to be their only obstacle to conquering the planet. Enemy of My Enemy Part Two

Once the T-800 had reluctantly agreed to an alliance with the Autobots, Optimus, Bumblebee and Sarah brought Arcee, Velocity, Wheeljack and Ratchet back online. While the latter two went to work repairing the ship and its stasis-locked crew, the others conducted scouting operations. After Arcee had shown the T-800 around the warship's armory, the unit helped itself to some explosives, surreptitiously scattering them around the Ark, later remotely detonating them, causing a violent explosion to consume the ship. Enemy of My Enemy Part Three

After Megatron, Soundwave and Kickback had been killed, and Starscream had fled, the Autobots took custody of the four remaining active Decepticons and returned to the Ark only to find it buried beneath the mountain. Unable to return to Cybertron without the Ark, the eight Transformers formed a truce until they found a new way home. Enemy of My Enemy Part Four

War for Cybertron Trilogy continuity

War for Cybertron Trilogy marketing material

Kingdom Golden Disk Ark becomes giant woman.jpg

After Cybertron fell, the Autobots left their homeworld aboard the Ark, traveling through space in pursuit of the AllSpark. Earthrise webpage[1] When the ship eventually ran low on fuel, the Autobots had to search nearby planets for fuel sources, some of which were detected by Teletraan-1.

Optimus Prime sent Ratchet to find a source of rich energy on the planet Paradron, Fireguard, Roadburner and Windstorm to collect the powerful yet dangerous plasma energy on Micron, and Fastlane and Cloudraker to investigate the presence of energon on Biosfera. Earthrise Galactic Odyssey Collection

Closer than ever to reaching the Allspark, the Autobots awakened after crash-landing on pre-Ice Age Earth. While battling the Decepticons, both sides were joined by the Maximals and Predacons, their epic battle changing their combined destinies. Kingdom webpage[2]

The Ark was one of a few 'bots with three possible destinies recorded on the Voyager Golden Disk.

  • In one destiny, the Ark crashed-landed in a dormant volcano and the Autobots awoke in 1984.
  • In another destiny, the Ark became a Decepticon starship known as the Dark Ark.
  • In its last destiny, the Ark revealed itself to have a massive robot mode and captured Megatron. Kingdom Golden Disk cards

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What's needed: Siege Teletraan-1 Data Files

War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon

As the Great War turned against the Autobots, they constructed the Ark to escape their dying world, hiding it beneath cloaks and holograms, Siege episode 5 not far from Sector Seven. Siege episode 6 The ship's power requirements however meant that it remained grounded, serving as the Autobots' main base. Siege episode 1 When the Decepticons unleashed a virus to destroy the Alpha Trion Protocols, the protocol's similarity to basic Autobot code caused it to deactivate the Ark's systems, including its cloak. Siege episode 5

With the vessel exposed, the Decepticon army unleashed its full might against it, the ship only being saved when Bumblebee's group brought pilfered ingots of raw energon. Refuelled, the Ark flew to the space bridge in Sector Seven in time to witness Optimus Prime launch the Allspark from Cybertron. After a few straggling Autobots had boarded, the Ark flew after the Allspark, only for the shock of transit to disable the ship. Inert once again, the Ark drifted aimlessly through space, its crew inactive, until Teletraan I reactivated when it detected the Fool's Fortune on an intercept course with the Ark. Siege episode 6

The Fool's Fortune docked with the Ark as its Mercenary crew boarded the Autobot ship. Earthrise episode 1 Seizing control of the ship and imprisoning the crew, the Mercenaries piloted the Ark to Chaar to deliver the Autobots to the Quintesson Judge Deseeus. The Mercenary leader Doubledealer eventually had a change of spark and allowed the Autobots to return to their ship. As the Ark flew off after the Allspark, they were unaware that the Fool's Fortune continued to follow them, now working for Megatron. Earthrise episode 2

The Ark's sensors eventually located the Allspark but the artifact was so far away that the ship lacked the fuel to reach it. Detecting an active space bridge in the Nebulon system, the Ark set course for it only to find the Nebulon Station stuck in the portal. As the crew disembarked to dislodge the obstruction, the Nemesis arrived. Earthrise episode 3

