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The Top 10 Dangers in Surfing

The Risks of Surfing


Dangers Lurking in the Surf

Be afraid, be very afraid. Surfing may seem like a nice, fun, safe sport, but after reading this top 10 you'll probably never want to go near the ocean again. From crazed locals to life threatening leash tangles, it's like a horror movie out there.

If that's not put you off, let's look at some of the dangers that you might encounter when out surfing, and the scares that are lurking out there in the deep dark ocean.

1. Marine Life

Sharks just have to come top of the list. Big teeth, attacks with no warning, all that screaming and bubbling red water. The danger that a shark poses is obvious, but there are other just as dangerous marine life to keep on the look out for. These include Seals, Snakes (sea ones, obviously), Urchins, Jellyfish and Stingrays. All can be potentially life threatening.

2. Drowning

There is a very real risk of drowning while surfing. Hold-downs, getting trapped on the reef, being separated from your board and not being able to swim in, and unconsciousness through a collision are all possible causes of drowning while surfing . So remember, always go surfing with a friend who will help you out if you get into trouble.

3. Waves

Waves may look nice from the beach but can be incredibly powerful. Some are powerful enough to break bones. Wipeouts on waves are a common cause of surfing injury.

4. Locals

Sometimes the most scary thing about a surf break are the regular surfers. Locals can sometimes be unfriendly, and in some cases, outwardly aggressive. Reduce the chance of an incident with a pack of irascible locals by behaving yourself, observe surf etiquette at all times, and don't make a general nuisance of yourself. If you're not behaving yourself then you only have yourself to blame.

5. Riptides

Rips are a hazard for surfers and swimmers alike and are often present at surf spots. These strength sapping currents can sweep out to sea and to a watery grave in the blink of an eye (well, almost!).

6. Surfboards

Surfboards can be a dangerous piece of sporting equipment. Pointed at one end, with one or more switchblade like fins ready to slice anything that gets in their way. Truly the stuff of nightmares. Keep control of your board while surfing and try to keep out of it's malevolent way when you wipeout.

7. Leash Tangles

The infuriating leash is terribly annoying whilst surfing, continuously trying to wrap itself around any spare limb it can get hold of. You can rest assured that it will try to incapacitate you at the most inopportune time. The only thing so do is to make sure you have a leash with a swivel. The rest is in the hands of the gods.

8. The Sea Bed

If it's a sandy bottom it will feel like concrete if a wave pounds you down upon it. If it is a rock reef it might as well be concrete, although it will be much more jagged and likely to cause more injury that regular smooth concrete. If it is coral, you are in real trouble. First, it will cut you like a razor blade. Then it will leave tiny pieces behind to infect you for months after. Here's a tip; never, ever, fall off your board.

9. Crowds and Newbies (or possibly even worse - crowds of newbies)

The more people in the lineup, the more dangerous it becomes. Boards flying left and right, surfers using bodyboarders as speed bumps, bodyboarders using swimmers as speed bumps—you get the idea! Add newbies to the mix and it's a disaster waiting to happen.

10. Spiders

Although you are unlikely to be found in the surf, they are well worth a mention. There could be a little incy wincy lurking in your board bag, ready to give you a nasty little nip. Besides, everyone is afraid of spiders.

Don't worry, there's little to no reason to be concerned. Surfing is a safe sport and as long as you are careful, you should not encounter any problems. Judging by some of the comments, this slightly tongue in cheek article has been taken quite seriously. Please take it all with a pinch of salt!


  • Guest
    on May 1, 2011

    Now I don't what to go surfing anymore in the ocean with my guy cuzins:.(

  • Guest
    on May 7, 2011

    Way to ruin it. If you worry about what might hurt you it isn't fun anymore. Life is full of "what ifs" but you have to get over it and enjoy yourself.

  • Guest
    on May 9, 2011

    awe, don't be discouraged by just have to know what your doing. Even if your a newbie, just ask locals or experienced surfers or even google some tips. Don't worry, relax, and enjoy the sport.

  • Guest
    on May 18, 2011

    i'm 12 and a girl and want to go surfing around the world. i have been to the UK only,but i am going to surf abroad maybe in the Caribbean. The only thing that scares me is the dangerous marine life!!

  • Kaaimans
    on May 21, 2011

    Life threatening urchin. Lol. I've surfed with a 10ft great white in the water. They are like dogs, leave them alone, and 99% of them will leave you alone, freak out, punch it in the face, or in general act like prey, and you will look like prey. Even then, it is unlikely that it will attack you.
    Trust me, you are in much more danger every single time you climb into a car, or ride a bike. I've been hit by a car going 80km/h. and by the grace of God I was fairly unharmed, just road burn. No broken bones, nothing. I didn't have a helmet on and where my head it the car, where the windscreen is fastened to the car, and the iron is twice as thick, there was a huge dent, but I was unharmed.

  • Guest
    on Jul 3, 2011

    Way to not mention that the chances of getting attacked by a shark are practically slim to none.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Jul 7, 2011

    Don't take this too seriously. The chances of anything happening while surfing are quite low. You are far more likely to get injured while playing Basketball, cycling or enjoying motor sports.
    In the UK, the sport that usually has the highest fatalities is swimming, so remember that next time you go in the water it will be safer if you have your board with you!

  • Epic Guest
    Epic Guest
    on Jul 15, 2011

    I live in Ireland so I don't have to worry about sharks. But I did see some seals. I didn't know they're dangarous. The instructer said they were harmless but they might bite a little.

  • Guest
    on Aug 20, 2011

    thanks you just ruind my surf life!

  • Elizabeth
    on Sep 4, 2011

    Jellyfish seem to be in love with me. I started surfing barely a year ago, and I had to stop for nine months in between because of law school, and they've already stung me twice, and a portuguese man o war stang me once too. It really hurts at first, but if you rub the sting with sand for some time and you do not shower for a few days, it will recover fast. I'm lucky 'cause I don't sweat unless the humidity level is very high, but if you do need showering be careful not to touch the sting site with fresh water. The first one I had, I didn't know about this rule and I showered right away, and the burn-like injury took 6 whole months to fully recover. THe other two ones, I knew the rule and I did not shower until the blisters had turned into little scabs. The stings fully recovered in about a week-10 days. I do have scars now, but I feel more like a surfer because of them!

