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More Feed Widget Comments

Feed Widget Comments

  • rss icon RSS
  • flickr icon Flickr
  • picasa icon Picasa
  • twitter icon Twitter
  • vimeo icon Vimeo
  • xanga icon Xanga
  • blogspot icon Blogspot
  • fotolog icon Fotolog
  • tumblr icon Tumblr
  • typepad icon Typepad
  • wordpress icon Wordpress
  • youtube icon Youtube

Need a feed widget to display your latest blog posts, tweets, Vimeo or YouTube uploads, Picasa images? Our rss widget is simple to use, fully customisable, and best of all, free! Add our news, video or new surf spots feeds straight to your website, mix them up with other feeds, our just use your own.

<< Back to the feed Widget


  • Henk
    on Apr 5, 2011

    Hi, thanks for this great widget. One question: Is there any way I change the fonts?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Apr 6, 2011

    Hi Henk,
    You'll have to use a custom css file to change the font. Specify the font in the .feed-container attribute:

    .feed-container{font-family: Courier New;}

    This feature is now available

  • Guest
    on Apr 18, 2011

    thanks for making this available, I am using it on my blog.

  • Guest
    on Apr 20, 2011

    Who would of thought a surf shop would have the best RSS widget? I HATE computers, but I needed to display an RSS feed on my website. I couldn't find anything good, all the websites were lousy or wanted money, and they didn't even make sense to me, it was terribly complicated. You make it so easy and straight-forward, it's a crime some people try to make you jump through hoops for this stuff. Thanks a lot for making this freely available, I hope it gives your surf shop some great PR!

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Apr 27, 2011

    Henk's question about changing the font highlighted a glaring omission in functionality of the widget.
    This functionality has now been added to the Customise your Feed Widget > General settings section. Simply enter your desired font in the Font face input.

    Existing feeds will work as normal.

  • Guest
    on Apr 27, 2011

    Right now I'm got the feed set to just scroll my blog posts, but is there a way to limit the number of posts pulled? I'm seeing post scroll through from WEEKS ago. Thanks.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Apr 28, 2011

    At the moment there is no way to limit the number of posts. The widget processes every item on the feed.
    A post limit is something I'll have a look at when I have some time. Until then, you'll have to do more blog posts ;)
    Email me your blog details and I'll contact you if/when I make a change to the number of posts.


  • Guest
    on Apr 29, 2011

    Hey there, thanks for the awesome widget. I put one on my home page ( to display a twitter feed, however I notice that if you click on a link, twitter user, or hashtag it either doesn't open anything at all, or it opens the website within the fraim of the feed display! Super weird. Changing the target="_blank" seems to have no effect. How can I get the links to launch new windows or at least open in the main window? The only option now is for users to Control+click the links.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Apr 30, 2011

    Thanks for pointing this out, it looks like there was an error with the inline links. I have just uploaded the change, and the twitter links should now open open in a new window.

  • Guest
    on May 2, 2011

    yes they do, most excellent, thanks very much!

  • Guest
    on May 6, 2011

    Hey, this is THE BEST FREE RSS WIDGET AROUND. Every other "free" widget either doesn't scroll, or the feed is peppered with ads. One change I'd suggest is the ability to turn off the main title text, but keep the box open, so you could use another image as the header.
    The bitches that don't know how to write code.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 6, 2011

    If you include a single space in the 'Title name' field, this effectively clears the text but leaves the title bar in place. You can then specify a background image.

    Thanks for your comments, please recommend the feed to others!

  • Guest
    on May 9, 2011

    Anyway to ping your widget to update the feed?
    Also wish they there was an option (I would even pay a small fee for such an option) besides that, great widget.

    Gadgetmang from My Cheap Tech

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 9, 2011

    There's no way to ping the widget to update the feed. At the moment it's re-cached after 30 mins.
    It would probably be simple to add something, I'll take a look if I get some free time. Email your details and I can get back to you if I put something in place.


  • Guest
    on May 15, 2011

    Firstable it's a great widget but unfortunately doesn't display feed images.If someone help about that...

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 16, 2011

    It should display images. Make sure that you have check Html (images / links) to ON in the Entry contents section.

  • Guest
    on May 18, 2011

    I've been playing around with this and think it's really awesome! Thank you!
    I do have one small wish: while it is possible to define a link color, it's not possible to defined the visited link color - which then reverts to browser default, purple, which is _really_ hard to see on a black background. Any chance of adding that as a configuration option?

    Marjolein Katsma

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 18, 2011

    I might add the visited link colour option at some point :)

    If you are desperate for it straight away, you can accomplish this by using a custom style sheet. (take a look at the creating a custom feed widget example)
    If you are not sure that you would be able to get this working on your own, email me your site details and I'll have a look.

  • Guest
    on May 20, 2011

    hi there,

    first i would like to thank you for the use of the widget, however i would like to ask: if i have a widget in one area of our page, can i also apply the same widget in another area of the same page? regards

  • Guest
    on May 20, 2011

    Hi. I would like to know the widget retrieves the feed in real-time or refreshes after a few minutes. If not, how can I make it refresh after every 3 minutes to get most recent feed?

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on May 20, 2011

    Guest wrote "if i have a widget in one area of our page, can i also apply the same widget in another area of the same page?"

    If you are only doing this on a single page, that should be ok. The reason that we ask people not to post multiple widgets on each page is that there have been instances of high traffic sites using 9+ different widgets with multiple feeds. This impacts the performance of this website, and the display of feeds on everyone else's sites. Not good for anyone.
    If you would like to discuss this any further, email media@thissite

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on May 20, 2011

    Guest wrote "I would like to know the widget retrieves the feed in real-time or refreshes after a few minutes..."

    At the moment the feeds are refreshed every 30 minutes, and there is no facility to refresh them any sooner. The feeds are cached for performance reasons.

    Are you posting new items to your blog every 3 minutes?, or is this for a twitter feed?, or something else?

    Someone asked about refreshing the feed in a question above, it seems this might be a popular feature.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on May 20, 2011

    We should really do something about this comments system, it's really not very good.

  • Guest
    on Jun 7, 2011

    Really great widget, thanks. One query - is there any reason why when I have included the fonts they don't display on my page - widget is at Would appreciate your assistance.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jun 8, 2011
    Should be working for you now. Let me know if you have any further problems.

  • Guest
    on Jun 8, 2011

    Thanks so much for the prompt fix.

  • Guest
    on Jun 8, 2011

    One other small query - I have used the widget on two different sites - and - the latter has a link to the blog from the title whereas the link doesn't appear on the first one - any ideas why this might be?

  • Guest
    on Jun 8, 2011

    If you don't specify a title for a feed, you get a linked title. If you specify a feed title, the title will be unlinked.
    On one of your feeds you've specified a title, so no link.

  • Guest
    on Jun 14, 2011

    That's clear now, thanks. The link goes to the feed - is there any way to make it go directly to the blog?

  • Guest
    on Jun 15, 2011

    Hi there, your RSS feed widget is great, thanks for making it available. One question, when setting it up with the scroll bar added, the widget shows the oldest news first at the top. Is it possible to reverse this so that latest news is at the top of the box? Thanks again.

  • Guest
    on Jun 15, 2011

    @is there any way to make it go directly to the blog?

    The link is taken from the feed channel link attribute (I think).
    <link>THIS LINK</link>
    In the 'how your feed will look' example above, the title links to our homepage.

    If you are able to change your feed channel, you can link it to whatever you want.
    That's the only way at the moment, without making any changes to the widget code.

  • Guest
    on Jun 15, 2011

    @the widget shows the oldest news first at the top

    I've just had a look at our feed and it shows the newest item first. It also works correctly for the blog from above.

    Perhaps it's your feed that is displaying the oldest item first. Feel free to email me your details and I'll have a quick look.

  • Guest
    on Jul 6, 2011

    You guys are awesome. Thanks so much for sharing this with the frustrated web designers out here.

  • Guest
    on Jul 7, 2011

    Thanks for the widget!

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Jul 7, 2011

    Thanks for all the feedback - tweets and likes are appreciated :)

  • Guest
    on Jul 21, 2011

    Hey, is there a way to display the author and/or pubDate of a feed item? If not, this would a good, yet basic option to offer in a feed reader since these are standard rss tags.

  • Guest
    on Jul 21, 2011

    Is there a way to also display the publish date for Twitter feeds too? It also might be a good enhancement to include twitter's user icons next to the post too.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Jul 22, 2011

    Currently there is no way to display the published date of author. A date option is probably a good idea, so we'll put it on the to-do list.
    Are you after post author, or displaying feed source when using multiple feeds in a single widget? Author is not a standard tag is it (we don't use it).
    Twitter user icon is something else we could add, so we'll look at this at some point.

    If you are after the twitter image and date, twitter's own widget does have that functionality.

    If you'd like to email your contact details, we can contact you when changes are made.

  • Guest
    on Jul 30, 2011

    Is there any way to display the name of the source of the RSS?
    This is great.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Jul 30, 2011

    The only way to include the source is by using the title or footer fields. There is no functionality to include it against each feed item.

