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"Hello, we're a little lost... which way to the set of The Real Ghostbusters?"

An alien, in the broadest sense, is someone or something not native to where they currently are. In most works of fiction, however, it refers to any creature or object from an extraterrestrial source. As a science-fiction story, the Transformers franchise has introduced many different alien species over the years, not least the Transformers themselves.

In most (but not all) Transformers continuities, the galaxy beyond Earth and Cybertron is populated with a diverse array of alien species and civilizations. Aliens come in staggering variety of shapes and sizes; while some species superficially resemble humans or other Earth creatures, many others are utterly different from both human or Cybertronian life. Alien species may be purely mechanical, lacking the sparks that characterize the Transformer race, cybernetic hybrids of the biological and technological, or composed of exotic materials that may not even demarcate them as "alive" at first glance.

It is unusual, though not unheard of, for Transformers to adopt non-Earthly alien creatures as alternate modes.

An exhaustive list of every alien species that has appeared in the Transformers franchise can be found here. A list of named, individual alien characters can be found here.


Generation 1 continuity family

Marvel Comics continuity


Numerous alien species inhabited the galaxy during the time of the Great War. Life-forms in the galaxy ranged greatly in size and height; from the diminutive Scraplets Crater Critters to the towering Transformer-sized warriors of Femax. Recipe for Disaster! Both mechanical and organic species exist; the fearsome Mecannibals were known to prey on other sentient mechanoids. Guess Who the Mecannibals Are Having for Dinner? One notable alien mechanoid was the freelance peacekeeping agent Death's Head, who found himself involved in the dealings of the Transformers after a bounty went out on Galvatron's head. Wanted: Galvatron — Dead or Alive!

Most life-forms in the galaxy tended to be Transformer-scale and regularly congregated at neutral places of commerce such as Grand Central Space Station and entertainment like the Cosmic Carnival, which was owned by the slug-like Big Top. The Cosmic Carnival Cybertronians and other mechanoids were not always welcome in these mixed-species establishments, though some Transformers eventually adopted Pretender shells that allowed them to disguise their true nature as mechanical beings. Guess Who the Mecannibals Are Having for Dinner?


One particularly bizarre species of alien were the Limbo parasites, who inhabited the extradimensional realm of limbo and fed off the emotions of sentient beings that accidentally entered their realm. Distant Thunder!

The unassuming organic world known as Nebulos was inhabited by the peaceful Nebulans; their world would become one of the most important battlegrounds of the war after Fortress Maximus fled there in an attempt to leave the war behind. Ring of Hate! The native life-forms would help develop the binary bonding process, which led to the development of Headmaster technology All or Nothing! and, eventually, the Targetmaster and Powermaster augmentations. People Power!

Marvel Generation 2 comic

The villainous next-generation Transformers who called themselves the "Cybertronians" viewed organic life as an affront to their evolved ideals. Over the course of their quest to cyberform different worlds, the native life forms were coldly exterminated as the Cybertronians pushed outwards. War Without End!

Regeneration One
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After his humiliating defeat on Klo, Bludgeon led his troops in raiding several alien worlds. Destiny, Part Three In 2012, his forces invaded the planet Torkulon for its technology. Loose Ends, Part 3 After Soundwave had acquired the energies of the Creation Matrix, the Decepticons mounted an invasion of Cresta Superior as a test of their new Blitz Engines, utterly annihilating the native Utmost. Destiny, Part One

When the Great War finally ended, Ravage, Starscream, and Shockwave, the last three Decepticons, chose to travel the stars together and instill the values of peace and unity in other developing civilizations. The War to End All Wars, Part 5 King of Shadows

The Transformers cartoon

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Aliens with wildly varying levels of technological sophistication inhabited the universe. Primacron, the oldest known alien intelligence, was known to have created Unicron and Tornedron. Call of the Primitives

Millions of years ago, the alien Quintessons settled the planet that would one day be known as Cybertron and developed a series of advanced robotic slaves. These early Transformers would eventually revolt against their creators and successfully banish them from their world. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4

During the war, the Decepticons were known to have occupied inhabited worlds. One such planet was the aquatic world of Tlalakan, home to the Tlalakans and their miraculous Well of Transformation. Drone overseer Deceptitran developed a method to forcibly extract energon from their bodies. Sea Change