After a battle with the Decepticons and the Scorponok had caused the station to collapse, the Autobots retreated to the Ark. Just as its warp drive was primed, the Nemesis struck the ship, Earthrise episode 4 the exotic mix of energies transporting the Ark to the Dead Universe. Meeting the exiled Sky Lynx, who asked for a spot on the ship, Optimus Prime was able to use the power of the Matrix of Leadership to open a path back to normal space for the Autobots. As the Ark prepared to pass through, Megatron attacked, Sky Lynx sacrificially taking the shot to ensure its survival. Emerging back in the normal universe above an organic planet, the Ark lost all power. Earthrise episode 5

Having received a large data spike when it left the Dead Universe, the Ark dedicated all of its power to processing the influx of information, leaving it vulnerable to the Nemesis' tractor beam. As the Decepticons boarded the weakened ship, the Fool's Fortune, now under Deseeus' command arrived to attack both Cybertronian ships. After Megatron had managed to steal the Matrix of Leadership, he ordered the Nemesis away from the Ark just as the Fool's Fortune began overloading. With no shields, the Ark was caught in the blast of the Mercenary craft's destruction, sending it down to the planet for a crash landing, its landing site found by a Velociraptor. Earthrise episode 6


Coming to rest atop an active volcano, the Ark was boarded by a crew of Maximals, time stranded descendants of the Autobots who had hoped to loot the craft for parts and energon. Finding a disappointing supply of both, the Maximals instead allied with the Autobots to save Airazor from the Decepticon/Predacon alliance. Kingdom episode 1 Ratchet, Wheeljack and Rhinox were left behind to try and repair the Ark, the latter's future knowledge speeding up the process. Kingdom episode 2

Nonetheless, the ship was not ready to fly by the time that the Allspark had been recovered. As the crews worked to repair the ship, Starscream came to the Ark to meet Bumblebee, presenting the Autobot with the Golden Disk and trusting him to save the future. No sooner had Bumblebee boldly shattered the Disk did the Nemesis arrive, opening fire on the Ark. After the Ark raised its force field, the Maximals boarded the Nemesis, disabling its weapons. This prompted Megatron to fire on the Ark directly only to be met by Starscream who begged him to cease hostilities. This bought enough time for Teletraan I to transform the Ark into a titanic robot mode, based off information gleamed from the multiple futures seen via the Dead Universe. With this new power, Teletraan managed to bring down the Nemesis. Save Blackarachnia, all the Decepticons and Predacons were detained in the Ark as it resumed its starship mode. Kingdom episode 5


Passing through the space bridge network, the Ark wound up stranded in the Dead Universe only to be brought to Cybertron by Galvatron and Nemesis Prime. After Optimus Prime and Bumblebee set out to restore the Allspark, Galvatron freed Megatron and tried to have his past self ally with them. Detecting the breach, the Autobots and Maximals freed the Decepticons and Predacons, convincing them to ally with them to save Cybertron, and set out to the Temple of the Allspark. Kingdom episode 6

My Little Pony/Transformers

After a mishap of magic and science had caused several Autobots and Decepticons to be sent to realm of Equestria, Grimlock, left on Cybertron, befriended an Equestrian native Spike and brought him back to the Ark. As he showed the young dragon around the ship, the Constructicons attacked. Though Grimlock could fight them individually, he was outmatched by Devastator. Having a brainwave, Spike skimmed a manual on how to operate Teletraan I, before activating the engines for a moment, the force of the exhaust toppling the combiner. Inspiring

Transformers/Back to the Future

In the original timeline, the Autobots used the Ark as their base, Optimus monitoring Bumblebee's scouting of Hill Valley from the ship. Transformers/Back to the Future #1 After having seized the DeLorean time machine, Rumble used it to travel back to 1974 to build up a bounty of energon cubes before breaching the Ark in 1984. Hacking into Teletraan I, Rumble used the ship's systems to revive the Decepticons, and only the Decepticons, before Megatron decided that the time traveler had outlived his usefulness and executed him. Transformers/Back to the Future #2