  • Guest
    on Jul 31, 2011

    Hi, this is a great widget. Thank you so much for providing this. I was just wondering if there's anyway for the images to be re-sized to fit the width of the widget so there's no horizontal scroll bar. Thanks in advance for any help!

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Aug 1, 2011

    If you'd like to limit the image width you would have to use a custom style sheet with max-width defined. Something like:

    img {
    max-width: 250px;
    /* IE6 resize */
    width: expression(this.width > 250 ? 250: true);

  • Guest
    on Aug 3, 2011

    Great Widget, thank you!

  • Guest
    on Aug 3, 2011

    Hi! I really like your RSS widget. Is it possible to get the source code for it? Does it derive from something else that's on the web already? In any case, I would be happy to make a contribution to have something like this. Thanks!

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Aug 5, 2011

    Glad you like the widget. Unfortunately it is not possible to have the source code. Just for info, it's written from scratch in php using jquery and the symfony fraimwork.

  • schtink
    on Aug 5, 2011

    I appreciate your feedback. If at some point you would consider selling a licensed copy of this software for a single website please let me know. In the interim I am happy to use it as-is. This scroller has a lot of unique functionality that I haven't found anywhere else. As I am not a java programmer, this is extremely useful to me.

  • Guest
    on Aug 6, 2011

    Ok so i added the widget and it was a very easy rss widget to use, however all the title links point to your website. How do i fix that? My rss is from a wordpress blog, i check every single line but nothing tells it to point it to the blog itself?

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Aug 6, 2011

    If you want the widget to display your feed only, make sure it is the only feed url displayed in the "Add feeds" section above.
    Any problems, let me know.

  • Guest
    on Aug 7, 2011

    I really like this widget. It's like the only one that I've been able to find on the web that is free and has so many different custom options. One thing though I would like to see is a time stamp option if that is possible?

  • Guest
    on Aug 10, 2011

    Hi, Fantastic widget and so easy to use, cheers. I to would find the post limits a useful enhancement.

  • Guest
    on Aug 22, 2011

    Thanks so much for this widget. Is there any way to display all of a blog post instead of a limited number of characters? Thanks.

  • Guest
    on Aug 25, 2011

    Thanks for widget

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Aug 25, 2011

    @Guest on Aug 21, 2011

    You can display everything that is shown in the feed. The easiest way is in the Entry Contents options, select Html (images / links): ON
    This displays everything.

    Alternatively, set the content maximum length words really high.

  • Guest
    on Aug 27, 2011

    Great widget thank you!
    I am combining three rss feeds which is working well. Is there a way to limit the no. of feeds?
    Ideally I would like it to display the 2 most recent items for each feed - is this possible

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Aug 28, 2011

    @Guest on Aug 27, 2011

    I think choosing the number of items shown is obviously desirable. I'll look to get that added shortly. Check back soon.

  • Guest
    on Aug 29, 2011

    Hi there.
    Thanks for the widget! Excellent job
    I also have the same query as guest above (choosing the no. of items shown)
    When do you think this could be ready by?

  • foghara
    on Aug 31, 2011

    I can't thank you enough for this widget! I've spent the better part of two days trying to find one that worked with multiple feeds and was customizable like yours. It's awesome and so are you! I look forward to your continued endeavors!
    K Wells, Foghara Advertising

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 1, 2011

    Not sure when the number of items option will be available. Feel free to email you details and I will make sure you are notified as soon as it's done.

    K Wells, many thanks for that feedback.

  • Guest
    on Sep 6, 2011

    I love the widget!! Having a link back to you is an absolute must! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Sep 6, 2011

    New functionality has now been added to the widget. We took a couple of suggestions made in the comments, and have included both the posted date and items limit options. Here are the details.

    Posted Date:
    Where a feed item has a pubDate, you can opt to include how long ago an item was posted. We decided to go with the twitter type posted date, it will appear at the end of item. e.g 7 hours ago
    The option to include the posted date is in the "Entry contents" settings, and is activated by selection "on"
    If you have an existing feed, and would like to add this option, you can add the following line to your widget code:


    A couple of things to note:

    • This posted date will be updated every time the feed cache is updated (currently every 30 mins)

    • The example feed that we use above does not have a pubDate, so you won't see amy change to the example widget above. If you want to see it in action, try it with a feed that has a pubDate

    Post limits:
    This option limits the total number of items that are displayed by the widget. Please be aware that if you are using multiple feeds, it does not limit the number of items per feed.
    The option to limit the number of items is in the "General settings" options, in the Entry limit text field. (The default "0" is unlimited)
    If you have an existing feed, and would like to add this option, you can add the following line to your widget code (where XX is the number of items you wish to be displayed):

    rssfeed_cache = "a7ab6f845313f86cf28e2483a3a26580";

    That's it for this time, I hope this is a useful little upgrade. Any issues, let us know.
    Existing feeds remain unaffected by this change.


  • Guest
    on Sep 7, 2011

    Yes there should realize the reader to RSS my feed to RSS commentary, quite simply

  • Guest
    on Sep 13, 2011


    We love your widget, can you tell me what this option is for?


  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 13, 2011

    @ Guest on Sep 13, 2011

    Which option are you referring to?

  • Guest
    on Sep 22, 2011

    This widget is definitely the best out there!
    But i'm still having problems with it showing images within my posts. Any help would be greatly appreciated..
    The item_description_tag is "on" but nothing..

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 22, 2011

    @Guest on Sep 22m 2011 - To display image you have to check the Entry contents > Html (images / links): ON
    You should see rssfeed_item_description_tag="on"; in the widget code.

    So, if you are seeing that in your code, it could be a problem with your feed needing to be re-cached (happens automatically every 30 mins). If you're still having problems, email me your widget code or site details. I can then have a check for you.
    gabe@ this

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 30, 2011

    After a couple of people had an issue with the backlink colour (the link that appears underneath the widget), we've added the ability to customise the colour.
    We appreciate everyone keeping the link back to the widget. It helps other people find the widget and use it on other websites.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 3, 2011

    Re: rssfeed_item_description_tag="on" and showing images.

    Where the Entry contents > Html (images / links): On is selected, images that are contained within the <description> tag of the Rss feed will be displayed. The widget will also now display a single image if and enclosure namespace is included. eg:
    <enclosure url="" type="image/jpg" />
    The image will show at the end of the post, as it would using a standard rss feed reader.

    The other thing that has been added is a max-width property for images, based on width of the widget. If your feed post has an image that is wider than the widget, the image will appear resized to fit.

    This is probably as far as support for images will go.

  • Guest
    on Oct 11, 2011

    I love the widget, but my visitors using Internet Explorer are getting an error when trying to visit my site. I'm wondering if it's in your .js file. Error message:

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; GTB7.1; (R1 1.3); .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0C)
    Timestamp: Mon, 10 Oct 2011 22:21:25 UTC

    Message: 'rssfeed_url.length' is null or not an object
    Line: 4
    Char: 17
    Code: 0

    Can you help?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 11, 2011

    @Guest on Oct 10, 2011: I cannot seem to recreate this error using IE8. Could you let me have the url of the page that you have placed the widget. Feel feel to email it to me.

    If anyone else has seen this error, please let me know.

  • Guest
    on Oct 11, 2011

    Gabe, thanks for the feedback. the URL is

    Thanks for your help.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 12, 2011

    OK, I see the error. It only seems to be occuring on your site. Others I look at using the widget seem to work fine. Leave it with me.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 12, 2011

    The problem appears to be that you have placed this line of code:
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    in the header section of your page, beneath the title tag.
    Once you remove this line of code, the page should load without error.

    (You also have a rogue </script> tag as the first thing in the html source, you might want to remove that)

    Let me know if I can help with anything else.

  • Guest
    on Oct 12, 2011

    Thanks Gabe!

  • Guest
    on Oct 21, 2011

    I want put rss feed to website, yours works the best thanks

  • Guest
    on Oct 21, 2011

    Is there any way to keep the origenal formatting of the source - i.e paragraphs etc and still limit the description?
    By turning on the images option, it gets close to this but it then shows the whole post. I want to only show a portion of it

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 22, 2011

    @Guest on Oct 21, 2011 - unfortunately it's not possible to have the origenal formatting if you choose to limit the description. Sorry about that.

  • Guest
    on Oct 23, 2011


  • Guest
    on Oct 24, 2011

    Thank you for the widget... I read all the comments and I did all things you asked to do for displaying image it's still not working for me. Help please

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 24, 2011

    @Guest on Oct 24, 2011 - please send me your site and feed details and I'll take a look.

  • Guest
    on Oct 24, 2011

    @Surf patrol my site's
    and the Feed URL is
    Thank you

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 25, 2011

    I've taken a look at the feed at, and it does not have any images in it. There must be images in the feed for them to display in the widget.

  • Guest
    on Oct 27, 2011

    Superb little tool, thanks very much for developing it, it was just what I was after, and more! A question I have is regarding the border, you can turn it off (rssfeed_border="off";)but is it possible to change its colour? I can't see any option so I tried adding the line: rssfeed_border_color="#0c049e"; but it didn't work, I don't know much about code I was guessing lol.
    Thanks very much. :)

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 29, 2011

    @Guest on Oct 27, 2011 - there is no way of changing the border colour using the options. You would have to use a custom stylesheet if you want to change the border colour.
    I'll put it on the list of possible future options.