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In the modern day, the Autobots and Decepticons repeatedly encountered aliens during their adventures both on and off Earth. One space bridge accident sent members of both sides to a distant planet where they were no bigger than toys to the planet's colossal inhabitants. Child's Play While attempting to return home, Smokescreen and Devcon passed through Monacus, a seedy repute for various bounty hunters, home to the corpulent Gyconi and his Pit of Destruction filled with ferocious Animaliens. The Gambler

Alien lifeforms even inhabited Earth's Solar System; the moon Titan was home to a pre-industrial race of pink-skinned humanoids, The God Gambit while Jupiter's moon Io inhabited by ferocious creatures called lightpoles. Five Faces of Darkness, Part 4

Whether deliberately or accidentally, aliens occasionally arrived on Earth, which brought them into conflict with humans and Transformers. On one occasion, a cloud of Morphobot spores accidentally landed on Earth and wasted no time into growing into voracious mechanical plants. Quest for Survival When the Constructicons mined a passing asteroid, they accidentally released a gigantic alien which caused havoc in San Francisco. The Secret of Omega Supreme

After 2005, the Transformers encountered many more alien species as the war spread beyond Earth and into space. Among them were the musical Eurythmans, Carnage in C-Minor the Zamojin, who had also known Quintesson oppression, The Face of the Nijika and the warring Nebulans, who would implement Headmaster technology in one of the final battles of the war. The Rebirth, Part 3

The Headmasters cartoon

Following a string of defeats on Earth, Galvatron's Decepticons turned their attention to nearby populated planets in an attempt to loot their energy supplies. The Autobots followed aboard Battleship Maximus; the subsequent conflict involved the humanoid insects of planet Hive, Fight to the Death on Planet Hive!! the tiny mechanoids of the Twin Star system, Battle for Defense of the False Planet the stratified civilization of Daros, Find MegaZarak's Weak Spot!! and the idyllic tribes of Paradise. Head Formation of Friendship

Victory cartoon

Numerous aliens inhabited the frontier village of Iron Town, including some very familiar specimens. The Brave Hero of the Universe - Star Saber

Beast Wars cartoon

You know, for kids!

The Vok were a mysterious energy-based species with long-ranging plans revolving around prehistoric Earth and its future; seeding the primitive planet with massive amounts of unrefined Energon in pursuit of a vaguely-defined long-range goal. Other Voices, Part 1 Following the arrival of the time-travelling Maximals and Predacons on the planet, the Vok took several drastic steps in an attempt to first remove the contamination from their testbed Other Voices, Part 2 then contain the potential damage that Megatron might wreak on all of space-time by sending Tigerhawk as their emissary. Other Victories

Beast Machines cartoon


Regalis V was a distant world covered entirely in motile plants. When the Maximal explorer Botanica and her crew landed to survey the planet, they adopted new alternate modes based off the local life-forms. Home Soil

Dreamwave Generation One continuity

Evidence suggested that the aliens known as the Quintessons had conquered Cybertron at one point before being driven off. Nonetheless, they managed to exert some influence on Cybertron's ruling Council of Ancients. The Route of All Evil During the Great War, a space bridge accident sent Megatron to Quintessa. The Decepticon leader struck a bargain with the aliens, though both intended to betray the other. The Age of Wrath Pt.2

At least six months following the destruction of San Francisco, Optimus Prime, Bluestreak, Jazz and Megatron were abducted by a malevolent alien species called the Keepers who sought to experiment on them. After Bluestreak perished, the other three managed to escape to Earth, followed by a Keeper wearing Bluestreak's corpse. Hardwired Taking other Transformers as bodies, the Keepers sought to conquer Earth only to be repelled by the power of the Matrix of Leadership, though not before they'd caused severe damage to the United States of America. Annihilation Banished to a realm they called the Void, the Keepers attempted to form a portal back to Earth but were trapped in their prison thanks to the sacrifice of Omega Sentinel and Devastator. Fusion

2005 IDW continuity

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The Milky Way galaxy is filled with thousands of alien civilizations and many more inhabited planets, largely split along organic or mechanical lines. Organic species vastly outnumber the latter, leading to a lasting social stigma against most mechanical races. The Permanent Revolution The oldest known sentient species in the galaxy are the Stentarians: a race of transforming mechanoids locked in a civil war of their own. Little Victories