After the Decepticon number-cruncher Gigawatt defected and scanned the DeLorean, he and Marty McFly traveled back to the Ark in 1984 and reactivated the Autobots before Rumble arrived, ambushing the Mini-Cassette and thwarting his scheme when he arrived. Transformers/Back to the Future #4

2019 IDW continuity


During Cybertron's Age of Expansion, Ark-class vessels were used to transport colonists to the newly founded Cybertronian colonies. When the passing of the Nominus Edict ended Cybertron's era of colonization, the Cybertronian government decommissioned the last four Ark-class vessels, stripped their engines, and stored their mothballed hulls at Darkmount. Escape Part One

I said "lunch", not "launch!"

Fearing the increased geological instability that was plaguing Cybertron, Darkmount's leader Straxxus brought one of the four Arks out of storage and began refitting the ship into an escape vessel.Escape Part Two When the Decepticons came to power and targeted the Xeno-Quarter, Wheeljack and Hoist turned to the idea of reactivating the Ark-class as a means of evacuating the alien immigrants in the absence of the Titans. Escape Part One Highbrow later called Straxxus to request usage of the ships which the Senator, after a geological discussion, generously gave him the other three ships. Escape Part Two When Wheeljack's group later arrived at Darkmount to evacuate the aliens however, Straxxus revealed he had instead claimed three of the ships for himself and Darkmount's citizens and that the fourth Ark had suffered a complete engine failure, grounding it until a new one could be built. Escape Part Four

When the Insecticon clones began attacking however, Straxxus launched ahead of schedule, and only two of his three Arks took off. The clones promptly targeted the second ship, carrying the city's reserves of energon and colonization equipment, and caused a massive explosion that destroyed the vessel. With Straxxus and most of Darkmount having fled aboard Ark-A, the Autobots loaded the organic refugees onto the third Ark. Watching it leave, Nautica and Road Rage noted that there were still many aliens who required evacuation and the fourth Ark could be used to evacuate them, with the two Cybertronians hoping to be on it one day. Escape Part Five

After Darkmount had been turned into a haven for refugees, Perceptor and Highbrow led a team to try and make the last Ark spaceworthy again. The Landscape of Fear

By working around the clock, the Autobots and their allies successfully jury-rigged an engine that would allow them to leave Cybertron, but wouldn't allow them to put any significant distance between themselves and Megatron's ascendant Decepticon regime. Following Exarchon's defeat, the Decepticon army made a final push on Darkmount, and Computron sacrificed himself so that the Autobots could get every space-capable vessel in their fleet in the air. Alongside Sky Lynx and Lodestar, the three ships limped to the Winged Moon; aboard the ship's bridge, Optimus promised the refugees that they would one day reclaim Cybertron. Fate of Cybertron

2021 Beast Wars comic

As she and Nyx began researching ways to disrupt the energy forms of the Vok, a pessimistic Skold compared the process to searching for a specific rivet on an Ark. While blindfolded. The Beginning of the End

Last Bot Standing

When Rodimus explained the Cybertronian race to Shib Wallkis, he remembered the destruction of an Ark as a casualty in the Great War. Last Bot Standing #2

Energon Universe

Following two centuries of fighting on Cybertron, the Autobots fled their homeworld aboard the Ark in order to find a way to retake the planet. They brought with them an energy converter in order to collect energon during their travels. Unfortunately, Decepticon High Command followed them and boarded the Ark. In the ensuing battle, the ship spun out of control and crashed on Earth coming to rest in the mountain that would later be known as Hanger's Rock. Transformers #2 Before the ship crashed, Megatron, gripping onto the outside with only his left arm, was sent falling by Starscream, Transformers Energon Universe Special story while Beachcomber was thrown out of the ship by Skywarp, landing on Earth's moon.