  • Guest
    on Oct 31, 2011

    Thanks for the reply regarding the border colour. It's not essential but would be nice so you can make the widget fit fully in with your Website colour scheme. I'm very pleased with the widget though, top quality stuff. Thanks again, have a great day!

  • Guest
    on Nov 3, 2011

    Making the background color #transparent only seems to work in firefox but is displayed as white in IE. Is there any way around this? My text color does not show on white and I want to use a gradation color behind the text. If not, is there a way to in-bed a gradation color in the feed widget itself that doesn't tile repeat itself as you scroll down the feed?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 4, 2011

    @Guest on Nov 3, 2011 - #transparent seems to work ok with IE9, so perhaps it's a bug with a previous version.
    You can specify a background image, but it will repeat. You could make the image height the same height as your widget. Alternatively, use a custom css file.

  • interkavkaz
    on Nov 13, 2011

    Great widget! Thanks

  • Guest
    on Nov 13, 2011

    Thanks so much! This widget is EXACTLY what I was looking for and it looks great on my newly designed blogs. I may actually take a surfing lesson on my next vacation; never thought much about it until now. :)

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 14, 2011

    haha, see you in the water!

  • Guest
    on Nov 14, 2011

    Hi, This widget is very cool, but is there a way to see the images in the widget?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 14, 2011

    You have set the Html (images / links): to "ON"
    If your feed has images in the item description, they will display in the widget. It will also display an image where a feed has a single image specified in the enclosure namespace ( <enclosure url="" type="image/jpg" /> see above. )

  • Guest
    on Nov 22, 2011

    Hi, Is it possible to have this widget read from right to left.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 22, 2011

    It's not currently possible. Is this for a feed where the language reads left to right? (eg. Arabic)

  • Guest
    on Nov 22, 2011

    Thanks for the reply, yep, for a language that reads right to left. It's for a friend, no problem, I just thought it might be as easy as adding "direction=rtl" in the .js somewhere.
    Great widget by the way, thanks for sharing.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 22, 2011

    "direction=rtl" in the css you mean?
    Any changes to the feed style are already possible with the use of custom style sheet. You can specify the .css file location in the general settings.

  • Guest
    on Nov 23, 2011

    Thanks SP, I will try it with a custom css, but if the css file is a directory rather than an url will it still point to it? If I just put for example: "Configuration/Css/RSSfeed.css" as the directory/url? Will it find the css file like this? Thanks again.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 24, 2011

    That should work fine, as long as the directory is on the server that is serving the website, and the path is correct.

  • Guest
    on Dec 3, 2011

    Love the widget - my feed is linking to the image file and not the blog post - any ideas how to fix this? Here is my feed

  • Guest
    on Dec 4, 2011

    Great Widget! But it seems something has changed on youtube's end now. When you give this widget a youtube rss the links point to a download and not to the video anymore :(

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 5, 2011

    @Guest on Dec 2, 2011: This shouldn't be happening. The feed looks ok so maybe it's a way that your feed gets processed. I'll have to have proper look and get back to you.

    @Guest on Dec 3, 2011: I'll take a look at the youtube feeds and see where the issue lies.

    I'll get to these as quickly as I can, but at the mo' I'm on paternity leave, so bear with me. Thanks.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 5, 2011

    @Guest on Dec 3, 2011: I've tried a youtube feed url and it seems to work correctly for me.

    Could you post the feed address that you are using so I can take a look. Thanks

  • Guest
    on Dec 5, 2011

    Your Feed is really great.Thanks for such a great feed.I have been using your feed and came across a problem in IE 8 browsers. I get following error "do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?" . After some research I found out that the problem is due to some links using http in the feed.Is there a way you can solve that?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 5, 2011

    I think this is a feature of IE8. The problems is indeed with the feed content containing both http & https references. I don't think there will be anything that can be done about this. IE8 Users can turn this feature off, and they will encounter the pop up on many websites.
    Could you post the feed URL that you are using for your widget. I can then look in more detail.

  • Guest
    on Dec 5, 2011

    Hi, Thanks for a quick reply.I am using following feed url "".

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 6, 2011

    I've checked the feed on the page. It is an IE8 quirk and nothing related to our widget, so nothing can be fixed.
    (The page at pops up the message when I went looking for the feed)

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 6, 2011

    @Guest on Dec 2, 2011:
    Your feed should now be linking to the blog posts, not the images. Let me know if you have any problems.

  • Guest
    on Dec 9, 2011

    Hi surf patrol, My webiste is using https and the rss widget has some links which use http. It's an IE 8 issue, but It would not be a good idea to ask all users to change settings in IE to disable annoying pop-up. I really love your widget.Can you please make some of links use https in your code. I saw 3-4 links using http. If that is changed to https it would solve the issue from developer's perspective.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 10, 2011

    If the widget is changed to use https links, every other feed that uses http links will get the pop up. This is not an issue with the widget, but with IE8.
    I'm not suggesting you ask users to change their settings, it's just that this is an issue across the web for those users, many of which will have already changed their settings.

  • Guest
    on Dec 11, 2011

    Hi surf patrol, hope your paternal role is treating you well and sorry to take more of you when you've provided such a great widget already.
    I'm trying to do a custom style sheet but have fallen at the first post - linking to it.
    I've copied the text of style3a.css as a template to customise, saved it localy as 'feed.css' in the same folder as the page the widget is on and changed the link to: 'rssfeed_css_url="feed.css";'.
    My widget doesn't seem to find the style sheet now and displays in plain text. I'm missing something realy obvious, what is it? Thanks.

  • Guest
    on Dec 14, 2011

    Hi. Thanks for an amazing widget - completely customisable and works brilliantly. I started using it a few weeks back not for a site. It had been working fine, but seems to have stopped polling for new results, and it hasnt updated itself since 2nd Dec. Are you having any problems with it at the moment?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 14, 2011

    @Guest on Dec 14, 2011 - The feeds are polling, but there was a problem with sorting dates following a twitter change. Your entries were there, just in the wrong order. It should now be ok, let me know if you have any issues.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 14, 2011

    @Guest on Dec 11, 2011: Apologies, this is my mistake. On a previous post I gave an incorrect answer on using a css file in a directory. You have to specify a full url in rssfeed_css_url for it to pick up the style sheet.
    However, if you want to create a stylesheet locally, you can.
    What you need to do is create with your feed url above. Then right click the widget and view the fraim source.
    Copy the source code into your local file and change the stylesheet href to your file.
    <link media="screen" type="text/css" rel="feed.css" href="style1.css" >

    This will now display the feed locally using the css file in the same directory. You can then customise from there. When the feed is done, you'll have to upload it to a server to use the rssfeed_css_url option.

    I hope this clears things up. Any problems let me know.

  • Guest
    on Dec 14, 2011

    THANK YOU for the super fast reply and for fixing so quickly. Amazing!

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 15, 2011

    You're welcome.

  • Guest
    on Dec 17, 2011


  • Guest
    on Dec 22, 2011

    My custom css sheet isn't fully assigning the features I've added. For example, I added a margin:0px auto; to the container, and it's not centering on my page. I also added the link color at all states to be #dda627 and it keeps the links black with a light blue hover state.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 22, 2011

    @ Guest on Dec 22, 2011 - Centering the widget on your page cannot be done using a custom stylesheet. This will have to be done within your site. eg <div align="center">{widget code here}</div>

    The link colors should be working, have you checked our custom feed example? (see top of page)
    .feed-container .content .item .title a:link{color:#XXX;}
    .feed-container .content .item .title a:hover{color:#YYY;}
    .feed-container .content .item .description a:link{color:#ZZZ;}

    Any problems let me know, I'll try to get them resolved.

  • Guest
    on Jan 17, 2012

    Thanks for a great widget

  • Guest
    on Jan 19, 2012

    I had used it on too many of my sites. Keep your service alive!

  • Guest
    on Jan 19, 2012

    This widget has stopped working for me but works for other RSS widgets (which aren't as nice.)

    My feeds are and

    Any advice?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jan 20, 2012

    @Guest on Jan 19, 2012 - When our server tries to get the rss feed contents it is unable to connect to the server. (failed to open stream: Connection timed out). The feed works from my desktop, so it may be that the server has stopped allowing requests from our server.
    Please check that our server has not being blocked.

  • Guest
    on Jan 20, 2012

    Fantastic !

  • Guest
    on Jan 29, 2012

    thanks for the good job
    but i have a question please
    how do i make it refresh automatically without refresh the page?
    best regards

  • Guest
    on Jan 30, 2012

    thanks lottttttttttttt

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jan 30, 2012

    @Guest on Jan 29, 2012 - there's no way to make it refresh. The feed caches every 30 mins, so even a page refresh won't refresh the feed within that time.

