Patient and Family Education
We want you to have all the information you and your child need to understand your child’s condition and to participate in treatment. This page provides links to resources that we hope will be helpful.
Resources at Seattle Children’s
- What to Expect at Your Urology Appointment
- How to Prepare for Your Visit
- Transportation and lodging
- Hospital Services
- Paying for Care
- Social Work
Condition-Specific Resources
- Bedwetting (PDF) (Spanish)
- Bladder Exstrophy (PDF) (Dari) (Spanish)
- Buried Penis (PDF) (Amharic) (Arabic) (Oromo) (Portuguese) (Russian) (Simplified Chinese) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Daytime Wetting (PDF) (Spanish)
- Hydronephrosis (PDF) (Dari) (Russian) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Hypospadias (PDF) (Russian) (Simplified Chinese) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Kidney Stones (PDF) (Arabic) (Dari) (Russian) (Spanish)
- Latex Allergy (PDF) (Russian) (Spanish)
- Penile Adhesions: Treatment Options (PDF) (Dari) (Spanish)
- Phimosis (PDF) (Spanish)
- Retractile Testicles (PDF) (Spanish)
- Undescended Testicles (PDF) (Amharic) (Arabic) (Farsi) (French) (Russian) (Simplified Chinese) (Somali) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction (UPJ) (PDF) (Spanish)
- Urinary Reflux (also called vesicoureteral reflux or VUR) (PDF) (Dari) (Spanish)
- Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) (PDF) (Russian) (Spanish)
- UTI Female
Resources about Treatments, Tests and Procedures
- Biofeedback for Pelvic Floor Relaxation (PDF) (Spanish)
- Bladder Enlargement (Augmentation) Surgery (PDF) (Dari) (Spanish)
- Botox for Bladder and Sphincter Control (PDF) (Spanish)
- Gentamicin Bladder Irrigation (PDF) (Spanish)
- Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery (PDF) (Dari) (Spanish)
- Mitrofanoff Channel (PDF) (Dari) (Spanish)
- Orchiopexy Repair (PDF) (Amharic) (Arabic) (Dari) (Farsi) (Portuguese) (Russian) (Simplified Chinese) (Somali) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Spica Cast (PDF)
- Lasix Renal Scan (PDF) (Amharic) (Korean) (Russian) (Spanish)
- Nuclear Voiding Cystogram (PDF)
- Ultrasound (PDF)
- Urodynamics Study (UDS): Preparing Your Child for a Bladder Test (PDF) (Dari) (Russian) (Spanish)
- What to Expect When You Come for the Urodynamics Study at Seattle Children's (PDF) (Dari) (Spanish)
- Uroflow Tests (PDF) (Spanish)
- Voiding Cysto Urethrogram (VCUG) (PDF) (Dari) (Russian) (Spanish)
Preparing for Procedures
- Seattle Children’s: Before Procedure Checklist (PDF) (Russian) (Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese)
- Hibiclens Bathing Instructions for the Night Before Surgery (PDF) (Arabic) (Portuguese) (Russian) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- What to Expect on Your Surgery Day at Seattle Children’s Surgery Center (PDF) (Spanish)
- What to Expect on Your Surgery Day at Seattle Children’s Bellevue Clinic and Surgery Center (PDF) (Spanish)
- Surgery Day for Me Coloring Book (PDF)
- What to Expect When You Come for Your CEVUS at Seattle Children's (PDF)
- What to Expect When You Get a Contrast Enema at Seattle Children’s Bellevue Clinic and Surgery Center (PDF)
- What to Expect When You Get a VCUG (Voiding Cysto Urethrogram) at Seattle Children’s (PDF)
- What to Expect When You Get a VCUG (Voiding Cysto Urethrogram) at Seattle Children's Bellevue (PDF)
At-Home Care
- Care After Inguinal Hernia Surgery in Urology (PDF) (Russian) (Spanish)
- Circumcision: Care After Surgery (PDF) (Amharic) (Arabic) (Dari) (French) (Portuguese) (Russian) (Simplified Chinese) (Somali) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Circumcision Photo Guide: What to Expect After Surgery (PDF) (Amharic) (Arabic) (Dari) (Oromo) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Cystoscopy: Care After Procedure (PDF) (Spanish)
- How to Care for Your Child After Hernia and Testicular Surgery (Video, 2:30) (Spanish)
- How to Care for Your Child After Penile Surgery (Video, 1:30) (Spanish)
- How to Care for Your Child After Urologic Surgery (Video, 1:30) (Spanish)
- Hydrocele Repair: Care After Surgery (PDF) (Arabic) (Dari) (Japanese) (Russian) (Simplified Chinese) (Spanish) (Ukrainian)
- Hypospadias Repair: Care After Surgery (PDF) (Arabic) (Pashto) (Russian) (Simplified Chinese) (Spanish) (Ukrainian) (Vietnamese)
- Meatal Stenosis: Care After Surgery (PDF) (Spanish)
- Penile Surgery (PDF) (Amharic) (Arabic) (French) (Pashto) (Russian) (Simplified Chinese) (Somali) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Posterior Urethral Valves (PUV) (PDF) (Spanish)
- Urinary Reflux Reimplant: Care after Surgery (PDF) (Dari) (Spanish)
- Using Steroid Cream to treat Phimosis (Video, 2:24)
- Vesicostomy: Care After Surgery (PDF) (Spanish)
Catheter Care
- Clean Intermittent Catheterization Through the Urethra or a Mitrofanoff Stoma (PDF) (Dari) (Russian) (Somali) (Spanish)
- Foley Catheter Care (PDF) (Dari) (Spanish)
- Indwelling Urinary Catheter Care (PDF) (Spanish)
- Suprapubic Catheter Care (PDF) (Spanish)
- Suprapubic and Mitrofanoff Catheter Care (PDF) (Dari) (Spanish)
- How to Change a Suprapubic Catheter (PDF) (Spanish)
General Urology Resources
Recommended Reading
- Acute Pain (PDF) (Amharic) (Arabic) (Chinese) (Dari) (Japanese) (Oromo) (Russian) (Somali) (Spanish) (Vietnamese)
- Food and Drinks That May Irritate Your Child’s Urinary Tract (PDF) (Spanish)
- High Fiber Foods (PDF)
- Bristol Stool Chart (PDF) (Spanish)
- Toileting Tips: How to Teach Your Child Good Potty Habits (PDF) (Simplified Chinese) (Spanish)
- Books and Websites about Bladder and Bowel Health (PDF)
- Helping Children Take Medicine (PDF) (Spanish)
External links
- Association for the Bladder Exstrophy Community (ABC)
- Care of the Uncircumcised Penis (American Association of Pediatrics)
- Circumcision: Frequently Asked Questions (American Association of Pediatrics)
- Circumcision: Should I Keep My Son’s Penis Natural? (Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center)
- Potty MD
- How to Do a Testicular Self-Exam (Slideshow) – KidsHealth
- Testicular Self-Exam - Young Men’s Health
- (American Urological Association)
- Constipation and Encopresis Video (5:46) (Children’s Hospital Colorado)
- Mitrofanoff Catheterization Demonstration Video (2:43)
Contact Us
For more information, contact Urology at 206-987-2509. If you would like an appointment, ask your child’s primary care provider for a referral.
Providers, see how to refer a patient.