Despite the general prejudice against mechanical beings, some civilizations, most notably the former inhabitants of Gorlam Prime, developed advanced cybernetic implants and prostheses in what was speculated to be an attempt to artificially evolve from one state of being to the other. Spotlight: Nightbeat Some Cybertronians were known to have looked down upon other mechanical races, such as the Catharsians, for their inferior construction. An Axe to Break the Ice Non-Transformer mechanoids were sentient either due to possessing sparks of their own, such as the Quintessons, Prey or Junkions, The Next Day, and the Next or due to their "warm-wired" physiology. Into the Abyss An Axe to Break the Ice


On the galactic level, most spacefaring cultures have banded together to form interplanetary coalitions and governments. Primus: You, Me, and Other Revelations According to the Space Knight Rom, most organic civilizations attain global coherence before developing interstellar space travel. Shining Armor #3

The largest governmental power in the Milky Way is the Galactic Council, far and away the most powerful organization in the galaxy. Primus: You, Me, and Other Revelations Other galactic powers include the robo-phobic Black Block Consortia The Permanent Revolution and the Solstar Order, enemies of the shapeshifting Dire Wraiths. Shining Armor

The first Cybertronians to encounter alien lifeforms were the Knights of Cybertron. Their extended stay in deep space and encounters with new life inevitably resulted in them becoming patients zeroes for a disease brought about via contact with organic life: Atrophosia. Seeking treatment, they made their way to Mederi, an artificial hospital moon rumoured to have been constructed by the ancient and advanced Omega Guardians. You Are Here

Following the unification of the Thirteen, Onyx Prime—in reality a time-travelling Shockwave—convinced Prima to share the gifts of Cybertron with the larger galaxy. Flanked by a vanguard of Omega Sentinels, "Onyx", Alpha Trion, and Megatronus made recorded first contact when they touched down on the planet Antilla, which the Primes intended to conquer and colonize on account of its rich resources, bringing the Cybertronians into conflict with the native Antillans. Alpha Trion, the one who to whom this conquest was dedicated to, decided then that Cybertronians had no place to meddle in the affairs of others, choosing to edit the conquering intent from the history books. As the Antillans neared extinction, the war came to an abrupt end when a desperate scientist constructed a weapon, that sterilized all life on the blighted planet. The end of the conflict caused the rest of the galaxy to learn of, and begin to fear, Cybertron. In the waning days of the First Cybertronian Civil War, the crash landing of the Titan Emissary would be witnessed by a primitive alien hunter. The First Who Was Named Our Finest

One of the Cybertronian colonies, Velocitron shared its region of space with organic lifeforms, ones that the Velocitronians refused to talk to due to their isolationist policies. Windblade vol. 2 #4

In the years before the Great War, Cybertron was seen as a backwater world by the inhabitants of the galaxy; mocking the stagnation of the planet's culture and society, aliens deemed the planet's inhabitants "Autobots," short for "automatons." Chaos Theory Part 2 Cybertron's great contribution to the field of interspecies relations was the Ambus Test, a universal test designed to ascertain the sentience of mechanical lifeforms. It is unknown if a similar test exists for organic species. Into the Abyss In the pre-war years, Cybertron's off-world Primal Vanguard would occasionally engage in peacekeeping operations on other planets, which usually ended poorly for the organics under the protection of Cybertronians. Before & After Prolonged interactions with gendered alien races would cause some Transformers to voluntarily adopt other gendered pronouns. An Axe to Break the Ice

As he organized the Decepticon movement, Megatron wrote at length about the innate superiority of mechanical life in a prejudiced galaxy. Believing that the universe was innately "anti-mechanical," Megatron targeted thousands of organic species for extermination in what he claimed was self-defense: eliminating them before they could do his species harm. Anti-organic sentiment became a hallmark of the Decepticon movement, among his followers, it ranged from mere disdain to genocidal hatred. The Permanent Revolution

On Junkion, Megatron encountered the manipulative Quintesson Pentius, though it is unclear what, if any, connection the Quintessons have with the Transformers in this continuity. Faces of Darkness A later Cybertronian conflict on Junkion ended in the planet's destruction and the natives becoming nomads. A Lonely Pillar on the Plain

After the loss of Cybertron, the Decepticon war machine reorganized along "infiltration protocol:" a system by which Decepticon agents infiltrated unaligned alien civilizations and subverted them from within to bring about their destruction. This process was naturally opposed by the Autobots, who fought to protect the inhabitants of said worlds. Infiltration #1