  • Guest
    on Oct 27, 2011

    Gosh i love surfing but from reading this i dont know if ill put my toes in the water ever again. The only thing ill swim in is a pool =)

  • Guest
    on Oct 28, 2011

    i did not know surfing was dangerous

  • laura
    on Nov 18, 2011

    I know that the last one is sooooo stupid

  • Guest
    on Nov 18, 2011

    this is a good web but the last one is sooo stupid
    LOL! :D

  • riana
    on Nov 18, 2011

    like lol now im scared of surfing

  • Zoltan
    on Nov 24, 2011

    Good reminder,
    All kind of sports have risk low, medium and high, so what! just take note of the dangers lurking around you, go out enjoy the sport and come back in one piece. I keep telling my eldest son watch for any dangers, do a risk assessment, go ahead and surf.

  • Guest
    on Dec 13, 2011

    i dont surf anyway i am just doing a project

  • Guest
    on Jan 26, 2012

    seems like fun and the shark problem ehh i pet them sometimes

  • lise nel
    lise nel
    on Feb 3, 2012

    Now I doin't whant to surf again

    on Feb 12, 2012

    Don't be worried by this.. More people die of bee stings and lighting strikes than shark attacks... And seriously? Spiders? This person is probebly a surfer who wants the waves to himself. Don't worry. I am starting to surfer this summer and sure I'm nervous, but I'm not going to quit. Oh and BTW for your nose and fin on your board, they make special padding for it, and locals will be friendly! They will encourage you and give you pointers unless you tick them off. Happy Surfing!:)

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Feb 13, 2012

    This article is not to scare anyone off, just to highlight some of the thing to keep in mind. It's not ment to be taken too seriously.
    Spiders was just a little joke.

  • Guest
    on Feb 16, 2012

    Wow, I was just getting interested and now I am a little scared! Thanks for everyone's reassurances though...I am still interested! Yeah, I did think that the "spiders" thing was a little overboard...but it was funny! lol

  • Guest
    on Feb 16, 2012

    I now officially am scared to death of surfing.

  • Guest
    on Feb 22, 2012

    thank you so much...i am most afraid of number ten...damn spiders! :) whomever wrote this..good job!

  • Guest
    on Mar 1, 2012

    Now im never going surfing agian

  • Guest
    on Mar 4, 2012

    i seen what people look like after wiping out over coral. NOT NICE!!

  • Guest
    on Mar 10, 2012

    never done surfing- and never will

  • Guest
    on Mar 22, 2012

    i hate surfing it so ugly

  • Guest
    on Apr 4, 2012

    Wowow, I can't wait to surf this summer,
    My dad was such a great surfer! But he doesn't surf anymore, and i've asked him for tips and he's said almost every single one! I'm so exicted and thanks! <3 <3 :)!

  • Guest
    on Apr 17, 2012

    this makes me want to go surfing thanks for the info :)

  • Guest
    on May 1, 2012

    well thats sad but i love surfing in my life:)

  • Guest
    on May 14, 2012

    omg!! im neva eva going surfing in my life if a shark comes to eat me ide cack myself, literally!!! who ever did this thing is not a nice person at all!

  • Guest
    on May 27, 2012

    It's dangerous and hard that's true. And this article is right, there's a lot of hazards but maybe it's exaggerated a bit?

  • Juliet :)
    Juliet :)
    on Jun 5, 2012

    Surfing is an amazing sport, don't worry. Just keep an eye out on what you are doing. :)
    I'm a WP JUINOR and I'm going to Jeffreys Bay to represent WP in the HURLEY NATIONAL SURFING CHAMPIONSHIPS 2012. :D :D
    Wish my luck! x

  • Mattie
    on Jun 9, 2012

    I like surfing just not going out in the deep water,but I stay kind of in the middle cause last time I caught a huge wave & I hit the sand n' my fin of my borad stabbed into my leg. 24 stitches! I surf at dog beach you may get an infection if your ingured.

  • Guest
    on Jun 10, 2012

    XD, that wont stop me surfing and it isn't discouraging, life is full of risks everywhere!!


  • Daan
    on Jul 9, 2012

    Believe me longboarding (concrete) is dangerous, but there is a minimum risk of drowning (some people are really not made for doing sports, they probably drown in a glass of water)). I never surfed the ocean only windsurfing on a lake. Now because i broke some bones doing longboarding i'm ready for ocean surfing (i live 10 min. by push bike from the ocean). But now i've red this i'm not really that sure anymore, i'm already 40 u know, i think swimming and walking is dangerous enough ;-)

  • Guest
    on Jul 15, 2012

    Really?! Driving a car or 4-wheeler is more dangerous. And seriously spiders? Sure it can be a little dangerous but for all you GROMS and newbies don't worry. I have never gotten seriously injured. Football is waaayyyy more dangerous.

  • Guest
    on Jul 15, 2012

    Newbies just ask locals for tips and if your friendly and use surf etiquette then they will help you out. Just have fun. And I have been participating in ocean sports since I was like 3. I have never even seen a shark. And spiders. Ha ha. Don't worry! Lol

  • Guest
    on Jul 17, 2012

    That's a little piece of what makes surfing fun. The adrenaline and knowing you have risks is exciting. Everything in life has it's dangers. But me and my boyfriend bought the hard exspensive boogie boards the other day and I cracked my rib off mine when the wave dug it's tip into sand and threw me into it and we both still wanna persue surfing which is even more dangerous then a little old boogie board. Surfing is too much fun to be passed up over an unlikely occurance. Just be aware and safe when you do it. :)

  • Guest
    on Aug 15, 2012

    Life threatening urchin are you for cereal?

  • Guest
    on Sep 4, 2012


  • Guest
    on Sep 22, 2012

    One day a 13 yr old girl lost her left arm from a 14ft tiger shark in Hawaii six weeks later she got back in the water and after 4-5 waves she finally caught one and said she was ready for competition. Her name is Bethany Hamilton she is now a pro surfer and has her own movie called soul surfer . She showed me that never give up . So look her up at I totally recommend this and her site to all

  • Guest
    on Oct 26, 2012

    i have never surfed and im not scared i am just doing a project my only concern is the first one shark attacks? I looked it up only 10 people each year die from shark attacks so dont be worried

  • Guest
    on Oct 30, 2012

    haha please i'll take out all the sharks in the process of learning how to surf =D

  • Guest
    on Nov 28, 2012

    My 13yo godson almost lost his leg last weekend after his board's fin sliced his femoral vein. I know he'll get back into surfing, but this stuff does happen!

  • Guest
    on Dec 27, 2012

    This is spot on, seals are always out to get you...

  • Guest
    on Jan 6, 2013

    This is stuped. The beach is a safe and fun environment for everyone. Thus guys an idiot. Spiders? Really?