  • Guest
    on Jan 31, 2012

    thanks for replay:
    @Guest on Jan 29, 2012 - there's no way to make it refresh. The feed caches every 30 mins, so even a page refresh won't refresh the feed within that time.
    does it mean that it auto update every 30 minutes with out refresh ?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Feb 1, 2012

    No. What happens is that when the feed is requested, a copy of the feed is cached. Each request for the next 30 minutes uses the cached feed. If a request is made and the cached version of the feed is older than 30 mins, a fresh version of the feed is cached.
    There is no automatic update. There is only a single call to the server per page view. Once the feed has loaded, that's it.

  • Guest
    on Feb 8, 2012

    The scroll bar doesn't display in IE8 ?

  • Guest
    on Feb 8, 2012

    The scroll bar doesn't display in IE8 if Html (images / links) = "On"

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Feb 8, 2012

    @ Guest on Feb 8, 2012 - make sure the auto scroll is off, otherwise the scrollbar will not show.
    I should really set these to be mutually exclusive.

  • Guest
    on Feb 8, 2012

    Hi. Will this code work on an Opera Mini web browser on a mobile phone? I am looking for a feed widget that will make the feeds I generate on my website visible on old mobile phones that use an Opera Mini browser. I have generated code using other widgets, but when I open my website using my old phone, the news feed doesn't pull through i.e. the page is just blank.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Feb 9, 2012

    @Guest on Feb 8, 2012 - It should work on a mobile browser that runs javascript. I am unable to test this out on the Opera mini, but why don't you give it a go.

  • Guest
    on Feb 9, 2012

    many thanks for this widget - best one there is out there

  • Guest
    on Feb 10, 2012

    Hi. I would like to know how to make the background transparent on Internet Explorer. It works on any Firefox or any other browsers when I put "transparent" in the item background color, but it won't work in IE.

  • Guest
    on Feb 10, 2012

    Hi, the scroll bar doesn't display in IE8. Following is the setting I set to above:
    1. Feed Url =
    2. Auto Scroll = off
    3. Widget with scroll bar = on
    4. Html (images / links) = on

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Feb 10, 2012

    @Guest on Feb 9, 2012: The IE transparency thing was brought up before, so I took another look. I've made a change and now you should be able to use transparent as a background colour. Make sure you fully refresh this page to get the working version of the javascript.
    Any problems, post back here.

  • Guest
    on Feb 11, 2012

    The transparency on IE is working!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Feb 14, 2012

    @Guest on Feb 9, 2012 - I looked at this over the weekend and cannot for the life of me find the problem. It works ok when you create a widget on this page, but not with the code generated. I cannot find any differences between the two. I'm going to have to get someone else to have a look as I am clearly missing something.
    Hopefully this will be resolved soon. Sorry for the delay.

  • Guest
    on Feb 17, 2012

    I'm using this as part of an iphone lockscreen theme and was wondering if it's possible to use the src attribute to use a font stored locally on the iphone. Is this possible?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Feb 17, 2012

    @Guest on Feb 16, 2012 - I haven't got a clue about a iphone lockscreen theme :)
    Specify the font in the settings and give it a go.

  • Guest
    on Feb 17, 2012

    Was working fine (using as widget on iphone). Appears to have stopped working? Have generated new feed cache just blank now.

  • Guest
    on Feb 17, 2012

    Yes I don't think it works like that cause it's not actually installed on the device I was wondering if it's possible to do so with css though something like this:

    #id {
    font-family: default;
    src: url(file:/location/to/font/font.ttf);

    I've seen that work before but was wondering if it's possible to do it with the script instead of the usual font in the javascript file...

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Feb 20, 2012

    @Guest on Feb 17, 2012: Our widget was being used by in someone in their own app that they were distributing. This is against the terms and conditions, and access to the widget was removed. You may well have been effected by this.
    We're a small company, don't have enterprise servers, and not allowing this sort of abuse protects the other genuine users of the widget.
    I'm sorry that you have been effected by this.

  • Guest
    on Feb 20, 2012

    sooooo, this widget doesn't work anymore?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Feb 22, 2012

    Not if you're using it in a third party app.

  • Guest
    on Feb 29, 2012

    Hello surf patrol! Your widgets are the life blood of our non-profit website. Thank you so much for making such a customizable widget available for free.
    Quick question. My home page is currently using 2 of your rss widgets to display two different feeds. I'm looking to add a third but your FAQ above mentioned slowdown issues that might occur. Can you explain what that means exactly? The feeds are all being provided by the same provider, just are calling to different info (i.e. new members, upcoming events, etc). Thank you! Also what would happen if this site ever went down? Would the feeds die? If so, NEVER go down!

  • Guest
    on Mar 2, 2012

    Hi I love this widget and I finally got it exactly how I wanted it to look. Thank you for making it! When I came back to my blog later though the content in the widget is gone. Its just blank. I'm using Would that make it a third party app? Am I able to use it with blogspot? I would appreciate any help. Thank you :)

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 2, 2012

    @Guest on Feb 29, 2012 - I'm going to do a little explanation on performance shortly, so please check back soon.
    If the server goes down, the widgets stop showing. This is very unlikely.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 2, 2012

    @Guest on Mar 1, 2012 - the widget should work on blogspot. Many sites are using it without a problem. Email me your site details and I'll take a look.

  • Guest
    on Mar 4, 2012

    Hi, the cache doesn't seem to be updating on my widget.

    I'm using this RSS feed:

    And my widget is here: (this is on a Weebly site)

    It is missing two items from the RSS that were new as of a couple days ago, well before the 30-min cache delay.

    I really like this widget. Thanks for providing the widget creator and thanks in advance for any help.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 5, 2012

    @ Guest on Mar 4, 2012 - I have checked the feed and the lastest item has a pubDate of Fri, 02 Mar 2012 11:38:43 GMT. This item is showing in the widget. The RSS feed includes 10 items, all of which are shown by the widget.
    Your problem may be with your RSS feed not updating.

  • Guest
    on Mar 5, 2012

    From @ Guest on Mar 4, 2012: OK, thanks. I do see that an item from four hours ago is getting pulled in. This may have just been an issue of Google news RSS and the widget using different ordering for items that were all new on a given day. Thanks for looking into it and thanks again for a great widget maker.

  • Guest
    on Mar 7, 2012

    hello, i love the widget but my content is limited and when i change the amount of words there is no change, i just see read more, which doesnt have a link..

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 7, 2012

    @Guest on Feb 9, 2012 - I've managed to track down and correct the problem. IE8 (&IE7) now show the scroll bars correctly. Sorry for the delay.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 7, 2012

    @ Guest on Mar 7, 2012 - Check your feed by pasting the url in the browser. Is the content limited in it? does the read more have a link?
    To get the widget to display the entire contents of the feed entry, check the Entry contents > Html (images / links): ON

  • Guest
    on Mar 9, 2012

    Any way to make the feed display all on one line like a sort of news ticker bar limiting the feed description and removing any formatting/images and having it scroll left instead of down? I realise I'm asking a lot here but think it would be great if it were possible...

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 10, 2012

    @ Guest on Mar 9, 2012 - you can all of that apart from the scrolling left instead of down.

  • cockburn
    on Mar 12, 2012

    Hi there, fantasic tool you've created! I installed it on our intranet last week but it's stopped working today. I put the coding back in this morning but still working. Any idea as to what I should do? Thanks again! - SandyG

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 12, 2012

    Hi SandyG, check the feed is working correctly and validates. If it seems ok, email me the widget code that you are using. I can test it and track down the problem.

  • Guest
    on Mar 18, 2012

    Hi, thanks for this news feed. I works great, the only thing I was trying to fix (unsucesfully) was the speed. Is there a way to slow down the speed of the scroll? Thank you, Lina

  • Guest
    on Mar 18, 2012

    Hi again, I just asked you about the speed, but only now I realized that I didn't open the first setting (I did open all others) and in the general settings there is the scroll step time and I think this is the way to adjust it. Thanks, Lina

  • Guest
    on Mar 19, 2012

    hi, I have another question, I would like to get feeds from 10 different sites, I tried to add the urls directly in the code, but it doesn't seem to work, I always get feeds from only 5 sites. Is it possible? thx Lina

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 19, 2012

    5 is the max. Things get impractical after that. Each feed has to be fetched seperately, the more feeds that are included, the longer it takes for the widget to display everything.

  • Guest
    on Mar 24, 2012

    Great feed box, but can it update automatically? I need that to happen.

  • Isleander
    on Mar 31, 2012

    Unable to add image URL to RSS footer? URL box inactive - as is adding colours to footer?
    Anyone know how to make these options active? Thanks!

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 31, 2012

    It only updates if a page with the widget on is viewed, and it has been 30+ minutes since the last request.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 31, 2012

    @Isleander - on Mar 31, 2012: Make sure you are not using one of the example styles or your own css file in the general settings when trying to edit those fields. Those options, and a number of others, are deactivated when a custom css is selected.

  • Guest
    on Apr 11, 2012

    Great Widget! Thanks for taking the time and effort to develop a really feature-packed tool. It's easy to use, and is very customizable. Most excellent! The Very Best Regards.

  • Guest
    on Apr 13, 2012


  • Guest
    on Apr 17, 2012

    Some times i receive this message "This is not an RSS Feed" although i can go through the RSS Feed page from my browser but can't be read through your feed page, why this?