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To (ostensibly) safeguard other races from the destruction that untapped Cybertronian technology might wreak, both sides worked together to implement the Tyrest Accord, which banned the export of Cybertronian technology to other species and prevented Cybertronians from providing services to organic races. House of Ambus In spite of this law, Decepticons such as Swindle and Scorponok would regularly collude with organic races, requiring the intervention of dedicated lawmen such as Ultra Magnus. Spotlight: Ultra Magnus

Some two hundred years ago, the Cybertronians were briefly entangled in the ongoing war between the Solstar Order and the Dire Wraiths, resulting in a four-way skirmish at Xetaxxis and a lesson in why Wraith magic should not be applied to Cybertronian life. Shining Armor

An encounter with an alien race known as the Kree had given the human Carol Danvers superhuman powers. Her travels with a group called the Starjammers exposed her to the worlds that the Decepticons had ravaged. Man and Machine, Part One Man and Machine, Part Two

The Decepticon invasion on Earth briefly involved the Reapers, a group of monstrous living weapons led by Deathbringer. Devastation #6

While marooned on LV-118, Hot Rod and Wheelie befriended Garnak. The Stars My Destination Garnak would join Orion Pax when the former Autobot leader voluntarily exiled himself from Cybertron. Syndromica (1) Even after the end of the Transformers' war, anti-mechanical sentiment still ran high among many organic species. The virulent hatred that Cybertronians faced became a business prospect for the ex-Decepticon Demus, who began kidnapping and "domesticating" Transformers to sell as "Roboid" torture dolls for other races to abuse. Animals


In 2016, Cybertronian activity on Earth culminated in the planet's annexation into the Cybertronian Council of Worlds. Around this time, the Dire Wraiths on Earth made themselves known, attracting the attention of the Space Knight Rom. Simultaneously, extradimensional warlord Baron Karza turned his sights on Earth's supplies of Ore-13; searching for a way to transport the mineral to his dying universe, he recruited the help of the Wraiths and Miles Mayhem in a complicated scheme. The ensuing battle saw the Micronauts, a group of tiny aliens from Karza's home reality, stranded on Earth. Revolution

Though Kazra's initial scheme failed, he returned to Earth shortly afterwards with a larger fleet and the body of Micronus Prime, creator of his universe. His plans were halted by another species from his universe, the Time Travelers. Micronauts: Wrath of Karza

Having repeatedly encountered aliens over the course of his career, Joe Colton became convinced that Earth could only survive if it was cut off from the larger galaxy. To that end, he assembled the Iron Ring to commit a Cybertronian genocide before his plan was halted by "Garrison Kreiger" who revealed himself as Merklynn. Via the magic of the Talisman, Merklynn terraformed a portion of Cybertron's underground into New Prysmos, First Strike which soon became home to what little remained of the Prysmosian species. Transformers vs. Visionaries

When Unicron attacked Elonia, the Cybertronians evacuated the Elonians to Cybertron. Our Darkest The Elonians then joined the Cybertronians in seeking refuge on Earth once the Chaos Bringer had destroyed Cybertron. Road's End After Unicron had been felled, the Elonians reestablished their society on Earth alongside the Cybertronians and humans. Ceremony

The Functionist Universe

In a alternate timeline where Megatron was never created, the ruling Functionist Council deliberately stoked prejudice and fear against the greater galaxy to keep the population of Cybertron fearful of the universe beyond their planet. A World Misplaced Cybertron clashed with the Black Box Consortia several times before a ceasefire was reached, necessitating the dissolution of the Primal Vanguard. The Custom-Made Now

Unbeknownst to most Cybertronians, Council member Six-of-Twelve had come to the conclusion that other alien species did not serve an appreciable "function" in the eyes of Primus, Modes of Production and after taking custody of Luna 2, he had the entire moon re-engineered into a gigantic harvester unit that would go forth into the galaxy and strip-mine populated worlds in service of Cybertron. Bad Moon Rising

After losing Luna 2, This Machine Kills Fascists the Council turned Cybertron itself into their instrument of destruction, using it to wipe out countless alien worlds. The Return of the King

Wings Universe

Numerous organic species joined up with Cannonball's crew of Star Seekers, including Squirm, Izzerkilod, and Vez. Hoist the Flag

Hearts of Steel


Having arrived on Earth in prehistoric times, an Elder God briefly awoke in 1887, posting an existential threat to humans and Cybertronians alike. To defeat the menace, the Autobots managed to awaken Optimus Prime, who succeeded in driving it and its acolytes back into the ocean from whence it had came. Infestation 2: The Transformers #2