  • Guest
    on Jan 11, 2013

    You are sooooo selfish and rude! Really! Keep your totally untrue nonsense to urself. Surfing has risks but ur over exaggerating! None of that is true! Thanks a lot for ruining surfing for everyone who is naive and reads this!

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jan 11, 2013

    Please don't take this article too seriously :)

  • Guest
    on Jan 29, 2013

    thats soo stupid, your fin is not sharp enough to cut you! whoever wrpte this just wants less surfers... spiders really? surfing is such a fun and safe sport nothing bad really ever happens, just a tip is to cover your head with your hands :) x

  • Guest
    on Jan 29, 2013

    and just remember that if you pray aboutit God wont let it happen :)

  • Guest
    on Feb 20, 2013

    fins cant cut you? the 30 stitches in my girlfriends head says different!

  • Guest
    on Feb 24, 2013

    I love sharks.....I went diving with them and they are completely harmless.........honestly I'm more afraid of my attic than I am of sharks.

  • Guest
    on Mar 13, 2013

    im pretty sure this was meant to be sarcastic....

  • Guest
    on Mar 14, 2013

    I really wanna try surfing but i live in canada :( lake ontario's my best bet :P

  • Guest
    on Mar 15, 2013

    hey im gonna start surfing in 2 weeks and im like 10 and after reading this im still not scared even though corals and reefs are dangerous but it like never happens but one thing that i dont like about surfing is tumblring over but i know when i start surfing it will be no big deal(depends on how big the wave is) BTW i go bitten by a spider last month not sore just a pinch so that spider thing was like just weird cause that like never happens;-)

  • Guest XAVI
    Guest XAVI
    on Apr 4, 2013

    The last one is so true one morning
    as i opened my surf bag a huge spider
    crawled in my arm

  • Chelsea
    on Apr 6, 2013

    Are you kidding me, you made a stupid top 10 scary stuff about surfing. Is it so there are no more surfers in the water. I'm 14 and love surfing and those are true but if you really like surfing and you want to do it, dont let this stupid site change your mind. It's proven fact that a cow is more likely to drown, then for a shark to attack you. Unless you do something to trigger the shark it wont come after/ Surfings an art not a sport thats the only place you can write down your emotions and no body can judge you. Your angry: Carve it up and spash it with white wash. Your sad: Just cruse and think about it. Your Happy: have fun with it.

  • Don't Worry, Be Happy
    Don't Worry, Be Happy
    on Apr 7, 2013

    If you are going to surf or do any other type of sport there are always dangers. You just need to recognize them and watch out for them. There is no need to be scared of surfing after reading this you just need to be careful.

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Apr 8, 2013

    Please read the last paragraph of this article. This is meant to be light hearted, and not to put anyone off.
    I would have thought the spiders entry would make that clear, despite people's close encounters with them in the comments.

  • surfer cape town
    surfer cape town
    on Apr 18, 2013

    hahahaha, this article is funny. Everything mentioned is true but slightly exaggerated though, lol. you need a sense of humour to surf anyways, so....this article is apt; no sense of humour..stay out the water. ;)

  • Guest
    on Apr 24, 2013

    *!$% reading all yalls coments on how surfing is deadly im goin surfing

  • surfing biarritz
    surfing biarritz
    on May 2, 2013

    Rocks are dangerous !

  • Guest
    on May 12, 2013

    I was very scared to go surfing the first time, believe me. I had just watched Soul Surfer and thought 'Sharks, sharks, sharks'. But really, I had a lot of fun. But this is very true. You can actually also prevent some of these things. You can paint the bottom of your board black and white stripes (sharks think it's poisonous fish), wear a rash guard and board shorts, and other things like that. Don't surf near a sand bar. You actually might end up surfing on one and that's okay. A lot of sea life goes out to them, so just watch out!

  • Guest
    on May 14, 2013

    Okay! no one be worried i've been surfing for 4 years, and none of these things have ever happened. Not saying it cant happen but the chances are beyond really low.

  • Guest
    on May 22, 2013

    i have been surfing a long time 6 years to be exact and im only 16 not all of these things happen guys

  • Guest
    on Jun 1, 2013

    Surfing is awesome. Everyone should give it a go at least once. I've been addicted to it for 20 years, it's the lifestyle I've chosen. Hardley ever will a surf spot have all 10 hazards associated with it; unless your thinking of paddling out at a five star high performance wave like pipeline. On average depending on the surf spot it will have about some combo 4 of these hazards associated with it. A possible 11th hazard could be freezing cold water and hypothermia. It's all worth it!

  • Guest
    on Jun 1, 2013

    I can't believe this article was taken so seriously. Obviously there are concerns when surfing but this was to lighten the mood up a bit, things mention are still quite possible with a bit of humor. I liked it lol

  • Hodad
    on Jun 2, 2013

    Surfing Sucks! Don’t try it! The local at my home break will beat you up and leave you for chum. When the locals aren’t around there are big sharks and other sea life that will beat and eat you. Seals bite like dogs but there big fang like teeth are so filthy you will catch an infection for sure. That means going to the doctors and getting several rabies shots in the stomach. It huts like hell! Sometimes they mistake your foot for a fish and chomp. Ouch!! People think dolphins are cool and they will save you from sharks. That’s BS, dolphins, seals, etc all eat fish or each other, so if you see one you know there is a shark not far away. Did you know since the great white shark protection act passed in North America that the population has exploded causing more people to get chomped in recent years than ever before. Also the razor sharp fins of the board will get you. Have you noticed how many top surfers get cut? Look at Kelly Slater’s face; he has a scar on his nose that just missed his eye. If it can happen to the 11 time world champ it can most certainly happen to you. Losing an eye would suck! You would have to walk around looking like a pirate the rest of your life. It’s best to just use the pool, much safer.

  • Guest
    on Jun 30, 2013

    Im a new surfer, im starting in a couple days!!! But this article didnt scare me at all. You just need to be aware of your surroundings, and make sure the fins on your board dont come up and cut you. Im 12 years old and 88 pounds and this didnt scare me the least bit and these waves could kill a kid that weighs 88 pounds, so dont be scared, you only live once, alright so for those of you who are scared get out in the water and YOLO


  • Guest
    on Jul 14, 2013

    Those are the dumbest reasons i have ever seen

  • Man In the Grey Suit
    Man In the Grey Suit
    on Jul 21, 2013

    Yeah its terrible please everyone dont will kill you like aids! hahahahaha clear up the lineup with these kooks...we need another shark attack on a surfer to open up the crowded kook population.