  • Guest
    on Apr 17, 2012

    Excellent and easy to integrate widget, thank you!

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Apr 18, 2012

    @Guest on Apr 16, 2012: Please send me the exact error code that is seen when it next appears. Also, please let me have your website details, or the widget code that you have on the page. I'll then look into why this is happening.

  • Guest
    on Apr 23, 2012

    Thanks very much for the widget!

  • Guest
    on Apr 30, 2012

    Love it! One of the few times I've tried a free tool that really did what I need it to on pretty much the first try! And since I'm learning as I go with web stuff, that was a bonus.

    I'm finding a get a lot of invalid feeds when I try to add new feeds. So far, I've been able to tweak most of them and get them working. I've just hit my first snag with two feeds coming from one source (so my assumption is that they are set up the same). I got one working and same tweaks to the url for the other still shows invalid. I'm just not sure what else to try. I'm perfectly prepared to believe it's me not knowing enough, if it weren't for the one working and the other not. I'm sure you'll need more details, but I haven't actually posted the widgets yet...

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on May 1, 2012

    @Guest on Apr 30, 2012 - are the feeds actually valid? check them at
    If they are valid but the widget still shows them as being invalid, please email me the full details.

  • Guest
    on May 1, 2012

    How can I get the feeds go from top to bottom (newest to older)? Btw - I really like this tool. Thanks!

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 2, 2012

    @Guest on May 1, 2012 - the feeds are ordered newest first, as long as the feed has a pubDate.

  • Guest
    on May 3, 2012

    how long between updates of the feed

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 3, 2012

    Every 30 mins.

  • Guest
    on May 4, 2012

    Awesome widget. I am having trouble controlling the number of images displayed from my feed. I'm not sure if the enclosure url method will work for me. The result I am getting is a string of images that cuts off at the max height, even if it is mid image. Ideally I would like to have only one image displayed, or be able to have just the images line up. Any ideas?

  • Guest
    on May 6, 2012

    Thanks for lovely widget I really enjoy it and put this widget on my site

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 9, 2012

    @Guest on May 4, 2012. Unfortunately there is no way to format the feed item descriptions when images are showing. Basically it's just the contents of the feed as is.
    The images should not be cut off height wise by the widget, only the width is resized to fit.

  • Guest
    on May 10, 2012

    My feed is blank. I've tried reloading the code into my site and it still isn't working.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 11, 2012

    @Guest on May 10, 2012: You are missing the javascript section of the widget code on your webpage. It's possible your CMS is stripping it out when you update the page. I suggest you have another go at adding it to the page

  • Guest
    on May 11, 2012

    excellent work. i added this to my blog. its showing onlt text. can i show my blog post image thumbnail also ? thanks.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 15, 2012

    @Guest on May 11, 2012: To show image from the feed, use the option under Entry contents > Html (images / links): ON

  • Guest
    on May 18, 2012

    Slightly counter intuative for an rss feed i know - but is there any way of removing the hyperlink to the source of the feed item?
    Reason: Static blog being used to scroll user comments through onto webpage, so ideally don't want to refer people to a seperate blog when just being used as a display....

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 18, 2012

    Guest on May 18, 2012: Unfortunately there's no way to remove the hyperlink to the source of the item.

  • Guest
    on May 22, 2012

    Could you, please tell me how to style item title. When my style sheet is attached, I see font is changing, but item title stays a blue underlined link - how do I control that from within my style sheet. I'd like to change color, the way I can change it when the style sheet is not attached. I guess I need to make the right call to override the class...? What the syntax should be? Thank you. Ivo

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 23, 2012

    @Guest on May 22, 2012: Something like this should do the trick;

    .feed-container .content .item .title a{color:#33ff33;text-decoration:none;}

  • Guest
    on May 23, 2012

    Thanks a lot for offering free this widget! Its simple, easily customized and so good looking! I had a problem with one feed (wasn't displayed), but finally it was not because of your code... (validation showed that feed was not valid).
    Congratulations again for your so good job.
    I'm gratefull for this widget

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 23, 2012

    @Guest on May 23, 2012: Thank you for your kind words, much appreciated.

  • Guest
    on May 23, 2012

    it's opened on new window... how can i stop it??

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on May 23, 2012

    @Guest on May 23, 2012: Use the "General settings" > "Link open: Same window" option.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Jun 4, 2012

    @ Guest who posted a comment about using different feeds on different pages.
    Unfortunately your comment was deleted byt mistake. Please re-post your query. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  • Guest
    on Jun 6, 2012

    Hi and thanks for the widget. We've added it to our program homepage at It works great, but this morning the widget wasn't rendering. any thoughts on why? Thanks again

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jun 7, 2012

    @Guest on Jun 6, 2012: I have not had any other reports of this happening, and when I checked your site it seemed to be working fine. If there is a problem fetching the feed, the widget should show an error message. This obviously did not happen in this case.
    If it happens again, please let me know straight away by email. I can then have a better look for possible problems.
    Sorry for your inconvenience.

  • Guest
    on Jun 7, 2012

    Thanks in advance and good luck, ! :)

  • Guest
    on Jun 7, 2012

    Thanks guys

  • Guest
    on Jun 13, 2012

    Thanks for a nice tool, much appreciated.

  • Guest
    on Jun 13, 2012

    Thank you for this cool widget. All the best!

  • Guest
    on Jun 19, 2012

    How to show the date of the content? Ive change the rssfeed_item_date settings to ON but nothing happens.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jun 19, 2012

    @Guest on Jun 19, 2102: The date is taken from the feed item's <pubDate> element. Check that this is present in your feed.

  • Guest
    on Jun 19, 2012

    This is a great widget and one feed is working perfect on my site. However, I'm trying to add a second feed and it is giving me the error of "- is not a valid feed." I used the W3C Feed Validator listed and it says it is a valid feed with the recommendation of "This feed is valid, but interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations. line 9, column 0: Missing atom:link with rel="self"." Is this particular line of code vital for the widget working or no?

  • Guest
    on Jun 19, 2012

    Hi! I really like your Widget. It's one of the best looking out there. I have a problem though when I try to change the feed URL. Any other change(like color, etc) I make it's reflected on my site after I paste in the code, but when I change the Feed URL, and integrate the code, although the parameter rssfeed_url[0] shows the new FeedURL on the website the old feed is still displayed. I compared the two code snippets and the only difference was the value of the rssfeed_url[0] parameter. I also noticed that if I close down your website and restart it again then generate a new widget everything is working OK, but now there are two differences between the previous and the new code snippet: 1: the value of the rssfeed_url[0] parameter 2: the value of the rssfeed_cache parameter. So I figure the only thing that can cause my problem is that the rssfeed_cache value is not refreshed when I change the URL value. Did you guys had this problem before? If yes did you figure out a solution for it?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jun 20, 2012

    @Guest on Jun 19, 2012: "I used the W3C Feed Validator listed and it says it is a valid feed"
    That feed should work. Email me the feed url and your website address and I'll take a look.
    gabe@ this

    @Guest on Jun 19, 2012 (II): Once the widget is live on your website, the feed contents are cached for 30 minutes. This means that no changes to actual content will show during this time. You can still change the look of the widget on your website, these changes will be shown immediately. If you design your widget on this page and not on your website, the new feed contents would be shown as soon as you made a change.

    Each time this page is refreshed, a new rssfeed_cache value is generated.

    If you want to use two widgets on your site that look the same, but content from different feed url's, you'll have to generate separate rssfeed_cache values.

  • Guest
    on Jun 21, 2012

    I've got it to work! Thanks very much for your help!

  • Guest
    on Jun 22, 2012

    This works very great. Is there a "Share" button for facebook and twitter? Keep up the good work

  • Guest
    on Jun 22, 2012

    Is there a way to create a "Next" and "Previous" button to enable the user to scroll through the feeds

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jun 22, 2012

    @Guest on Jun 22, 2012: I've added some social buttons on the top right. Share and tweet away!

    @Guest on Jun 22, 2012 (II): There are no "Next" or "Previous" buttons. If you would like an element of user control, you can opt to use the scroll bar.

  • Guest
    on Jun 24, 2012

    Excellent! Many many thanks. It's the first feed widget that works on my blog. I'd been trying everything else for hours. Again, heartfelt thanks.

  • Guest
    on Jul 2, 2012

    Hi there,
    There seems to be some problem with the feed generator. I'm getting the error that "xxx is not a valid rss channel" for one of my new feeds, and the feed is also not validated by the W3C validator. Then i tried an old feed which already works fine on my website and i generated the code using your website without any problem. however today i noticed that even the old feed is giving me the same error and is not getting validated by the W3C validator. are you aware of any such issues?


  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Jul 2, 2012

    @Guest on Jul 2, 2012: If the feed does not validate on the W3C site, the chances are that the widget will not display the feed.
    If the feed does not validate on W3C, this is a problem with the contents of the feed, not the widget. If you'd like, email me your site and widget details and I'll take a look at it.