Hitching a ride to Earth on Apollo 11's return journey, Beachcomber found the Ark but chose not to repair his fellow Autobots, fearing they would unleash the Great War onto the peaceful Earth. Helping himself to some energon, Beachcomber left the Ark alone. Transformers #10

After lying inert on Earth for centuries, the Ark was found by Jetfire. Unaware of the war that had broken out in his absence from Cybertron, Jetfire ordered Teletraan One to repair all of the ship's passengers. The first to be reactivated, Starscream opened fire on the stasis locked Autobots before Optimus Prime was rebuilt. As Starscream dragged more Decepticons closer to Teletraan's console, Optimus had Ratchet load what Autobots could be saved into his trailer while he destroyed Teletraan, bringing interlopers Spike Witwicky and Carly with him. The reactivated Decepticons claimed the Ark as their base as they began searching energon and other raw materials to repair Teletraan One. Transformers #1

In their hunt for energon, the Decepticons helped themselves to the Ark's resources, bringing the energy transfer module with them to harvest energon from a nearby power planet. Transformers #2 However, the Ark's systems, such as Teletraan One, were too advanced to be repaired with the materials present on Earth. Transformers #3

After a failed battle against the Autobots, the Decepticons limped back to the Ark. When Soundwave and Starscream got into an argument about Earth's lack of Cybertronian technology, they noticed that the damaged Skywarp was an ample source of it, wiring him into Teletraan One so they could bring the rest of their warriors online. Transformers #4

With more warriors, Starscream led an attack on a nearby dam where the Autobots were harvesting energon only to find more Autobots online and Optimus now wielding Megatron's fusion cannon. Though Starscream managed to destroy the turbine the Autobots were generating their energon with, he ultimately ordered a retreat back to the Ark. Pressing the advantage, Optimus ordered his troops to follow and retake their ship. When the Autobots arrived, they were met by Devastator. Transformers #5

After Optimus had been damaged, the Autobots managed to retreat inside the ship, locking out the Decepticons. While Devastator attempted to dig an alternate way in, Sparky gave his life to recharge the Matrix of Leadership, repairing Optimus Prime in the process. When Devastator then broke through, a revitalized Optimus was able to send him tumbling off a cliff, damaging Starscream in the process. With their leader damaged, the Decepticons retreated from the Ark, though Optimus made one futile attempt to sue for peace with Soundwave. Transformers #6

Wheeljack tried to use Teletraan to repair more Autobots only to accidentally reboot a portion of Skywarp's neural net, the Seeker locking the Autobots out of the repair protocols. Needing to be ready to mobilize against the Decepticons, Wheeljack instead turned his focus to Jetfire's body, Transformers #7 managing to resuscitate the scientist but leaving him blind and mode locked. When the Decepticons were detected in the Pacific Ocean, Optimus, Jazz and Cliffjumper launched in Jetfire to meet the threat. Transformers #8 Wheeljack, Arcee and Carly then set out from the ship back to the dam, hoping to repair the energon turbine. Transformers #10

After the Decepticons opened a space bridge with which to harvest Earth's energy, the Autobots retreated back to the Ark to plan an attack on the Nemesis, teleporting into the Decepticon warship via a portal that Skywarp generated. Transformers #11

Following the destruction of the space bridge, the Autobots returned to the Ark. After detecting Decepticon activity in Washington state, Optimus led a team to meet the threat while Arcee and Beachcomber left the ship to search for Ultra Magnus. Transformers #15 Transformers #16

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Plot details for Transformers (2023) issue 17 follow.

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Upon learning that Skywarp had been wired into Teletraan by Starscream and Soundwave, Thundercracker returned to the now empty ship and tried to pull Skywarp free, stopping only when Skywarp warned that Teletraan was keeping him alive. Transformers #17

Transformers Go! Go!

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Transformers G1: Awakening

"OK, remember where we parked."

The Ark was the Autobot flagship. Following a titanic battle, they used it to leave Cybertron and head out into the cosmos, only for the ship to be attacked by Megatron's forces. The Decepticons invaded the bridge, and the resulting struggle caused the Ark to crash, embedding itself into the side of a volcano on Earth, where it remained for four million years. A volcanic eruption later caused both factions to revive. The Autobots had their work cut out for them battling the Decepticons, and at one point had to face a massive assault on the Ark, which they managed to repel. Transformers G1: Awakening

Transformers: Devastation

Ark Devastation.jpg

The Ark acted as a hub for the Autobots, with the group returning there after each completed mission to recharge and to upgrade their T.E.C.H. and weapons. Following the destruction of the Ferrotaxis, Optimus and Wheeljack returned to the ship to discuss plans for the Optimus Maximus project. Transformers: Devastation

Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive


Many Autobots drove out of the Ark as they went off on missions to defeat Decepticons and destroy their bases. Transformers: Bumblebee Overdrive

Transformers: Earth Wars

MysteryOfConvoy UltraMagnus RobotSprite.gif
The Game Full of Death and Suffering...!