  • biff
    on Oct 2, 2013

    I have been water surfing and non of that stuff has not happened to me but I did see a shark

  • forever guest
    forever guest
    on Nov 9, 2013

    lol XD wtf im a professional surfer since 1990 and never did i go through these shits that you listed up there. and how dare you not write
    seeing a shark of at least facing
    dangerous sea creatures????
    btw that picture of the scary surf board delete it ! makes your site less professional but trashy.

  • KAYKAY ;)
    KAYKAY ;)
    on Nov 25, 2013

    Dude this is not cool. Your making it seem like surfing is super dangerous with little things, look at all the people who "survive" surfing. Your like the show 1000 ways to die bassically anything can harm you, even walking down the street can. Stop being a baby and enjoy life.

  • SW Media
    SW Media
    on Nov 26, 2013

    Please read the last paragraph and comments. #10 should have been a bit of a givaway about how serious this article should be taken

  • Guest
    on Jan 2, 2014

    None of this is true unless your surfing big waves such as mavericks up in half moon bay ca or pipeline in hawai'i

  • Guest
    on Jan 12, 2014

    LOL surfing is the safest extreme sport I have ever done, the worst injury I got was getting a cut and bruise on my leg from my fin. There was one time I almost drowned but it was like 10 feet out and heavy which is pretty rare where I live.

  • Guest
    on Feb 16, 2014

    I already knew about all this yet I still surf

  • Guest
    on Feb 19, 2014

    I was going to take my daughter surfing somewhere in Europe this summer but now I am not sure if it is worth the risk. If any thing ever happened to her, I would never forgive myself. I like knowing the worst case scenarios so I can make an educated risk assessment. Thanks

  • Guest
    on Mar 27, 2014

    I still need to surf.
    Yes it's dangerous but alot other other things are dangerous too, we use cars everyday, people die in them everyday yet others don't ever get an accident once in ther lives.
    Just enjoy the sport safely, consider all precautions and leave the rest to God, they say do your best and God will do the rest.
    **Don't forget your first-aid kit!

  • vzlaSurfer
    on Apr 16, 2014

    im scarred for life :'(

  • Guest
    on May 2, 2014

    Some of these comments are ridiculous and idiotic. Lighten up people!

    From my experience, surfing is a risky sport, but a really enjoyable one if you can tolerate a few bumps, cuts and bruises - as well as the odd bout of illness (poor water quality, for example).

    Worth remembering that many other activities carry fewer risks of injury at entry level than surfing.Think this article does a good job of highlighting some of the real dangers, but in a tongue and cheek way.

    Sure there are other articles which provide a more scientific risk appraisal and those without a sense of humour and zero appreciation of nuance should probably seek those out.

  • Guest
    on Jun 12, 2014

    This is not nice I am 16 and I am so angry surfing is fun and why would you do this. I am ashamed of this and everyone surfing is the best not read this it is rude it is upsetting if a famous surfer read this I hope no one gets scared of this

  • Guest
    on Jun 23, 2014

    Dont surf its bad for you! Sharks are man eaters. Lol

  • Jennie KC
    Jennie KC
    on Jun 24, 2014

    Thanks for giving us a heads up on what to look out for while surfing! I don't think I would ever take on big waves since I'm not a very good swimmer. Enjoyed reading some of the comments on here...

    I was a bit scared of trying out surfing since I am not a very good swimmer... but after watching Blue Crush, I actually might consider taking up surfing lessons when we visit Hawaii which is why I was googling surfing risks. It looks like a lot of fun when I was watching the movie! Saw that Soul Surfer was mentioned in the comments too... so I just might check it out.

    Jennie KC

  • the gnarly charlie girl
    the gnarly charlie girl
    on Jun 25, 2014

    I've been surfing since I was 7 years old and I've only seen a few spinner sharks and now I'm 11 years old and there is no reefs or rocks cuz I go in Florida cuz that's where I live and you don't have to worry about Sand bars or rocks also I've done gnarly Charlie surf grom surf series contest and won all of them also I have all my limbs all i get is maby a bride or two on my hips any way if u live in Florida like me go to ft.pierce inlet state park they have the best waves in the state of Florida

  • Guest
    on Jun 27, 2014

    I was gona get lessons to learn how to surf now this is freaking me out especially sharks and drowning.

  • Guest
    on Jul 6, 2014

    You failed to mention the "Butt Floss" that tends to leave the Hottie Surfers "bottomless"... jajajaja

  • i luv to surf!
    i luv to surf!
    on Jul 6, 2014

    this is such a dream crusher! half the stuff is most likely never going to happen! keep living your dreams people and don't be afraid. God is bigger than anything, ever! " keep calm and surf on! "

  • Surfer dude
    Surfer dude
    on Jul 15, 2014

    Whoever wrote this, is an complete idiot that could never actually get good at surfing. I request this post to be taken off

  • Guest
    on Jul 16, 2014

    This list is completely accurate....although by no means exhaustive. There are many more potential dangers every time you assume this enormous risk, and head out there. Everyone should stay our of the water and stop surfing ;) If you haven't started...then you should think twice...

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jul 17, 2014

    ^^ Someone gets it ;)

  • Dana Schriver
    Dana Schriver
    on Jul 29, 2014

    I've been surfing since I was 3 and I'm 15 now. These "hazards" may trigger some kind of nervousness, anxiety, or fear to get in the water and surf, but like the article said, don't take it too harshly. These dangers are meant to be taken lightly. From 12 years of surfing, sure I've gotten belly rashes, awkward suit tans, reef cuts, fin lacerations and whatnot, but it doesn't happen to everyone. In all honesty, you shouldn't be too worried about what's going to happen to you out in the water. I'm not saying, "be an idiot and do whatever the heck you want." You should always be careful, inside and outside of the water, but don't let these little things keep you from surfing. If you can get in a car and not worry about dying, then you can get on a board and not worry about dying either. The chances of getting seriously injured on land is higher than in the water, so don't reject surfing just because of this article. Give surfing a shot! I did and I enjoy every second of it :) don't let these small "dangers" keep you from experiencing the thrill of surfing!

    Side note: when you start surfing, it may be a bit unnerving and disappointing that you can't catch a wave, but don't worry. Don't look at the pro surfers in the water and think, "gosh I look like an idiot surfing like this. Why am I even doing this?" Just a friendly reminder, they were like you too once. Just give them their space, be respectful to the people in the water, and focus on getting better. Once you catch that wave, you'll be glad you didn't give up on surfing.