Events identical to those of Hearts of Steel and Infestation 2 occurred in the 2005 IDW continuity. Strange Visitors

Mars Attacks: The Transformers

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The Autobots and Decepticons were briefly forced to work together when an armada of Martians invaded Earth, seeking to colonize it for their own. The invaders were defeated after Cosmos used his alternate mode to infiltrate their fleet and launch a surprise attack on the aliens. Mars Attacks: The Transformers

Beast Wars: Uprising


The inhabitants of Gorlam Prime, seeking immortality, constructed a vast lunar database designed to house the collective consciousness of their race. That database gave rise to a gestalt intelligence that called itself Lord Imperious Delirious, a god-like second-born intellect who promptly annihilated the world of his creators. Derailment Searching for more of his kind, he found other organic civilizations that had created sentient robot slaves and eliminated them, forming the destructive warband of robots known as the Destructons. Medusa's profile in Club Magazine #59

The ancient Logicons had found a different way to cheat death by ascending into beings of energy. Intersectionality

In the 24th century, Cybertronians had been forcibly quarantined and cut off from the galaxy in an Allowed Zone. In spite of this, they maintained some relations with the larger galaxy, purchasing some ancient Quintesson hardware for sentry duty. Burning Bridges The Human Confederacy viewed the Quintessons with distrust, as preexisting contracts meant that they were the only species capable of entering and leaving the Allowed Zone at will.[1]

When the Beast Upgrade hit Cybertron, some Transformers opted to adopt new beast modes based off alien creatures instead of Cybertron's own mechanimal's. Safe Spaces

The Human Confederacy had signed the Treaty of Prysmos with the untrustworthy Shi-Lai. By the 25th century, the aliens had dramatically violated the terms of the treaty.

After the Human Confederacy descended into civil war, the Cybertronians were free to go beyond the Allowed Zone once again and eventually made their way to the Andromeda Galaxy. Their incursion earned the ire of the native Ammonites and precipitated an invasion of the Milky Way. After going to war with the Ammonites, the Convoy Council forbade extragalactic travel. In the 34th century, the Terrastar and Hyperborea made their way to the Triangulum Galaxy where they encountered a race of hostile aliens known as the Skriix. The Inexorable March

Of Masters and Mayhem

The eusocial race known as the Vespoids inhabited the primitive world of Chicxulania, which had been visited by some other alien race and deliberately seeded with exotic creatures eons ago. Life Finds a Way

Following Cybertron's near destruction, Alpha Bravo and Offroad fled to Abraxas and integrated into the local rescue force. After the two had been recruited into Wreckage, the combiner tested out his power on a Mecannibal nest located on a nearby jungle planet. Deadly Aim

The natives of the planet Maarin built a race of terraforming robots known as the Teklaans to heal their blighted world only for their creations to resurrect every virus that had once existed on their world, wiping out the biosphere. Left to their own devices, the Teklaans seized control of their world before recreating their techniques on other planets. When they discovered Cybertron, Bluestreak tried to have them rebuild his home only for the Wreckers to inform him of the Teklaans' penchant for viruses. Forming Wreckage, the Wreckers forced the Teklaans off their planet. Lively Pursuit

Star Trek vs. Transformers

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In the 23rd century, the Federation was an interstellar union composed of humans, Vulcans, and Andorians. They did not get along very well with their neighbours, the brutal Klingon Empire. On stardate 5892.7, both parties made first contact with the Cybertronian race on Cygnus Seven. Prime's Directive, Part One While the Autobots allied with the crew of the Federation starship Enterprise, the Decepticons allied with the Klingons, Prime's Directive, Part Two before the latter party's alliance fell apart when Starscream went rogue to conquer the Klingon homeworld of Kronos. Prime's Directive, Part Four During the battle for the Klingon capital, the Decepticons initially held the advantage before the Klingons used a fleet of warbirds to defeat the invaders. Though the Klingon High Council allowed Starfleet and the Autobots to leave in peace, the Decepticons remained as Klingon prisoners. Prime's Directive, Part Five

2019 IDW continuity

Prior to the War of the Threefold Spark, Cybertron enjoyed an Age of Expansion. In colonizing the galaxy, the Transformers came into violent contact with several alien species. The Cybertronian historian Codexa, in her work The Way We Were, by One Who Saw It, theorized that seeing the Titans destroy planets had instilled a fear of Cybertronians in other races. The Change In Your Nature Part Five A group of aliens who existed "behind the barrier of quintessence" abducted and overpowered the Cybertronian explorer Exarchon, warping him into a warmonger who would silence Cybertron's expansion into the larger galaxy. War's End Part One War's End Part Three