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Transformers: Earth Wars


War for Cybertron: Kingdom

The perfect accessory for that Rung cosplay you were planning.
"Autobot Ark", the Titan Class figure for Kingdom, is a giant spaceship which converts into a 19-inch tall robot in 26 steps, partly based on the likeness of the Last Autobot.[6] Except for the ankle, toe, fingers, and neck joints, all robot mode joints are strong ratchet joints. Much like fellow Titan Siege Omega Supreme, the figure features light-piping eyes. The Ark mode features deployable landing gear and a button-activated boarding ramp. The Ark also features a handful of C.O.M.B.A.T. System compatible 3 mm posts for Fire Blast effects. The sides of the rear end of the ship come detached in the package, and are not pictured attached in the stock photography.
At any time, the roof can be lifted to display the bridge portion of Autobot Mainframe, which features six ports surrounded by a removable, 3 mm post compatible, navigator globe based on Vector Sigma. The ports can fit any War for Cybertron Trilogy micro-figure, such as the included in-scale Optimus Prime, similar to the one included with the Deluxe Centurion Drone. The navigator globe and Optimus Prime can stay attached to Mainframe when in Ark's robot mode, though Optimus must be in the topmost command seat. Mainframe can be removed and transformed into his robot mode or Teletraan-1, both in-scale with other War for Cybertron Trilogy toys as opposed to the Ark itself. Ark also carries the Sky Spy with a 5 mm port, and the Voyager and Vok Golden Disks. The product description claims the Disks can be held by Dinobot[7] from the same line, though his grip is too wide to actually grasp them. Ark also comes with six "Fire Blast" effect parts, redecoed in dark blue from Siege Jetfire, primarily for the thrusters.
Ark's stock renders feature slightly different sculpted details compared to the final toy: the silver details on the shoulders are not angled at the top, and the circles in the finger joint pop out significantly more. The TakaraTomy stock photography also features differences to the final toy: all the yellow paint applications are swapped with red and the yellow translucent plastic is swapped with blue. Ark's eyes and Optimus Prime's base are also both painted metallic blue.
The ship's large Autobot insignias are printed across contour lines and look slightly irregular as a result. Directly beneath these symbols are sculpted level areas in the proper shape to contain smaller Autobot symbols, but these are left blank. Perhaps size was judged as more important than clarity.
Much like the previous War for Cybertron Trilogy Titan Class toys, the package art is based on the War for Cybertron Trilogy cartoon. The artwork depicts Kingdom episode 5's volcanic battle, with the damaged Nemesis starting to crash, Blackarachnia falling off the ship, Airazor swooping in to save her, Starscream flying away from the ship, the AllSpark shining, and "Arkbot" with Megatron in hand.
Autobot Ark is exclusive to TakaraTomy Mall in Japan.
Siege accessory mold: Jetfire's Fire Blast effects
  • Hasbro/TakaraTomy:
  • Hasbro:
  • Shattered Glass Collection Jetfire
  • TakaraTomy:


Titanium Series

Look closely. R2-D2 apparently got lost before he auditioned for the voice of Roller.
  • Autobot Shuttle Ark (3-inch Robot Masters, 2006)
The first tangible representation of the Ark was a die-cast Titanium figurine at the 3-inch scale. The forward section was based on the Ark's appearance in the original cartoon, but attached to it is an approximation of the back 2/3s of another Hasbro space ship, the Electronic StarBird created and sold by Milton Bradley in 1978. [1] Odder yet, the technical information on the back refers to the Marvel Comics Ark's destruction at the hands of Fortress Maximus, and that Ark, as seen above, does not resemble either the cartoon Ark or this toy at all.
Properly scaled to the Rung toy that doesn't exist.
The forward portion of the ship is removable, allowing for a more animation-accurate toy, though the most iconic portion of the Ark, the rear engines which were often seen protruding from its rocky resting point on Earth, are not present due to placement of the attachment point.