  • Guest
    on Aug 29, 2014

    Don't worry about this. If your a kookand you suck at surfing it wasn't meant to be. If you love it and your eager you will learn be stoked when soaked and you shall rip. And longboard before you shortboard or else you'll get discouraged

  • Guest
    on Aug 31, 2014

    the last part is tottaly true :(

  • tayzer
    on Sep 8, 2014

    Poor surfing can kill you if you don't know what your doing. That's why this is a great article it doesn't take any of the excitement out of it, it informs you of what you need to know or will learn.
    Just grow pair and get on a surfboard

  • Guest
    on Oct 15, 2014

    the only reason surfing is dangerous is if you try to surf out of your skill level or if you go to a really crouded spot. sharks are usully rare and rarly attack humans surfing can also be dangerouse if your just a kook

  • Guest
    on Oct 21, 2014

    thank you now i am not going surfing ever again

  • Guest
    on Oct 30, 2014

    Dont be discouraged.Surfing has always been fun and will remain one of the coolest sport.I always surf.As long you take safety precautions.Surfing is my life!!

  • Chris
    on Nov 2, 2014

    Man, ignore this nonsense this guy is a kook. I have surfed for 30 years and broke my tailbone once, and 3 jelly fish stings. Literally my only injuries and the tailbone was a total cataclism of factors that made it miraculously happen. Yes those 10 are all elements of the ocean but c'mon man, ready ANY research on shark attacks, sea snakes, etc... Amazing you somehow left stingrays out of the mix; clearly you don't surf because if you did 1/3 of your buddies would've been stung by one of those at some point and ZERO encounters much less bites with a shark. Such ignorant uninformed crap!

  • Guest
    on Nov 20, 2014

    toughen up ppls

  • Guest
    on Nov 22, 2014

    I've been nearly knocked out by my board, cut my vein open and almost passed out, saw sharks, scary looking seal once (never been that scared before it looked like the devil himself), many other cuts and bruises, and i'm still here after 17 years of being in the water. If you are scared of surfing, then you sure as hell should never get inside a car.

  • Guest
    on Nov 25, 2014

    guys surfing look beautiful to see

  • Guest
    on Nov 25, 2014

    to be on a wave like that looks awsome and has anyone ever seen Bethany hills

  • Guest
    on Nov 26, 2014

    surfing looks amazing don't think just because sharks might be in the water not to ever go in the water again and the spider thing that is just dumb. surfing is awsome

  • Guest
    on Dec 2, 2014

    Nothing better than being surrounded by bait by yourself surfing,and no one else out,and the suns going down.Your starting to play mind games with yourself and then bam a dolphin jumps out of the water.Scary right?Just surf and forget everything else.

  • Guest
    on Dec 26, 2014

    HHAHAH #4;) tbh I have been out with pretty scary locs before but nothing you cant deal with by saying 'I love you' while staring them straight in the eyes and then paddling away when theyre rude:)

  • Guest
    on Jan 13, 2015

    this post waayyyy to exaggerated the shark / wildlife thing is so fake and improbable and the locals being rude thing probably isnt true. i guess the tone of the text is to purposefully scare off people rather than inform :/

  • Guest
    on Feb 24, 2015

    hahahahah this is so stupid ive surfed waves with sharks inside the break with me its not a big deal and if you dont know to just take your leash off if youre tangled in it then youre not very smart this article made me want to surf more!!! #surfsup

  • Kianna
    on Feb 25, 2015

    Spiders huh?

  • Spiderman
    on Mar 1, 2015

    Thanks for not surfing!

  • junny e.
    junny e.
    on Mar 9, 2015

    Its no a big deal surfing is awesome I usually go 5 in the morning and meditate with my board underneath me then after paying my respects to the fallen surfers and the big blue thats all that matters surfing standing and riding the wave is something I live for. till sunset and the sun sits on the horizon big and beautiful just go and enjoy the things that life has to offer surfers are the truly happy people in life. Life is always awesome live it~junny

  • Guest
    on Mar 17, 2015

    Wow.surfing is just fine, leve it alone!!!!!

  • Guestt
    on Apr 17, 2015

    I wanna surf but I don't have the money to buy a board. The more dangers the more interesting. You get your adrenaline pumping

  • Dustin
    on May 4, 2015

    Lakes rivers and ocean can kill you a thousand different ways,Mother Nature bats last and she always bats a thousand ,most swimming holes have things that can eat you ,drown you ,and and traumatize you,things nobody is strong enough to defend against ,respect Mother Nature otherwise you could end up as bait.

  • Dustin
    on May 4, 2015

    You make your jokes ,dont mistake stupidly for bravery retards,you punch a great white and then it turns around and eats you ,you moron ,while your at it why u punch a killer whale or even a giant Squid something that can bite through Kevlar

  • Surfer t
    Surfer t
    on May 26, 2015

    This was the most ignorant article and list. Did you even research your topic. That felt like a waste of time.

  • dutchy
    on May 29, 2015

    i'm 56 took up surfing 3 yrs ago, afraid of sharks, surfing is to much fun to worry about what could happen, use common sense be aware stay safe, know ur limitations.

  • Guest
    on Jun 25, 2015

    I'm going to Hawaii tomorrow and I am really nervous about sharks!! My dad signed me up for surfing lessons at Waikiki beach in the morning with my Brother And Sister. I'm worried that I am going to chicken out and sit on the shore cuz I'm scared of sharks!! But I keep on hearing that there are not many sharks on Waikiki also I hear that there are too! I'm confused and I do want to surf I'm just really really nervous!!!!!

  • surf patrol
    surf patrol
    on Jun 25, 2015

    Don't worry about sharks, nothing will happen and you'll have a great time. The chances of a shark attack are miniscule.

  • mercury
    on Jul 21, 2015

    I think boxing is the only sport that some people including me actually can't watch it , because is too graphic for them , ...btw eating contests , car racings , smoking cigarettes , drinking alcohol and other similar stupid sports and activities should be banned too ....i can't believe it 57 % say boxing should not be banned , that means half of the people around us are savage , that is scary !

  • Guest
    on Jul 23, 2015

    Just bare these things in mind, don't dwell on them. Surfing wouldn't be as fun if there weren't risks, it's so adrenalizing; don't let the risks put you off. Besides, if it were that dangerous, it would be illegal. Also, think about Bethany Hamilton. When she was just 13 years old, she had her arm bitten off by a shark in a freak surfing accident. She lost over 60% of her blood by the time she reached the hospital and was dying quickly. Luckily, she recovered and returned to surfing with just one arm, just three weeks after the incident. It was a struggle at first, but since then, she has placed highly in most surf competitions, placing first in the majority.