After the war's end, Cybertron had rebuilt as a thriving hub of interstellar commerce and travel, inhabited by many aliens alongside the Transformers, The World In Your Eyes Part Three such as Voin scavengers or A'ovan refugees who'd fled their blighted homeworld, the latter group introducing the (harmless) invasive species known as skitters into Cybertron's biosphere. The World In Your Eyes Part One The World In Your Eyes Part Two Aliens on Cybertron lived within the Xeno-Quarter, a multi-cultural district one-fifth the size of Iacon. In one of his speeches, Megatron derisively claimed that the Nominus Edict had constricted the expansion of the Cybertronian race so as not to risk antagonizing other species. The World In Your Eyes Part Five

After Megatron took control of the Senate, the bound Sentinel Prime warned him that if he returned to an age of violent conquest and colonization, then the other races of the galaxy would remember and one day seek recompense from the next generation of Cybertronians. Prime

When Sentinel perished and Optimus Prime took command of Cybertron, the Decepticons had turned their sights on the Xeno-Quarter. When Hound and Nautica brought this information to the new Prime, he ordered them to evacuate the aliens from Iacon, Wheeljack considering that he could use Ark-class vessels to relocate the immigrants. Escape Part One Ultimately only one of the vessels was used to evacuate but a portion of Cybertron's immigrants, though Nautica and Road Rage noted that when the last Ark was repaired, it might be used to evacuate the rest. Escape Part Five

In his greed to collect the artefacts of ancient Cybertron scattered throughout the galaxy, Soundblaster plundered alien planets, tainting the reputation of the Cybertronian race in the eyes of the native species. Storm Horizon Part 3

What few aliens remained in Darkmount later evacuated with the Autobots when they fled Cybertron. Fate of Cybertron

Last Bot Standing

As the Great War spread across the galaxy, it wiped out countless alien species. When it later consumed all known sources of energon, Steeljaw's pack of surviving Cybertronians turned what few alien species remained into biofuel, a fuel source generated by the harvesting of organic matter. Last Bot Standing #2 When the group came to the planet Donnokt, they were stopped by Rodimus, leaving the planet's organics to develop on their own. Last Bot Standing #4

Energon Universe

Centuries before the present day, the Quintessons were responsible for the Age of Wrath, something that gave the species many enemies, Void Rivals #3 Cybertron and the Cybertronians among them. Void Rivals #4

The Sacred Ring was inhabited by the Agorrians, formerly of Agorria, and the Zertonians, formerly of Zertonia, who had briefly paused their war to erect the structure around the black hole that their sun had collapsed into. Void Rivals #1 Void Rivals #2


The forces of the Andalites battle the villainous Yeerks, who have enslaved other alien species such as Hork-Bajir and Taxxons. Animorph packaging bios

Unicron Trilogy continuity family

Ask Vector Prime

When the Beast Wars of Aurex 615.03 Epsilon spilled into Alpha Q's universe, the Maximals and Predacons adopted beast modes based on the various creatures that inhabited the different planets, including mechamorphs, Rock Lords, and Battle Beasts. Ask Vector Prime, 2015/09/23

Spacewarp's Log

An alien civilization had visited earth in its prehistory and set up a small city on Easter Island.

The Decepticon adventurer Spacewarp had encountered dozens of different alien races in her journeys across space and time. Notable races she crossed paths with include the incorporeal Tasmians, the Clonemasters of Tharkoros, and the subterranean bugboys of Moldavus.

On one adventure, a series of improbable events successfully transported Spacewarp and her companion Foldspace into an entirely different universe. There, she met and later alllied with distant alien analogues of the Autobots and Decepticons; the warring Robotix of Skalorr. Spacewarp's Log

Live-action film series

IDW movie comics

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Aware of the damage that Star Harvesters could wreak on developing systems, the Dynasty of Primes decreed that no Harvester could be built to harvest a star that supported life. After knowingly, and with great malice of forethought, violating this rule, The Fallen was exiled from Cybertron. While roaming the galaxy, the Fallen slaughtered any alien species he found, stealing their engines of war and other powerful technologies while leaving burnt worlds in his wake. Tales of the Fallen #4

The Ejoornians of the Eshems Nebula were attracted to a powerful energy source on Cybertron. They were repulsed by Starscream, Defiance #1 and a later full-scale invasion was thwarted by Megatron.