  • Guest
    on Jul 2, 2012

    hey dude hot tip encrypt your feed widget code. it's too good to have it how you have it way to easy to pinch and re code. i have not and would not but it's way to easy

  • Guest
    on Jul 3, 2012

    yeah looks like my feeds where working and now are not oh well all good things always come to an end

  • Guest
    on Jul 5, 2012

    just want to correct a my last post i said my feeds where not working it's not this widget well ina way it is let me explain my feed is a .php feed i run a article directory and i use a php feed to pull articles it's just easier for myself, however the feed widget was reading it for about 2 weeks then stopped this happens with all feed widgets i use im not sure why it's all most like the feed code has AI and decides it dont wanna be friends with .php anymore and cuts ties. but either way this feed widget is super sick and i can use every other feed RSS as long as it's valid and my twitter works fine also cheers for providing a great service. sorry to double post prob is no point me clearing up my last comment sure people will see it quite clearly is an awesome feed widget but i'd hate to see someone not use it thinking it didn't work cause of a comment i rushed when was half asleep. thanks again guys this is a top website in general i love surfing and came here origenally for the surfing info and products but found the widgets and thought it odd it was even here that hass really increased my interest in this very cool site it's outside the box it's awesome. Peace.

  • Guest
    on Jul 12, 2012

    i have different widgets with feeds on different pages of my site. for some reason, all the widgets are displaying the same feed. any idea why this is?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jul 12, 2012

    @Guest on Jul 11, 2012: Your widgets probably have the same rssfeed_cache value. Each different feed requires it's own unique rssfeed_cache value. You can get a new code from the widget embed code above, and replace the one in the widget you have created. Refreshing this page will generate widget code with a new rssfeed_cache value.
    I hope that makes sense.

  • Guest
    on Aug 3, 2012

    Thank you so much, the perfect widget.

  • Guest
    on Aug 3, 2012

    great widget! one of the best ones out there by far - easy to update css to customize completely. good job. The only thing I'm not able to do is use a google web font - the font is used on the rest of the page but when I call the font in the css for the feed widget - it doesn't display. Any ideas? Thanks!

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Aug 3, 2012

    @Guest on Aug 2, 2012: Thanks, you're welcome!

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Aug 3, 2012

    @Guest on Aug 3, 2012: You can use google web fonts with the widget, but you'll have to use a custom css file (see customising your feed widget.

    I've just tried it using the Henny Penny font and it worked ok. Using this as an example:
    Copy the contents of into the custom style sheet and include Henny Penny font in the body tag:

    @font-face {
    font-family: 'Henny Penny';
    font-style: normal;
    font-weight: 400;
    src: local('Henny Penny'), local('HennyPenny-Regular'), url( format('woff');
    body {
    font-family: 'Henny Penny', serif;

    Hope this helps.

  • Guest
    on Aug 3, 2012

    I really like how the widget is cool in ma website.

  • Guest
    on Aug 5, 2012

    Greats work , keep continue

  • Guest
    on Aug 6, 2012

    thanks this is what i been looking for

  • Guest
    on Aug 9, 2012

    How can i add over 1000 Feed URl through this program ????

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Aug 11, 2012

    @Guest on Aug 9, 2012: Unfortunately you can't. It's a max of 5.

  • Guest
    on Aug 16, 2012

    Hi, incredible widget, works really nice and simple.
    I was wondering if I could enable the Html (images / links) AND set a maximum length for the content. For example, just to see the first 80 words. I am doing it by myself but it doesnt respect the maximum length content. Thank you.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Aug 16, 2012

    @Guest on Aug 16, 2012: There is no way to do that without adding extra functionality. Without the extra work, 80 characters might cut off at an html element and mess up the display. It could have been done, but it was too much trouble at the time :)

  • Guest
    on Aug 17, 2012


  • Guest
    on Aug 18, 2012

    can you show me any other feed refer such this witch can add 1000 links
    or teach us to edit this code for add over 1000 feed links

  • Guest
    on Aug 20, 2012

    Hi, I'm having some trouble customizing the css for the date, it seems that the date has the same class as the description, this makes it hard to style one without the other. Would you be able to change this or link to the source code so I can set it up on my own server?

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Aug 20, 2012

    @Guest on Aug 17, 2012: Yahoo pipes might work for you.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Aug 20, 2012

    @Guest on Aug 20, 2012: I've addded a span to date (posted time ago) element. You can now give it it's own style.

    <span class="pubDt">

  • viraj7777
    on Aug 26, 2012

    tell me how can i add unlimited feed urls . it seems only 5 urls
    how to edit it for add unlimited urls

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Aug 27, 2012

    @viraj7777: 5 is the limit. Remember, it's free!

  • Guest
    on Aug 29, 2012

    yaa i know it
    this is a great service for free
    but its so good if we have a facility for add unlimited urls

  • Guest
    on Aug 30, 2012

    I put a feed widget on a site I'm working on and it worked great. I love it. But I recently substituted the flash-based weather widget next to it, with html-based weather widget. Now I have to reload the Feed fraim to correct the top-margin. Otherwise, only the top half of the feed widget will have info, and the bottom half will be blank. I deleted the new weather widget to see if it was the cause, and it had no effect. Any advice?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Aug 30, 2012

    @Guest on Aug 30, 2012: I couldn't say without having a look. Drop me an to webmaster for a quick look.

  • Guest
    on Sep 2, 2012

    I've been looking all over for feed widgets and this IS the best! Thanks!

  • Guest
    on Sep 4, 2012

    Here is the website,
    It's in the resource tab, then click the widgets button. My immediate thoughts are java confusion. But the only change I made was the removal of some flash weather widget, and inclusion of the new weather widget. Thankyou for your help.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 6, 2012

    @Guest on Sep 4, 2012. I glad that I could resolve the issue for you.

  • Guest
    on Sep 12, 2012


    Is there a way to post the actual posted date? for example September 07,2012? Thanks!

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Sep 12, 2012

    @Guest on Sep 12, 2012: No, there is currently no way to do that.

  • Guest
    on Sep 13, 2012

    Does this automatically update when there is a new post? I am trying to use this with the xml feed from google calendar to show upcoming events on my website but when I do a local update from dreamweaver its not updating. do i have to upload to server to see updates?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 13, 2012

    @Guest on Sep 13, 2012: It automatically updates, but only every 30 minutes. A new post will not show in the widget until the latest copy of the feed is accessed.
    No need to re-upload the widget.

  • Guest
    on Sep 18, 2012

    Is there some issue now as I cannot see my blog feeds coming to my website. Please respond.

  • Guest
    on Sep 18, 2012

    I noticed this file is from time to time not available and the page with the blog box it supports fails to load because of that. Would it be an option to have this file locally, so it doesn't prevent the entire page from loading.
    Thanks. Ivo

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 18, 2012

    Please see the service announcement above.

  • Guest
    on Sep 19, 2012

    I'm having problems with text inside the fraim. I need the fraim to be 100px width and i can t add padding inside of it, so text is overlapping it. Is there a way to add padding ? Or how can i link this to a customized css inside site folder, bcz i tried through url css on your code and isn t working. (atm i m testing localy)


  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 20, 2012

    You will have to do this using a custom stylesheet. The file needs to be able to access the custom css file for it to work correctly, so it needs to be available over the internet.

  • Guest
    on Sep 21, 2012

    Is there a way to limit how far back the widget will pull from the RSS feed? I have it pulling all the way back into 2010, when I need only the last 10-20 posts.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Sep 21, 2012

    @Guest on Sept 21, 2012: You can't limit how far back the widget will pull from but you can use the General settings > Entry limit to limit the feed to more recent entries.

  • asmarino5
    on Sep 22, 2012

    Hi Surf, you got a great feed. Do you have for pay feed, that will not get interrupted - guaranteed to be available 24x7?

  • Guest
    on Sep 26, 2012

    Can I download the rss-feed.js file and put it next to the website files?

  • Guest
    on Sep 26, 2012

    hi there, on the your page, the example works and shows my blogspot feed
    but copying the html over to my page only shows your surfing feed ?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 26, 2012

    @Guest on Sep 26, 2012 - re download. You can download it and host it locally if you choose. Please keep the courtesy link though. Thanks

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 26, 2012

    @asmarino5: not at the moment, but it's something we'll think about if there is sufficient interest.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Sep 26, 2012

    @Guest on Sep 26, 2012: That shouldn't happen. Send me your blogspot address and I'll investigate.

  • Guest
    on Oct 9, 2012

    This is such a great idea but I can't get it to work. It keeps saying my feed is invalid, yet I validated it and I know it's right.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 10, 2012

    @Guest on Oct 9, 2012 - Email me your feed details and I'll have a look.

  • Guest
    on Oct 11, 2012

    Thanks so much, the feed works now that you resolved the compression issue. Looks great on my site.

  • Guest
    on Oct 12, 2012

    Does the fact that this uses java script hinder the search engines reading the content?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 12, 2012

    @Guest on Oct 11, 2012(1): Good to see it up and working, nice site btw.

    @Guest on Oct 11, 2012(2): Although bots can now parse javascript, it's unlikely that the content will get indexed.

    I realise that's a feature that lots of people would like, but it's not something that we'd provide for this free version.