  • Guest
    on Jul 23, 2015

    People who stop surfing because of this are wimps, seriously. WHAT ARE THE CHANCES OF THIS HAPPENING TO YOU?!?!?!!?

  • Riley
    on Jul 23, 2015

    Two reasons why I don't go surfing is 1). all the creatures that live in the ocean for example, sharks, jellyfish, and sting rays, and 2) the rips and the weather.

  • Riley
    on Jul 23, 2015

    stuff the sharks, and probably stuff the jellyfish, I'm going to get my butt in a wetsuit and on a board to get surfing. thanks alot.

  • Guest
    on Aug 4, 2015

    Local paddles at me,saying I stole his wave or some bullshit, I wrap my legs around him and push down. Sucker panics and starts yelling that I was trying to kill him, he and his friends all paddle away and I get the peak for the next hour.

  • Guest
    on Sep 25, 2015

    this is a kook (people who dont know how to surf or what they are talking about) site

  • Guest
    on Sep 26, 2015

    Someone doesn't know what a kook is ^^

  • Guest
    on Oct 3, 2015

    This ruined everything fun about surfing

  • Guest
    on Oct 16, 2015

    I went to the beach first time after about 30yrs first time being in my teens , and now im 48 i would like to buy or make a surfboard , my only problem is im a short distant swimmer so that posses a rish of me dtowning , so im counting on a good LEASE , i found it interesting all yhe reasons posted for the lease were for the obvious keeping your board within distance , but HECK that lease saves lifes i would think , if a shark bites one of your legs and drakes it your going to need that leash or if you get knocked unconcious from the brake of big wave thats going to work as your locater , if your legs get tied up in sea weed , which i experiènced leaves your legs in a struggle and could take a lot out of you untaggling them now if you had to swimm after to recover your board at shore , you might not make it but the lease helps you to recover because you board works as a life ring on a rop , So i would think they save LIFE.

  • Guest
    on Oct 16, 2015

    Its the surfers EGO way many dont say much about the leash saving a life.

  • Guest
    on Nov 4, 2015

    I realise this forum is mainly for surfers, but I prefer bodyboarding, the big foam board is less likely to mess you up, and I can get out back much quicker with my fins. I bodyboard in NZ. It's pretty safe here, as far as things that can kill you goes.

  • Guest
    on Nov 5, 2015

    I just started surfing this summer, but i've taken lessons prior. As long as you know what you are doing, you are perfectly fine. These things aren't likely to happen . don't think about the bad. Once you are out there riding a wave, you're having the time of your life!

  • Guest
    on Nov 15, 2015

    what a rubbish article

  • Kylee
    on Nov 16, 2015

    I love the idea of surfing. But my only problem is the sharks and the jellyfish. I've encountered a 6 foot hammer head and a 5 foot sand shark. The sand shark swam above my uncles feet, and the six foot was only 3 feet away. Plus, I've been stung by a jelly fish twice at the same time, and pinched by a crab twice at the same time. That is why I hate the beach. But thats also why Im scared to surf.

  • Guest
    on Dec 3, 2015

    Surfing is not worth it, trust me. DO NOT try it.

    People who say don't worry about sharks live in places without clear water. They really are everywhere.

    Drowning is no joke...

  • Sharky
    on Mar 29, 2016

    Smog Deaths Vs Shark Attack Deaths:

  • Guest
    on Mar 31, 2016

    I want to surf in hawaii it is my dream after watching the movie soul surfer. Bethany hamilton is one of the most bravest people ive seen. All i want is to win the lottery lol move to hawaii and surf the hawain island reginols. And also get in the action of the rip curl competiption. My heart breaks when i think to my self that im not a surfer yet i have lots of dreams and the next day there gone. But when i think about surfing and wake up the next day its still there and since it is why not go along with it and maybe it means i could really surf. I really want to meet bethany hamilton and maybe and yes just maybe she could become my surfing coach i understand this is alout to ask for but im following my dreams and stepping out into the big awesome world. I just turned 14 and i really am ready to get out there and get on that surf board if bethany hamilton can surf with one arm i can most definitly surf with 2 arms and catch waves so every one follow your dreams and rememeber its YOUR dream so dont worry if your asking for to much because its your life and its your dream and u make the dicisions.

  • Just be careful
    Just be careful
    on Apr 2, 2016

    If you take it carefully, you'll be okay. Know your limitations and surf to your current skill level. If you go about it recklessly you may end up in the emergency room.

  • Guest
    on Apr 7, 2016

    Rip tides won't get you killed as long as you don't panic and wait for rescue

  • Guest
    on Apr 19, 2016

    Spiders and other creatures in your board bag are for real. A friend of mine picked up a scorpion hitchhiker from his board bag and unwittingly took it out for a session. It probably clung to his hair, but he didn't notice until it stung him on the paddle in. Check your bag!

  • Guest
    on May 15, 2016

    I think whoever wrote this article was trying to make an even 10 so they randomly put "spiders". They probably have never even been to the ocean

  • Guest
    on May 19, 2016

    This info is quite up front but is so true :)

  • Guest
    on May 29, 2016

    I'm a ten year old girl surfer and these aren't going to stop me from surfing at all. Why would there be spiders in the ocean?

  • Guest
    on Aug 3, 2016

    I love surfing no matter what!!

  • Guest
    on Sep 2, 2016

    I love surfing no matter what!!

  • Guest
    on Sep 19, 2016

    My daughter does surfing. She's 7 yrs old. Dad doesn't agree.

  • Matt Z
    Matt Z
    on Dec 20, 2016

    This list is SO over exaggerated. Big wave surfers and surfers pushing limits and who surf shallow reefs yeah maybe. Most guys surfing chilled beach breaks, even when not that small? Really not much danger involved. And it gets less dangerous the more you surf because you get stronger and know what you're doing more. Don't let this list put you off! Surfing is WAY better than the very small risk involved. I've surfed for years and had only a few minor injuries. Hell I've had worse injuries running, mountain biking, even playing soccer than I have surfing.

  • Guest
    on Dec 21, 2016

    Did you read what's written at the end of the article Matt Z?

  • Raffy Doe
    Raffy Doe
    on Jan 30, 2017

    Just came back from a beach trip which also allowed me to try surfing.
    Please do not attempt surfing on your own even if you know how to skateboard. This is a different story. Even if you can swim. just make sure you don't pass out from all those waves slamming you. I almost died and couldn't be rescued. so, I decided to stay calm and wait for the right moment where the waves will carry you and your board towards the shore. don't let it point towards the shore as the it will only get you and your board sucked away after every passing wave. Do not try to resist it, Mother nature can take anyone's life whenever she wants to. What saved me? I'm a very calm person. i knew that if I panicked, my child will suffer. calm yourself and pull your shit together and think, breathe normally.
    When I was able to touch the sand, i hurriedly got out of the shore and hugged my wife and son. Told myself that I ain't going to do that again! XD

  • Gabe
    on Feb 11, 2017

    Like all outdoor sports, if it's not dangerous, it's not worth doing.