Ratchet's examinations revealed that their biology was eerily similar to those of a Cybertronian, even possessing what might be a spark core. Defiance #2

Titan movie comics

Over the course of their search for the AllSpark, both Autobots and Decepticons encountered numerous alien civilizations. Ratchet was involved in the civil war between the Thraal and the A'ovan on Na'conda, Transformers Comic issue 3 Brawl encountered a dead civilization that had been ravaged by the Flame, Transformers Comic issue 4 Ironhide contended with a race of scavengers tracking the AllSpark, Transformers Comic issue 5 while Jazz discovered a gigantic living world that absorbed the memories of its visitors. Transformers Comic issue 6

In his travels across the galaxy, Lockdown had claimed the bounty on the leader Coseem crime gang, a group of alien lowlives. One of their members, Sojex, attempted to claim revenge on Lockdown but was defeated by the bounty hunter. Transformers Comic issue 5.4

Age of Extinction film


65 million years ago, Earth was visited by an enigmatic race of aliens known only as the "Creators," who seeded the planet with supplies of elemental metal as part of their larger experiments — a series of events that apparently led to the creation of the Transformer race.

The Creators had apparently survived into the modern day; on learning of Optimus Prime's recent exploits, they hired Cybertronian bounty hunter Lockdown to find and capture him. After Optimus learned more about the Creators, he flew off into space to confront them and learn the truth about his origins.

Lockdown had members of many seemingly alien species imprisoned in his ship.

The Steeljaws also appeared to be a cybernetically enhanced organic species. Age of Extinction

Shattered Glass

The peaceful and benevolent Quintessons formed the Quintesson Federation, maintaining peace in the galaxy while taking great care not to interfere with the development of less advanced civilizations. Reunification: Part 3

Hun-Grrr adopted a Algean two-headed razor beast as his alternate mode.

Animated continuity family

Animated cartoon

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There are six major powers in the Milky Way galaxy: in addition to the Autobot Commonwealth and the remnants of the Decepticon Empire, other galactic factions include the Nebulon Republic, a loosely allied coalition of peaceful organic races, the mercantile Quintesson Pan Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere, the mysterious Vok Territory, and the empire of aggressive mechanoids known as the Vestial Imperium. Several minor coalitions such as the Tiresian Union, Intruder Empire, and the Galran Khanganete control small regions of otherwise unclaimed space. The AllSpark Almanac II

In spite of their peaceful society, most Autobots are relentlessly xenophobic towards most organic races, considering them disgusting and potentially dangerous. The Elite Guard There is some truth to this belief, as several organic species in the galaxy—such as the gigantic arachnoids of Archa Seven—are indeed capable of harming a full-sized Cybertronian. As a result of her traumatic encounter on that planet, Autobot cadet Elita-1 was irreversibly mutated, transforming into a technorganic version of one of the native spiders. Along Came a Spider

The unscrupulous arms dealer Swindle was an exception to the rule; he was known to have freely parleyed with many civilizations in his travels across the galaxy. Decepticon Air The unaligned bounty hunter Lockdown scavenged many parts for his ship from alien sources such as the Taxxons. The AllSpark Almanac

Ask Vector Prime

Vector Prime speculated that Ben 10's universe, located somewhere beyond the multiverse, may have interacted with the Malgus cluster at some point. This reality bleed would explain why some alien species from his universe can occasionally be found in the Transformers' multiverse. Ask Vector Prime

Aligned continuity family

The Covenant of Primus

Following the Great Cataclysm, the Quintessons discovered the rebuilding Cybertron. Disguising themselves as peaceful benefactors from the stars, the opportunistic Quintessons began tampering with the development of the primitive Cybertronians with the ultimate goal of selling them off as slaves to other galactic cultures.