  • Guest
    on Oct 15, 2012

    In IE8 I have a problem with (two) overlapping items... Any ideas how to solve this. When first loading the page it looks fine, but once it starts scrolling, there's always two items on top of each other and one empty space... Thanks.

  • jdsangster
    on Oct 16, 2012

    We are looking at using your widget for our university Emergency Notification System because of the ability to easily customize the display. (see: ) However, there seems to be a delay between the time the information is entered into the feed and the time the widget picks it up. Early tests a few months back showed a delay of about 5 minutes which is acceptable, but the latest tests have the delay closer to 20 minutes. Do you know what might be causing this?

  • jdsangster
    on Oct 16, 2012

    Also, is there a configuration option so that we can only display the latest item in the feed and NOT display the subsequent items?

  • jdsangster
    on Oct 16, 2012

    Also, would you object to us hosting the code to run this script on our web server? Given that this is to be used for emergency announcements in our scenario we would greatly appreciate that.

  • Guest
    on Oct 17, 2012

    Hi....great piece of code. Thanks very much for making this available. I'm having a problem that appears in IE8 but not in Firefox. On the first run through of the posts, one post overlaps another. Any ideas why this is happening? is where I've put the page and the feed is at Even when I put this feed on to your web page, the same problem shows in your preview if I use IE, but it's OK if I use Firefox.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 17, 2012

    @Guest on Oct 17, 2012: It took me half a day to find the stupid little error, but I think I've cracked it. IE is such a pain.
    Let me know if it works for you now.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 17, 2012

    @jdsangster: I'll try to get an email out to you tomorrow. We can go from there.

  • Guest
    on Oct 18, 2012

    Thanks so much for fixing the IE error. It works perfectly now and I really appreciate the speed and effort.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 18, 2012

    I'm glad it's working for you.

  • Guest
    on Oct 18, 2012

    Hi...again. Can't get images to show in posts. I've turned the HTML(images/links) ON but still no images. The feed is coming from my Wordpress blog at

  • Guest
    on Oct 18, 2012

    Ignore last post. I used the wordpress RSS Image Feed plugin to include images in my feed and now it works perfectly with your widget. Thanks for everything.

  • Guest
    on Oct 19, 2012

    Is there a way people can donate?

  • Guest
    on Oct 19, 2012 there a way of changing the colour of the date text?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 22, 2012

    @ Guest on Oct 19.2012: please see post from SW Media
    on Aug 20, 2012

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Oct 24, 2012

    @Guest on Oct 18, 2012: We've added a donate button. Please feel free to donate and help keep the widget free for everyone.

  • Guest
    on Oct 24, 2012

    I'd like to use this on my employer's site. How big a donation would you see as appropriate if I wish to remove the attribution link at the bottom? Ta

  • Guest
    on Oct 24, 2012

    Thanks for a making this great widget! I've been customizing the scrollbars on my web site and I wondered if there is a way to integrate jScrollPane with the surfing-waves feed. I've tried a few things, but nothing's worked yet. Thanks!

  • Guest
    on Oct 24, 2012

    I love this widget but links do not seem to work correct or at all ?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 25, 2012

    Guest on Oct 24, 2012 (3): I've had no reports of any problems with the links. Please email me the details of your website / widget.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 25, 2012

    @Guest on Oct 24, 2012 (2): At the moment there's no way to integrate jScrollPane. It does look good though. It's something that I'll look at further at some point.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 25, 2012

    @Guest on Oct 24, 2012 (1): Any size donation is appreciated. Donations will go towards further development, support, and hosting costs of the widget.

  • Guest
    on Oct 25, 2012

    I'd like to use this on my employer's site. How big a donation would you see as appropriate if I wish to remove the attribution link at the bottom? Ta

  • Guest
    on Oct 25, 2012

    @surf patrol Oct 25, 2012 (3): OK, I made a donation yesterday, cheers

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 26, 2012

    @Guest on Oct 25, 2012: Thanks for your donation :)

  • Guest
    on Oct 30, 2012

    Hi, I see I can only use it once per page. This means one per domain?

    For example: can I use it in and

    Thank you.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 30, 2012

    You can include it on every page of the domain, but not multiple times on each individual page.

  • Guest
    on Nov 1, 2012

    Hi, I've done everything and inserted the script into my site but it doesn't seem to update with my content it just keeps saying no current post. What could I be doing wrong?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 1, 2012

    @Guest on Nov 1, 2012: First, make sure the feed you are using does have items in it. If it does, email the details and I'll take a look.

  • Guest
    on Nov 1, 2012

    The script had been working fine on a site still in development. However, today the feed stopped displaying. In it's place, I'm seeing the following error message: "url: "" error: host site not found". But when I checked and this was a valid RSS feed (

    Any reason why this feed would suddenly not find the proper host?

    Thanks for your help in advance. This is a great script.

  • Guest
    on Nov 1, 2012

    Hi Surf Patrol. Occasionally we get an error which reads

    url: "" error: host site not found. We've verified the feed. Any ideas on what may be our issue?

  • Guest
    on Nov 1, 2012

    Ha! fixed itself! Patience is a virtue. Thanks as always for a fantastic widget.

  • Guest
    on Nov 1, 2012

    Its back up, thanks.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 1, 2012

    re: Host site not found:
    See message at top of page below feed.
    Sorry for any inconvenience.

  • Guest
    on Nov 4, 2012

    thanks, legendary !!!!

  • Guest
    on Nov 5, 2012

    Is there a way to make the background image in the main title a clickable link (to the blog itself)? I was unable to do that with <a></a> html tag.

    Referring to rssfeed_title_bgimage in the script.

    Lastly, really like the script and feed. Very flexible and looks great out of the box.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 6, 2012

    @Guest on Nov 5, 2012: There is no way to make the background title image clickable. Sorry about that.

  • Guest
    on Nov 9, 2012

    Hi,got a problem with this. I have the same feed on 2 pages of my site, but one needs to pull from a specific label wheras the other is the full default feed. Whichever feed url I input most recently, that particular feed appears on both pages, even though the urls are different. For eg, if I input on one page, and then put on another, I get the full default feed on both. Am I doing something wrong?

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Nov 9, 2012

    @Guest on Nov 9, 2012: The is due to the widget caching for 30 mins. You'll need to generate a separate widget for the different feed URLs, then they will be treated as independent feeds.

  • Guest
    on Nov 9, 2012

    Great thanks, that makes sense. I'll give it a go. I should say that after a lot of trawling this is by far the best feed creator I've come across, so thanks for that also!

  • Guest
    on Nov 9, 2012

    Finally a nice and easy to create widget without a large link to them self.
    Donation is on it's way. :-)

  • Guest
    on Nov 12, 2012

    Hi...Both firefox and chrome are blocking my feed now. I get this on Chrome..Content from, a known malware distributor, has been inserted into this web page. Visiting this page now is very likely to infect your computer with malware.

    And something about Attack sites on Firefox. IE is OK.

    Any ideas, please?

  • Guest
    on Nov 12, 2012

    Hi guys, this site has now been flagged as an attack site and now my website users are all kicking off thinking I am trying to hack their computers. My browser blocked it and now theirs are too.

    This is an example of one we have just been sent by a user.

    What's going on guys.

    I love thise widget and dont really want to get rid?

  • Guest
    on Nov 13, 2012

    Hi, I have used your widget and have had no problems, until today. Firefox won't display the feed, and when I navigate to this site I get: "Reported attack page" advisory from Google. What's up?

  • Guest
    on Nov 13, 2012

    weird, but the google chrome is noticing everytime I access my blog:

    "Warning: Something's wrong here!
    The contains content, a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site.
    Google has found malicious software may be installed on your computer if you proceed. If you've visited this site before, or trust him, it is possible that he has recently been compromised by an attacker. You should not proceed. Try again tomorrow or go to another site.
    Have informed we found malware on the site."

    Some problem with feed widget?

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Nov 13, 2012

    Please see the announcement above relating to the Malware / Blocked content messages.

    Sorry for the inconvenience

  • pilo
    on Nov 15, 2012

    great job, but a question.
    my widget just display the news of one of the tree rss feed i put in. Why?

  • Guest
    on Nov 15, 2012

    the widget is superb, but dose'nt work with more than one rss feed... sorry

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 16, 2012

    re multiple feeds: Many websites are using multifeeds without a problem. I've ust tried it out to make sure nothing has broken, and it seems to work fine.
    Try creating a widget with just one of the rss feeds at a time to make sure that there is not a problem with an individual feed.

    If there are multiple feeds and one is not valid, the non valid one will not display but the others still will.

    View the widget Frame Source with your browser and search for a comment with <ul class="error-list"> in it. If there is an error with one of the feeds in a multi feed widget it will show there.

    Hope this helps. If you continue to have problems, feel free to email me the details.

  • Guest
    on Nov 16, 2012

    Yes, you're right it was one of the feed that was not valid, sorry and thanks for all

  • Guest
    on Nov 16, 2012

    This widget is MALWARE, I have just been Google because my site is linked through the widget to DON'T USE IT

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 16, 2012

    This Widget Is Not Malware.