  • upendra
    on Feb 23, 2017

    Surfing is a art . dangers are in everyone .
    We will one win

  • someone
    on Mar 8, 2017

    wow does not scare me at all! get some better things to scare people also spiders really that is sooooo unlikely

  • Guest
    on Mar 18, 2017

    The person who wrote this has NEVER surfed. Sharks are #1? Nope. Maybe #85 on the list. 1st off be humble. You weren't good at standing on stable ground the first time you tried- standing on a board moving in any direction on a fluid medium won't be any easier. #2 be patient. Surfing is hard. That's why we admire people who surf better than us. #3 LOOK AROUND YOU. Are you doing what other people are doing? If you're not, then you're probably a hazard. People sit in certain spots in the water for very particular reasons. #s 4 and 5- smile and say sorry if you are new and mess up someone's day/wave. And ask questions. If you ruined a wave for someone, politely ask where you should be. (It might be on the beach or somewhere else, a great indicator that you're in the water at a skilled surfer only spot, in which case you pose a safety concern). There is always a beginner wave somewhere and it might just be down the beach 100 yards.

  • Siena
    on Apr 12, 2017

    I just wanted to say that this doesn't scare me at all I love surfing so much it's been about 4 years now and really spiders I have about 5 or 6 under my bed at night and couldn't care less as a surfer I've been through some of these challenges and I'm still alive! So surfers just go out there and have fund it's a passion a way of life we should not be afraid!

  • Siena Kimble
    Siena Kimble
    on Apr 12, 2017

    This does not scare me at all I love surfing it's my passion my way of life its been more than 4 years now,and nothing will stop me from that and the spiders really I have like 5 or 6 under my bed at night and they couldn't care at all and sharks look at Bethany Hamilton she is having a better life than she had before because she chose to be happy and exempt the ways of the ocean it calms me and makes me feel one with nature and the ocean so surfers just go out there and do what you got to do and be more amped than before and give it your best because one day you will think "oh cap I could have been like Kelly Slater or..." so take that chance like I am!

  • Funny Stuff here
    Funny Stuff here
    on Apr 26, 2017

    I surfed for 30 years and yea got a few bumps and bruises but nothing serious. Dont surf now because Im getting older and not as interested but fish alot. Surfing is an awesome sport and as you get better you learn tricks of the trade. This is a well crafted article, a bit exagerrated but a fun read. Go surf if you want to surf.

  • Fractures
    on May 27, 2017

    The broken bones part is no joke though. I just broke my Humerus bad. 4 foot wave with great force can do it. I wiped out and got pounded into a shallow sandbar. My right arm got buried in sand. There was another wave right behind it that rolled me while my arm was stuck. Freak accident, but this stuff happens.

  • spaced out
    spaced out
    on Jul 23, 2017

    Putting marine life ahead of drowning is idiotic! In the United States 3536 people die a year from drowning compared to a half a person a year by a shark. So for every 7072 people who drowned here, one person is killed by a shark.

  • Guest
    on Aug 14, 2017

    haha this really isn't gunna encourage you if ure an arachnophobia! LOL :D

  • Guest
    on Aug 19, 2017

    The #1 cause of death in surfers is skin cancer. Wear sunscreen. Reapply often - at least every 2 hours, more frequently even better. "Skin cancer kills more surfers than drownings and is the #1 cause of death in surfers." From National Surf Schools and Instructors Association and "A study done by a group of dermatologists at a surf competition showed almost 75% of surfers, who had a median age of 30, either already had skin cancer or were well on their way to developing it!" From “Surf Survival, The Surfer’s Health Handbook”

  • Marcus
    on Jan 5, 2018

    I just wanted to learn this sport but i did not know that it is that dangerous!!! Maybe I‘ll skip to skateboarding or fishing. Thanks a lot for the informatiry article!

  • Llama
    on Jan 30, 2018

    AHA! I'm going surfing soon, so wish me luck lol. If your scared of surfing then continue internet surfing.

  • sucad
    on Feb 6, 2018

    i got a shark attack and never went swimming after that or go near ocean

  • Guest
    on Feb 19, 2018

    I surf a lot and all this things scares me to death but dont worry if someone is with you its going to be all right! So surf as you never did! A quote a would say is: "You can't stop the waves but you can learn how to surf"

  • The one and only Guest
    The one and only Guest
    on Feb 23, 2018

    you do know more people die from cows than sharks and sharks will only attack you if they mistake you for a seal or you just tick them off. So what is this on about. Cows are more dangerous but we don't have websites about them polluting the atmosphere with greenhouse gases. here is proof as well. Oh and by the way I am a child and I know way more than this website.

  • Guest
    on Feb 28, 2018

    Hey! This is so discouraging on so many levels! And btw, not everyone is afraid of spiders!

  • Guest
    on Apr 4, 2018

    i surf everyday without many dangers. if you dont think about them too much youll be okay. a ginat elephnat seal bumped my dad off his board just for fun and made some wieird noises, then swam away and a guy at my surf spot got bit in te leg by a small shark but it barly needed stitches.
    its all worth it after your first waves

  • Guest
    on Apr 24, 2018


  • Sunday P
    Sunday P
    on Jun 23, 2018

    Does the river flowing down ward end up at a waterfall...?
    The surfer is basically surfing against the flow right? Curious...

  • ken
    on Jun 28, 2018

    surf everyday

  • Bailey Roberts
    Bailey Roberts
    on Sep 3, 2018

    Look, I am very concerned about the image you are potraying towards surfing, for the record I have never come across any spiders in my board bag.

  • Jim Bradley
    Jim Bradley
    on Oct 5, 2018

    As one who has widely researched the safety aspect of surfing before applying to make School Surfing accepted as an in school time sport, first in NSW and subsequently later nationally across Australia, allow me to simply say this article is wrong in nearly all aspects.
    Surfing when compared to contact (combat) sports like rugby union, rugby league even soccer or for that matter netball, requires far less hospital medical interventions over a given number of hours played.
    The stats for Australia and the USA as published in past relevant peer medical journals establish that fact beyond debate.
    Deaths in School Surfing over the past 38 years are zero. Deaths in the combat school sports are certainly more than zero with severe life long turning-injuries affecting spinal, hip and knee functions would be in the hundreds if not thousands over the same period.
    This article is simply sensationalist and should be retracted or seriously edited.
    Thanks for the chance to comment.