After the Quintessons were banished from Cybertron, the Golden Age of Transformer civilization saw spacefaring colonists make contact with several other alien civilizations along the way. Encounters with gendered aliens caused the formerly asexual Cybertronians to begin adopting gender pronouns. The Covenant of Primus

Commercial appearances

During his takeover of The Hub, Megatron contended with an alien life form named ALF, whose program had been thrown from the schedule. Transformers Prime 26-Hour Takeover

Aligned novels

According to Xeros, most life-forms in the galaxy were mechanical. Retribution

Rescue Bots cartoon

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The Velgrox were an opportunistic race that were infamous for invading planets and capturing their inhabitants for later consumption. A Velgrox scout ship landed on Griffin Rock to procure samples, though Heatwave successfully intimidated them into leaving before they could do any lasting harm to their captives. New Normal

2015 Robots in Disguise cartoon

The Decepticon Shifter Pseudo was arrested for selling Cybertronian secrets to aliens. Ghosts and Impostors

On the cusp of reviving the Decepticon Empire, Cyberwarp questioned why aliens had to suffer in the name of Cybertron's ascension. Cyclonus responded that they didn't have to suffer but it was just a happy bonus. Enemy of My Enemy

Rescue Bots Academy cartoon

When the last of the Galax was threatened, the Rescue Bot recruits were sent to its native Parvus to bring it to the safety of Earth. In this new environment, the Galax was able to begin repopulating its species. Big Small Rescue

While collecting rock samples in the asteroid belt, Heatwave unknowingly abducted a slumbering rock-like alien. When the alien awoke in the Rescue Bots' headquarters, it went on a panicked rampage across the base before it was safely cornered and returned to its native environment. About A Rock

The Rescue Bots later dispatched their eager young cadets to the developing planet of Herboo to save a Herboovian village from a karknoid beetle. Tune Out

Cyberverse cartoon

During the Age of Expansion, the War Titans carried detachments of warriors to conquer "untamed" alien planets. By his own account, Maccadam was a participant in these battles, leading Iaconus and his crew into war against an insectoid race. The Citizen

Croaton's colony was attacked by alien invaders who abducted his citizens before subjecting him to an orbital bombardment that left him on the brink of death. Ghost Town

The popular television show Alien Hunt! chronicled the adventures of Meteorfire and Cosmos as they travelled the galaxy and encountered all manner of strange lifeforms. On one such outing, Cosmos was taken captive by an obicular-class parasitic entity with the flying saucer managing to trap her captor on Luna 3, though her disappearance saw the cancellation of Alien Hunt! Alien Hunt! With Meteorfire And Cosmos

In their quest for the AllSpark, the crew of the Ark touched down on an uncharted moon where the landing party was abducted by subterranean insects. When Optimus Prime realized that the aliens fed off energon and were merely defending their food supply, he ordered his crew back to their ship, refusing to endanger the aliens' survival. The Journey

Teletraan-X claimed that the Egyptians had been aliens from Alpha Centauri. Matrix of Leadership As the Ark carried the AllSpark back to Cybertron, the crew made first contact with the Sharkticon race. Wiped Out

After escaping the Ark, Ghost Town Starscream ran across the Quintessons, a bizarre race of extra-dimensional aliens to whom he sold out Cybertron to. The End Of The Universe I While the creatures initially conquered Cybertron, they were soon driven off-world by the combined forces of the Autobots and Decepticons. The End Of The Universe IV

When searching for Windblade's psychic shards, Bumblebee recruited Meteorfire, the two finding and killing the obicular-class parasitic entity, whose death freed Cosmos. Overjoyed, Meteorfire revived Alien Hunt! Alien Hunt! With Meteorfire And Cosmos

EarthSpark cartoon

After helping to establish Cybertronian culture, Quintus Prime left his homeworld on a mission to seed life on planets all across the galaxy, intending to create new races that could be allies of Cybertron in the future via his Emberstone. After starting the evolutionary process, Quintus left to repeat the process on another world, abandoning what life he had created. Quintus' first creations, the Quintessons, desired to know the purpose of their existence, and so set off into space in search of their absent creator. Upon discovering that they were just one of many experiments that Quintus had abandoned, they grew bitter and sought to destroy Quintus and claim his Emberstone for themselves, exterminating any other of Quintus' creations that they came across. Age of Evolution, Part 1 Witwicky, Part 1


Beast Wars Transformers video game

The Maximals and Predacons were both menaced by the Skriix, an aggressive organic race who came to Earth through an interdimensional portal. The Maximals, aware of the Skriix's potential for destruction, had no other plans but to eradicate all present Skriix lifeforms, ending their threat to the planet.

Upon discovering that the Predacon Inferno was experimenting on the Skriix, the Maximals decided that it was too dangerous for the Predacons to gain insight into the Skriix's biology, and promptly dispatched a mission to destroy both Inferno and his test subjects. Beast Wars: Transformers


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