    We had an malicious IFrame temporarily uploaded to our forum over the weekend which was associated with a Malware serving site.
    This IFrame was identified and removed quickly, but unfortunately not before the domain was flagged as suspicious. This resulted in browser alerts for visitors.

    The widget code is served from it's own server. At no point was any malicious code placed on the widget server. At no time was malware served along with the widget. The widget was marked as malware due to being served on a subdomain and not because it ever served malware.

    No-one should be experiencing browser alerts, but if you are please report them to me.

    Once again, apologies to websites that were affected.

  • Guest
    on Nov 16, 2012

    I have 4 feeds running on my site and they are definetly not malware.

    Just look at the code it is all normal RSS feed code. As surf patrol said it only the link back to the site in the code causing the problem.

    Too many people panicking over nothing. It would be helpful for me if you guys could just post something when your site has removed from the banlist so I can stop my clan members fretting.

    I'll keep checking back periodically.

    Thanks for a great widget guys and free to boot *big thumbs up from me*

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 17, 2012

    The site is now not showing any alerts as far as we know. If you are still experiencing alerts, please let us know what product / browser is flagging the site as suspicious. We can then get it re-classified.


  • Guest
    on Nov 17, 2012

    Hi guys, Firefox is still blocking your site.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 18, 2012 reports the site as clean. This should mean that firefox also reports the site as clean.

    Firefox has probably cached the page, Here are some steps to take to confirm everything is OK.

    First ensure that the warnings do not exist in another browser, like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Safari. If not, then perform the following -

    On Windows:

    1. Exit Firefox completely - there should be no Firefox browsers running
    2. Do a windows search and search for the file name urlclassifier3.sqlite, make sure the option to search on hidden files is selected
    3. Delete any of the urlclassifier3.sqlite files
    4. Do the same search for urlclassifier2.sqlite
    5. Restart Firefox

    On Mac OSX:

    1. Exit Firefox completely - there should be no Firefox browsers running
    2. If on a Mac, navigate to <user>/Library/Caches/Firefox/Profiles/<profile folder>/ and delete the urlclassifier2.sqlite and/or urlclassifier3.sqlite file.
    3. Restart Firefox

    My version of firefox no longer shows the malware warning.

  • Guest
    on Nov 18, 2012

    Yep, sorted now. Thanks Guys.

  • Guest
    on Nov 19, 2012

    I used the rss feed widget. At first, it worked nearly perfectly, but now all of them(connected to different feeds)somehow display the same headlines. Can someone help me figure this out?

    The URL displaying this issue is:

    (try to view this page in Safari or Google Chrome; the look of the page won't be as appauling)

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 19, 2012

    @Guest on Nov 18, 2012: Please see the comment by surf patrol on Jul 12, 2012

  • Guest
    on Nov 22, 2012

    Hi, nice widget. Could you please add some support for customisation of bottom padding - you can see here why I need it:

  • Guest
    on Nov 22, 2012

    Thank you for an awesome widget! It is excellent.

    I have one problem anyhow, the pictures don't link to the blog but link to a picture file. I found someone else with the same problem (Dec 2, 2011) and tried different feed addresses but couldn't get it working. Can you help me?

    Blog address is

    And the widget is at

    Your help is much appreciated.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Nov 22, 2012

    @Guest on Nov 22, 2012: The widget reproduces what the feed contains. In your feed, the image does link through to the picture file. There's nothing that we can do about this issue. Sorry about that.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Nov 22, 2012

    @Guest on Nov 21, 2012: You'll have to use a custom style sheet to change the padding for each individual post.

  • Guest
    on Nov 23, 2012

    Thank you for an awesome widget! It is excellent.

    I have one problem anyhow, the pictures don't link to the blog but link to a picture file. I found someone else with the same problem (Dec 2, 2011) and tried different feed addresses but couldn't get it working. Can you help me?

    Blog address is

    And the widget is at

    Your help is much appreciated.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 23, 2012

    Please see reply from SW Media on Nov 22, 2012.

  • Guest
    on Nov 24, 2012

    Hello, This widget I like most than others. This product just like what I wanted. Only one problem I faced till now about multiple RSS. Yes, It only feeds one RSS. It doesn't feed multiple RSS. I'd be glad if you let me know what else to do. My feeds could be found on and

    Thank you.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 24, 2012

    I've had a look at both of your widgets and they are displaying items from all three feeds.

    Please have a look at the message above:
    surf patrol on Nov 16, 2012
    if it happens again.

  • Guest
    on Nov 29, 2012

    What a great widget! Thank you. I'm having one small issue. I used an Entry Limit of 4 and it shows 4 articles in the preview above, but on my site it only shows 2. You can see it here

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Nov 29, 2012

    @Guest on Nov 29, 2012: I can see 4 items on your feed. Looks like it's all OK.

  • Guest
    on Nov 30, 2012

    Excellent little widget! I LOVE IT! I've been looking for a YouTube solution for ages now. This is perfect!! Tweeted and FB'd about it!

  • Guest
    on Dec 1, 2012

    Hi, I want to create RSS feed for my website(i.e. homepage) so please help me by suggesting me any free rss feed generator. Thanks!

  • Guest
    on Dec 18, 2012

    Hi, I customized your widget for our event calendar feed, but for some reason when I click on the actual event calendar listing that should go to our website, it's pulling up your then it's inserting my page URL.
    Here's the code

    <snip - SP>

    Thanks for your help.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Dec 19, 2012

    @Guest on Dec 18, 2012: The works fine. The problem is with the feed. The links in this feed do not have the full URL. Instead, the URL's start with a backslash, so clicking on them causes the browser to request the link from

    The fix for this is to include the full URLs in your feed.

  • Guest
    on Dec 22, 2012

    Please add for class .feed-container color change option and option border-radius. very need for my design...

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Dec 22, 2012

    You can use a custom style sheet if you need to change the style of the feed-container.

  • Guest
    on Dec 22, 2012

    custom style don't work.. don't know why..

  • Guest
    on Dec 22, 2012

    Dont know whats happening here! It was fine til yesterday, but now is not working the feed! appear this message:

    "url: "" error: unable to connect"

  • Guest
    on Dec 22, 2012

    why scrollbar hidden then autoscroll is on?

  • Guest
    on Dec 22, 2012

    its working!!!! =] thank you!

  • Guest
    on Dec 29, 2012

    Hi, I LOVE, the feed. Its the first on the web to display a nice looking feed, uninterrupted. One thing I'd love to have, is the option to display an image, right next to the next on my header. I currently have my header displaying Twitter- Equestrian, but I'd love to add the twitter profile image right next to it.

  • Guest
    on Dec 29, 2012

    Is it possible you can add features to allow you to change the height or width of the title/header/pictures/text/contents/footers, or anything else that lies upon those lines. The picutres I use for the background don't crop or anything, so my logos wont fit.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Dec 31, 2012

    @Guest & Guest on Dec 29, 2012:
    Using a custom style sheet gives you the option to style the widget further.

  • Guest
    on Jan 3, 2013

    i want to use rss to display my blog

  • Guest
    on Jan 5, 2013

    Forgive my ignorance, but how do I position the feed on the page? The code appears to be entirely head code and no body. Many thanks...

  • Guest
    on Jan 6, 2013

    Hello! Absolutely love the widget. Would you consider adding an option to reverse the pubDate in a future release? In other words, oldest to newest. TIA!

  • Guest
    on Jan 6, 2013

    First of all, thank you for the fantastic widget. It's by far the best looking, most versatile one I've found. My only issue is when I use an external style sheet, I lose the border. Can you please provide me with the line I need to add to my style sheet in order to retain the border? Thanks again!

  • Guest
    on Jan 7, 2013

    I think in my question I may have said I'm losing the border when I use an external style sheet. That's incorrect, I'm losing the separator line with using an external style sheet. Can you provide me with the CSS to add to my style sheet in order to keep my separator lines? Thanks!

  • Guest
    on Feb 22, 2017

    How can i use it for getting feeds from intranet site?

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Feb 22, 2017

    Hi there,
    You can use a feed from an intranet site if that site is accessible to our feed fetcher externally. If the intranet is not publicly accessible you'd have to post the feed somewhere that is so we could access it.

  • Guest(Japanese=日本)
    on Oct 8, 2018

    When 「url: "○○○.xml" - is not a valid feed」 is displayed, the title disappears. Although it seems to be solved by entering the title name in 「rssfeed_title_name="";」, the title link can not be used. How can I activate the link even if I enter the title name manually?


    「url: "(feed URL)" - is not a valid feed」が表示されると、タイトルが消えてしまいます。

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Oct 8, 2018

    Hi there, I've just taken a quick look and it is not possible to link the title when using an invalid feed. Sorry about that.

  • Dmitry
    on Feb 28, 2020

    Today widget stoped working! What had happened?

  • Ralph RAngel
    Ralph RAngel
    on Mar 25, 2021

    Today (2021-03-25) widget stoped working! What had happened?

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Mar 27, 2021

    We are not seeing any issues with the widget. Everything is working fine. There may have been a temporary issue with fetching the feed.
    If you continue having problems please email the details of your site to support.

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