Diamond Select

The Bot in the Plastic Bubble
  • Autobot Snow Globe (2007)
The Ark appears as part of the base of this snow globe, mostly embedded in a mountain like in the cartoon. The globe was sculpted by Art Asylum and sold by Diamond Select Toys.

Transformers (2014)

SDCC-Dinobots Mount St. Hilary diorama.jpeg
  • Dinobots Generation One 4-pack (Voyager, 2014)
The inside box of the Hasbro Toy Shop exclusive "Dinobots Generation One 4-pack" that was first made available at San Diego Comic-Con 2014 can be unfolded to reveal a Pop-Up diorama of Ark crashed in Mount St. Hilary. The back of the diorama shows Teletraan I, referred to as the "command center" in the packaging bio. The outside packaging credits Matthew Reinhart as the designer of the diorama.


  • Ark Base (Playset, 2024)
Produced by Super7, the Ark Base playset is meant to be a display space for their 3.75" scale Transformers ReAction figures. It features a desert-like substrate where the figures themselves can stand and a reversible cardboard back - one side of which shows the familiar view of the crashed Ark as Autobot Headquarters.
Or you could pick... WHAT'S IN THE BOX.

This item is currently scheduled for release, but is not yet available at mass retail.


  • The Ark was clearly named after the real-world biblical story of Noah's Ark, a seagoing vessel that carried representatives of every animal species on Earth through the Great Flood. With the Beast Wars cartoon adding the Covenant of Primus to the ship's cargo, it could be said to parallel the other biblical Ark as well.
  • A working name for the Ark was "Aunty". This was confirmed by Bob Budiansky at his panel at BotCon 2010.[8]
  • Also confirmed by Bob Budiansky was that the ship was originally planned to crash into Mount St. Helens rather than Mount St. Hilary.
  • A deleted scene in "More than Meets the Eye, Part 1" had the Autobot spaceship deploy "the Viewtrex" from its side, a spinning metallic sensor rod topped by a pulsating light. The device, intended to detect other ships, would have been thwarted by the Decepticons engaging camouflage that blended their own craft into the surrounding field of space. Amusingly, a follow-up line - with Prowl declaring the Viewtrex had detected the Decepticon ship now behind them - was left in the finalized episode, bereft of its original context.
  • Some Autobot shuttles featured in the Marvel UK stories used the cartoon series' design for the Ark.
  • The ship's Japanese name in supplemental media, "Iacon Bridge", was derived from the translation of the English line "We're nearing the bridge to Iacon. One megamile to go.", in which "Bridge" was rendered as the English word and not as a Japanese word. From that line, the Japanese assumed that "Iacon Bridge" referred to the ship. A later reference book uses the term to refer to Iacon itself. Consider it the Japanese equivalent of the whole Darksyde misunderstanding, if you will.

Foreign names

  • Japanese: Iacon Bridge (アイアコーンブリッジ Aiakōn Burijji), Ark (アーク Āku)
  • French: Arche ("Ark"; Milton Bradley mini-comic only?)
  • German: Arche ("Ark")
  • Dutch: Ark
  • Hungarian: Bárka ("Ark")
  • Spanish: arca ("Ark", consistently spelled in lowercase; Milton Bradley mini-comic only?)
  • Mandarin: Fāng Zhōu (方舟, "Ark")


  1. Earthrise website
  2. Kingdom webpage
  3. As stated by Mark Maher at Hasbro Pulse Fan Fest 2021.
  4. Transformers panel at Hasbro Pulse Fan Fest 2021
  5. Design notes from concept artist Ken Christiansen on Instagram
  6. "Credit is due to the brilliant Hasui san for this one. It’s based on the Last Autobot"—John Warden, Twitter, 2022/05/12
  7. Hasbro Pulse product description: "Both disks fit in the WFC-K18 Dinobot figure’s hands (sold separately, subject to availability)."
  8. Bob Budiansky Botcon Panel Coverage
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