  • guest
    on Nov 4, 2018

    guys trust me the chances of getting hurt while surfing is really rare

  • angie
    on Nov 4, 2018

    omg i never knew surfing was that dangerous.
    i used to love it and ive always wanted to surf but now i dont even want to touch the board.

  • Dave
    on Dec 1, 2018

    In 30 years of surfing I got hit once by my own longboard. That's it. This has to be a joke. It's more dangerous at your local bar....with your drunk friends than out in the ocean.

  • Guest
    on Feb 8, 2019

    This is the most stupid article i ever see.
    Surf is the best sport ever, the contact with the sea its awesome, healthy.
    Who dont go surfing because of this reason it 's completely stupid.

  • Guest
    on Apr 29, 2019

    Surf in the shallow waters if you are scared then .

  • Guest
    on May 22, 2019

    Guys, there is like a 1% chance any of these things will happen

  • Always cold
    Always cold
    on Jun 14, 2019

    Learn to surf before you surf.
    Understand the etiquette and be smart.
    It is a dangerous activity.
    The greatest threat is the fact that it's dynamic and not static. Meaning conditions are always moving and changing and things can become dangerous quickly.
    I have personally assisted several people through the years caught in rips and such.
    The most important thing you can learn is how to get out safely, respect the line up and know your place.
    I learned everything I know about surfing by letting more advanced surfers have priority... and observed everything from wave choice to take off. Bring respect and earn respect

  • bob
    on Sep 23, 2020

    you are safer in the surf than you are in a car or on a bike

  • ARMY758
    on Oct 9, 2020

    The last one though, lmao. Stream Dynamite

  • trinity
    on Oct 23, 2020

    Thanks for this information now when i want to go swimming or surfing ill know what to look out for in the furture so i wont get badly injure.

  • James Kleidon
    James Kleidon
    on Oct 25, 2020

    Do your research there are many things available for safety when surfing for etc shark eye and shark band

  • guest 181
    guest 181
    on Mar 3, 2021

    Why is nature a challenge that surfers face during surfing?

  • guest 181
    guest 181
    on Mar 3, 2021

    Why is man-made interference a challenge that surfers face during surfing?

  • Guest
    on Mar 3, 2021

    Why is self-inflicted wounds a challenge that surfers face during surfing?

  • Guest
    on Apr 15, 2021

    Right, I have 4 boards to sell, small bottom bumps not due to bodyboarders the occasional regular dropin in my lefts and some water spiders.

  • Guest
    on Aug 9, 2021

    Just lost someone i know... he’d been surfing for over 10 years and knew what he was doing, but drowned.. paramedics tried to resuscitate him but unfortunately he could not be saved.. Im sure it’s a fun sport but please be careful.

  • Julie
    on Sep 21, 2021

    I was once stuck in a really rough typhoon swell waves. There were lots of plastics floating on the wipeouts. That is one thing I was shocked in the ocean. I saw a group of dolphins jumpin' in new port beach today while a dawn patrol. Lol. *surfergirl motivated by Sky Brown

  • tiana
    on Oct 8, 2021

    i enjoy going to the beach to body surf and snorkel
    once i went snorkling and i got stung a jelly fish and wash it with really hot water and it went away that same day and heres a fact vineager does NOT HELP THE STING IT MAKES IT WORSE!!

  • TSurf
    on Nov 29, 2021

    This was definitely written by a selfish surfer looking to scare off anyone interested in competing for waves.

  • aisian boy
    aisian boy
    on Dec 7, 2021

    ok cool

  • Guest
    on Mar 15, 2022

    you guys are over reacting they did not mean it to scare you just to make you notice what you are dealing with in the water. you all wrote like 5 paragraphs to make a point that no one will see

  • Guest
    on Aug 17, 2022

    It's all these reasons combined that make it fun if there wasn't risk of drowning or getting eaten alive it wouldn't be so fun feeling the fear an pushing yourself to overcome it is what releases endorphins serotonin an adrenaline this is why surfing is such a addictive sport people saying these are just to scare people off of surfing couldn't be more wrong these are the things ghat make surfing rewarding

  • surfer of sc
    surfer of sc
    on Sep 15, 2022

    there is a higher chance of getting struck by lightning than getting bitten by a shark

  • Jenni
    on Sep 30, 2022

    Thanks for the heads up. All true. Worth noting

  • Guest London
    Guest London
    on Oct 8, 2022

    I got sucked into a riptide. It was scary but thankfully other surfers came to my rescue. I’ve swam with many sharks. They don’t bother you at all. Oh and I’ve had the leash try and rip my leg off and been smacked by another surfboard. It’s all good fun. Falling off a skateboard hurts worse.

  • Guest
    on Jan 30, 2023

    This might be my favourite article online. And the comments, oh man. It seems all the edgy commenters have stolen all the salt from the ocean. Over a decade of people who just don't get it. Wow. Anyway, I hope I remember to check this article out in 10 years to see the new angry comments <3

  • Guest
    on May 8, 2023

    I have to surfing is one of many water sports, that im scared of ugh...

  • Guest
    on May 25, 2023

    The person who wrote this has NEVER surfed. Sharks are #1? Nope. Maybe #85 on the list. 1st off be humble. You weren't good at standing on stable ground the first time you tried- standing on a board moving in any direction on a fluid medium won't be any easier. #2 be patient. Surfing is hard. That's why we admire people who surf better than us. #3 LOOK AROUND YOU. Are you doing what other people are doing? If you're not, then you're probably a hazard. People sit in certain spots in the water for very particular reasons. #s 4 and 5- smile and say sorry if you are new and mess up someone's day/wave. And ask questions. If you ruined a wave for someone, politely ask where you should be. (It might be on the beach or somewhere else, a great indicator that you're in the water at a skilled surfer only spot, in which case you pose a safety concern). There is always a beginner wave somewhere and it might just be down the beach 100 yards.

  • Guest
    on May 25, 2023

    Dude this is not cool. Your making it seem like surfing is super dangerous with little things, look at all the people who "survive" surfing. Your like the show 1000 ways to die bassically anything can harm you, even walking down the street can. Stop being a baby and enjoy life.

  • Lilly
    on Apr 27, 2024

    Surfing is the best sport there is and really people, don’t let a shark or a big wave scare you away from the best experience in the world. (My opinion)

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